General Contractor / Design Builder
Project No. 4870/A4L-387/962400
general contractor / design builder



PROJECT NO. 4870/A4L-387/962400


Additional Mandatory Prequalification Conference:
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 @ 2:30 PM
Submittal Due Date:
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2014 @ 4:00 PM
University of California, San Diego
Facilities Design & Construction
10280 N. Torrey Pines Rd. Ste. 470
La Jolla, CA 92037 / Rhonda C. Mitchell
UCSD FD&C Contracts Manager
(858) 822-3126

Page 1 of 56 Addendum No. 1: 9-16-10

General Contractor / Design Builder
Project No. 4870/A4L-387/962400




A. Project Description 3

B. Project Timing 3

C. Prequalification Process 3

1. Questionnaire 4

2. Mandatory Prequalification Conference 4

3. Submittal Procedures and Deadline 4

4. Rating and Evaluation Procedures 5

5. Interview 7

6. Tentative Proposal Schedule (RFP) 8

D. Joint Ventures 7


A. Company Name and Address 9

B. Contact Information 9

C. Entity Submitting this Prequalification Questionnaire 9

D. Type of Business Organization 9

E. Year Company was Established 10

F. Parent Company Information (if applicable) 10

G. List All Former Company Names 10

H. License 11

I. Design Firm 12

J. Labor Code Violations 12

K. Unsettled Warranties or Claims 12


A. Surety 14

B. Financial Capability 15

C. Financial Data 15

D. Insurance 16

E. Experience Modification Rate 17


1. Contractor Construction Experience (Contractor Only) 17

2. Design Experience (Design Firm Only) 29


A. Construction Project Manager Qualifications (For Contractor) 41

B. Project Engineer Qualifications (For Contractor) 42

C. Superintendent Qualifications (For Contractor) 43

D. Principal-In-Charge Qualifications (For Design Firm) 44

E. Project Manager Qualifications (For Design Firm) 45

F. Project Design Professional Qualifications (For Design Firm) 46




Page 48 of 49

Re-issued 9/23/14

General Contractor / Design Builder
Project No. 4870/A4L-387/962400

Page 48 of 49

Re-issued 9/23/14

General Contractor / Design Builder
Project No. 4870/A4L-387/962400


A.  Project Description

The project consists of two (2) separate parts: Peterson Hill Stairway/Wheeled Bypass and Grove Path Connection. Peterson Hill stair and wheeled bypass improvements include a new concrete walk and a series of staircases at Peterson Hill, ADA accessible stair and ramp, earthen swale for water quality improvement, Eucalyptus Grove restoration, wayfinding signage and lighting to meet campus standards. The grove path connection improvements include a path parallel to the Library Walk for cyclists, to enhance the path connection to Peterson Hill, Eucalyptus Gove restoration, widening the asphalt path, adding an earthen swale along Mandeville Lane for water quality improvement, way-finding signage, and lighting to meet campus standards.

Project Delivery: Design Build

Estimated Construction Cost: $1.2 Million

B.  Project Timing

The Project will proceed in phases:




The Project will commence with a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for Phase 1 immediately upon selection and award of the Contract. The anticipated Contract Time is seven (7) months from the NTP of Phase 1 to project completion. The Contract Time will include both completion of the Design Documents, Construction Documents and the actual construction of the project (Phase 3).

C.  Prequalification Process

The design build delivery process requires the prequalification of a responsible contractor and design firm working together as a “design build team.” The University will review the design build teams Prequalification Questionnaires and the five (5) most qualified design build teams evaluated by committee will be invited to participate in the oral interview process. Combined with the questionnaire scores, the top three (3) highest scoring teams will be considered the “best qualified” teams and designated as the only teams eligible to participate in the solicitation process.

The successful Contractor will be responsible for retaining a California licensed design professional to provide design development, construction documents and related work required to construct the project as described and specified in the Contract Documents.

The successful Contractor will provide both design and construction services. Each member of the design build team shall comply with the laws of the State of California. The Contractor shall hold all required licenses and be the financially responsible entity for bonding and insurance.

