Gary S. Nickell, Ph.D.
Psychology Department Office Phone: 218.477.4080
360J Bridges Hall Home Phone : 218.233.6469
Minnesota State University Moorhead E-mail:
Moorhead, MN 56563 Fax: 218.477.2602
Current Title:
Professor of Psychology at Minnesota State University Moorhead
Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1982 in Social Psychology
M.S. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1980 in Social Psychology
B.S. Colorado State University Pueblo, (Formerly the University of Southern Colorado), Pueblo, Colorado, 1976 in Psychology
Professional and Teaching Experience
Professor of the Psychology Department, Minnesota State University Moorhead (8/93 to present), Associate Professor (8/88 – 8/93), Assistant Professor (8/82-8/88)
Interim Chair of the Psychology Department and Interim Chair of Social Work/Counseling and Student Affairs, Minnesota State University Moorhead (7/12 – 7/13)
Interim Director of the Corrick Center for General Education, Minnesota State University Moorhead (8/10 – 5/11)
Chair of the Psychology Department, Minnesota State University Moorhead (8/99 – 7/08)
Senior Research Associate, North Dakota State University (2002 -2009)
Visiting Professor (8/90 – 6/91) Psychology Department, Florida Institute of Technology
Instructor (8/81 – 7/82) at Oklahoma State University
Psychology Technician (6/81 – 9/81), Summer Internship at the Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Science, Fort Sill, OK
Publications and Abstracts
Park, E., Hinsz, V., & Nickell, G. (2013). Regulatory-fit theory and person-job fit: Prevention focus’ primacy in safe food production. Paper submitted to Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Nickell, G. & Hinsz, V. (2011). Having a conscientious personality helps an organizational climate of food safety predict food safety behavior. In M.B. Walsch (Ed.), Food Supplies and Food Safety: Production, Conservation and Population Impact (pp.189-198). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Nickell, G. & Hinsz, V.(2009). Eliciting food production workers’ beliefs about factors that contribute to potential contamination. In V.C. Bellinghouse (Ed.), Food Processing: Methods, Techniques, and Trends (pp. 566-573). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Hinsz, V., & Nickell, G. (2009). Food processing workers can be the first line of defense against intentional contamination. In V.C. Bellinghouse (Ed.), Food Processing: Methods, Techniques, and Trends (pp. 324-330). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Hinsz, V., Nickell, G., & Park, E. (2007). The role of work habits in the motivation of food safety behaviors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 13(2), 105-114.
Nickell, G., Hinsz, V. & Park, E. (2005). Using normative information to encourage food processing workers to keep food clean. In B. Maunsell and D. Bolton (Eds.), Food Safety Risk Communication: The Message and Motivational Strategies (pp. 99-109). Teagasc - The National Food Centre, Dublin, Ireland.
Hinsz, V. B., & Nickell, G. S. (2004). Positive reactions to working in groups in a study of group and individual goal decision making. Group Dynamics, 8, 253-264.
Nickell, G. S., Pederson, K., & Rossow, C. (2003). The birthdate effect: An extension of the mere ownership effect. Psychological Reports. 92, 161-163.
Nickell, G. S. (1995). Study guide for Richard Lippa's introduction to social psychology (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Nickell, G. S. (1990). Study guide for Richard Lippa's introduction to social psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Nickell, G. S. & Pinto, J. N. (1986). The Computer Attitude Scale Computers in Human Behavior, 2, 301-306.
Nickell, G. S. & Seado, P. (1986). The impact of computer attitudes and experience on small business computer use. American Journal of Small Business, 1O, 37-48.
Nickell, G. S. (1986). The impact of computer attitudes on small business in the Fargo-Moorhead area. (Cooperative Agreement No. SB-2M-0080-010. Washington, D.C.: Small Business Administration.
Nickell, G. S. & Pinto, J. N. (1984). The effects of compressed speech on listener attitudes. Psychology and Marketing, 1, 49-58.
Gardner, R. M., Corbin, T. L., Beltramo, J. S., & Nickell, G. S. (1984). The prisoner's dilemma game and cooperation in the rat. Psychological Reports, 55, 687-696.
Nickell, G. S. (1982). Nonverbal expressiveness and machiavellianism in a mixed-motive conflict situation. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44(3), 955B.
Nickell, G. S. (1980). Detecting deception using nonverbal information training. Unpublished master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Mowen, J. C., Jolly, D., & Nickell, G. S. (1980). Factors influencing consumer response to product recalls: A regression analysis approach. Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research, Eleventh Annual Conference, Advances in Consumer Research, 8, Kent Monroe (ed.), Arlington, VA, October, 405-407.