To prequalify for the proposal process, a prospective Contractor must meet all of the requirements described in this questionnaire and in the oral interview. The purpose of the Prequalification Questionnaire is to provide the University with sufficient information to determine if a Contractor is both experienced and “responsible.” The term “responsible” refers to trustworthiness, quality, fitness, capacity, experience, financial stability, and the ability to satisfactorily perform the work.

The prequalification process is as follows:

1.  Questionnaire

Provide all requested information, as applicable, on the questionnaire. Any prospective Contractor failing to do so may be deemed non-responsive with respect to the prequalification process for this project. All information submitted for prequalification evaluation will be considered official information acquired in confidence, and the University will maintain its confidentiality to the extent permitted by law.

Availability of Prequalification Questionnaires: Prequalification Questionnaires are available for interested Contractors at:; Contracting Opportunities, Work Available for Bid

2.  Mandatory Prequalification Conference

Contractors interested in prequalifying to propose on this project are required to attend one the Mandatory Prequalification Conferences. An additional meeting will be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014, beginning promptly at 2:30 PM.

ANY Contractor failing to sign in on the official attendance sheet at the pre-qualification conference will not be eligible to participate in the prequalification process.

Participants shall meet at:
Facilities Design & Construction
10280 North Torrey Pines Road, Suite 466
La Jolla, CA 92037

3.  Submittal Procedures and Deadline

Contractors interested in prequalifying to propose on this project must submit a completed Prequalification Questionnaire. The University is not responsible for any costs that Contractors may incur to complete the prequalification process. All applicable portions of the attached forms shall be completed with attachments if the space provided on the questionnaire is not sufficient. Questionnaires failing to clearly present all of the requested information, or THAT ARE NOT in the format requested may be considered non-responsive and rejected on that basis. Each copy of the submittal must be complete and fully responsive to the requirements of the Prequalification Questionnaire.

Last day to ask questions to clarify submittal requirements: 4:00 PM, Friday, September 26, 2014.

Address all questions to: Rhonda C. Mitchell, Contracts Manager

Tel.: (858) 822-3126; Email:

Prequalification Questionnaires must be received at:

Hand Delivery or Overnight Express Carrier: / US Mail:
University of California, San Diego
Facilities Design & Construction
10280 North Torrey Pines Road, Suite 465
La Jolla, CA 92037 / University of California, San Diego
Facilities Design & Construction
9500 Gilman Drive 0916
La Jolla, CA 92093-0916

Provide one (1) original, and four (4) copies, and one (1) electronic (pdf) CD/DVD copy of the Prequalification Questionnaire. Submittals must be received at the above address no later than 4:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2014.

Prequalification Questionnaires must be submitted in 3-ring binders with tabs indicating all appropriate sections. Attachments must be placed behind the appropriate tabs. The front of the binders must indicate the Contractor’s name and address using the following format:


Company Name and Address:

Project No. 4870/A4L-387/962400

Project Name: University Center Bike & Pedestrian Improvements

Due Date and Time: 4:00 PM, Wednesday, October 1, 2014.

Contractors shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Prequalification Questionnaires. Oral, telephonic, facsimile, telegraphic, or e-mailed Prequalification Questionnaires are invalid and will not be accepted. No prequalification documents will be accepted after the due date and time. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA OR ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DUE DATE AND TIME UNLESS SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED BY THE UNIVERSITY.

4.  Rating and Evaluation Procedures

A. To be considered for prequalification, a prospective Contractor must:

1.  LICENSE: Hold the proper license(s) in good standing, current and active.

2.  SURETY: Submit a notarized statement from the proposed surety(ies) that states:

a.  Contractor’s current available bonding capacity meets or exceeds the minimum capacity described in the Questionnaire. (Must meet or exceed $1,200,000)

b.  Contractor’s total bonding capacity.

c.  Surety(ies) proposed to be used on the project is an admitted surety insurer as defined in the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120.

d.  Surety (ies) acknowledges its intent to provide bonding of the Project in the event Contractor is awarded the Project.

1.  FINANCIAL DATA: Have an average of at least $5,000,000 for the past five (5) years, and must be equal to or greater than $5,000,000 for the past four (4) years.

3.  INSURANCE: Submit a written declaration from its insurance agent/broker/carrier stating that the Contractor is able to obtain insurance that meets or exceeds the limits and ratings required for this project. Submit a copy of Contractor’s insurance certificate.

4.  DESIGN BUILD TEAM EXPERIENCE: Have sufficient project experience for the Design-Build team as referenced in the Questionnaire. The projects submitted will receive points based on the extent to which they meet the listed criteria.

5.  KEY PERSONNEL: Demonstrate adequate experience for Design-Build team Key Personnel as referenced in Item IV (information submitted will receive points based on experience).

6.  declaration: Certify that all requested information is current, accurate, and complete.

B. To be considered for prequalification, a prospective Design-Build team, including any proposed joint venture partners, must not have:

1.  EXPERIENCE MODIFIER RATE (page 15): An Experience Modifier Rate (EMR: Workers’ Comp) injury rating above 1.0 for the past five (5) years.

2.  SURETY: A surety required to complete work on any contract within the past ten (10) years.

3.  CONTRACTOR LICENSE BOARD DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS: A Contractors State License Board disciplinary action in the past ten (10) years.

4.  LABOR CODE VIOLATIONS: Willful Labor Code violations including, but not limited to, repeated or willful violations of applicable laws and/or regulations pertaining to the payment of prevailing wages or employment of apprentices during the past ten (10) years.

5.  UNSETTLED WARRANTIES OR CLAIMS: Pending or unsettled warranties.

After review of the Prequalification Questionnaire, the University may request clarifying information. The Questionnaire must be complete and address all the stated requirements. Responses such as “N/A” are not acceptable. If not applicable, state “Not Applicable” and explain why. If none, state “NONE” do not leave any spaces blank.

Design-Build teams selected for interviews will be notified in writing, and will specify the date, time, and location of their interviews and outline the interview process. The University reserves the right to re-open the Design-Build team Prequalification process if the University determines that there are insufficient prequalified Design-Build teams to support the Proposal process.

Scoring of Components

Scoring of Design-Build teams will be determined by the application of an established rating system based on the following information:

A.  Licenses and Certifications – prerequisite (Pass/Fail)

1.  All firms shall be licensed and registered to perform design and construction services in the State of California. Copies of appropriate documents are to be included with the RFQ submittal.

B.  Surety/Financial/Insurance-prerequisite (Pass/Fail)

2.  All firms shall indicate their form of business, (e.g., corporation, partnership, joint venture, or sole proprietor). The Design-Build team member firms shall provide a copy of their last financial statements and quarterly updates if requested by the University.

3.  All teams shall provide the evidence of their bonding capacity for the amount of $1,200,000. This evidence shall be in the form of a letter from a licensed bonding company or from an agent normally representing the firm.

4.  All firms will provide their annual revenue, which must be an average of at least $5,000,000 for the past five (5) years, and must be equal to or greater than $5,000,000 for the past four (4) years.

5.  All firms will prove ability to provide Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 each occurrence and $4,000,000 aggregate. All firms will prove ability to provide certificates of general liability insurance on the Owner’s form in the minimum amounts of $2,000,000 per occurrence and $4,000,000 in the Aggregate, and $1,000,000 business automobile liability.

6.  All firms shall disclose their arbitration and litigation claims history. Claims that are unresolved but still pending are not required to be submitted.

If the Design-Builder is not a public company, all financial information shall be held in confidence and shall be examined only by the officials responsible for its evaluation.

C.  Design-Build Team Project Experience (80 points possible)

TheDesign Professional and Contractor of the proposed Design-Build team shall each have completed a minimum of three (3) comparable projects, at least one (1) must be design build delivery, which have the following qualifications:

·  Projects designed and constructed on a compressed “fast track” schedule

·  Projects that had at least 10% of the trade work self-performed by the GC submitting the questionnaire

·  Projects constructed for a campus, business park, or higher education facility

D.  Qualifications of Key Personnel (60) points possible)

1.  Key personnel members and their role for this project shall be identified in the RFQ. A one-page résumé describing relevant project experience and professional certifications of each team member shall be attached.

2.  Provide a description of key personnel’s role in the University Center Bike & Pedestrian Improvements project.

3.  After the RFQ phase, the selected Design-Build teams may not make any significant changes in the composition of the team member firms, personnel assignments, and individuals’ roles and responsibilities without the University’s written approval.