Presentations and Workshops
Breedon, J.,Fode, T., DeZiel,D., Forster, J., & Nickell, G. (2012, April). The influence of vertical position on leadership perception. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.
Hinsz, V., Park, E. & Nickell, G. (2011, June). Regulatory-fit theory and person-job fit: Prevention focus’ primacy
in safe food production. Paper presented at European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Small Group Meeting on Selection and Assessment, Athens, Greece.
Becker, A., Khatri, H., Bouwman, T., Henschel,K., & Nickell, G. (2011, April). Does vertical position influence the the optimistic bias. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, MN.
Page, T., Bouwman, T., Becker, A., Henschel,K., Khatri, H., & Nickell, G. (2010, October). The influence of highs and lows on the the optimistic bias. Poster presented at the Northern Lights Psychology Conference, Grand Forks, ND.
Nickell, G. (2010, January). Can the social sciences contribute solutions to the challendge of food safety? Invited address at the Minnesota State University Moorhead Dean’s Lecture Series, Moorhead, MN.
Hinsz, V. B., Wallace, D. M., Nickell, G. S., & Rooney, A. N. (2009, February). Reasoned and irrational reactions to a potential food contamination incident. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Tampa, FL.
Fedde, K., Sasagawa, S., Williams, M., Muennich, K., & Nickell, G. (2008, October). The influence of luck on the optimistic bias. Poster presented at the Northern Lights Psychology Conference, Grand Forks, ND.
Nickell, G., & Hinsz, V. (2008, April). Conscientiousness Moderates the Relationship of an Organizational Climate of Food Safety with Food Safety Behavior. Paper presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, San Francisco, CA.
Wallace, D. M., Hinsz, V.B., & Nickell, G.S. (2007, May). Optimistic bias and food safety: Getting sick from home cooking or the street fair? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.
Blume, M.P., Hinsz, V.B., & Nickell, G.S. (2007, January). Dispositional disgust as a motivating emotion in food safety. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.
Magnan, R.E., Hinsz, V.B., & Nickell, G.S. (2007, January). Friendly and positive or hostile and negative: Perceptions of interacting alone or together with unknown individuals and groups. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN
Park, E.S., Hinsz, V.B., & Nickell, G.S. (2007, January). Regulatory fit theory at work: The relationship between regulatory focus and food safety behaviors. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.
Hinsz, V., Nickell, & Park, E. (2006, May). Work Habits’ Role in the Motivation of Food Safety Behaviors. Poster presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, Dallas, TX.
Hinsz, V.B., Nickell, G.S., & Morgan, J.L. (2006, May). Employee beliefs and intentions in the line of defense against agro-terrorism. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York City.
Ladbury, J.L., Hinsz, V.B., & Nickell, G.S. (2006, May). Agreement with injunctive and descriptive norms for food safety in a processing plant. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York City.
Nickell, G., Hinsz, V. & Park, E. (2005, May). Using normative information to encourage food processing workers to keep food clean. Paper presented at European Union Risk Analysis Information Network Conference on “Food Safety Risk Communication: The Message and Motivational Strategies,” Gothenberg, Sweden.
Park, E., Hinsz, V., & Nickell (2005, April). Exploring the differences between promotion and prevention focused employees. Poster presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Nickell, G., & Hinsz, V. (2004, April). Predicting food safety and security behaviors in turkey processing workers. Poster presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, Chicago, IL.
Hinsz, V. & Nickell, G. (2004, April) A motivation model of product safety and security behaviors. Poster presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, Chicago, IL.
Hauck, E., Dirckx, L. & Nickell, G. (2004, April). The influence of social context priming on prosocial attitudes: The implicit bystander effect. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, Minnesota.
Kaitbie, S., Nganje, W., Hinsz, V., & Nickell, G. (2004, August). Double moral hazard and food safety risks in turkey processing. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Denver, CO.
Nickell, G., & Hinsz, V. (2003, November). Predicting food safety and security intentions and behavior. Invited address at the North Dakota State University Psychology Department colloquium series, Fargo, ND.
Pearson, A., & Nickell, G. (2002, March). A comparison of past and present use of computers by school psychologists. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Pederson, K., Rossow, C., & Nickell, G. (2001, March). The birthdate effect: An extension of the mere ownership effect. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, Minnesota.
Nickell, G. S. (1998, August). The Helping Attitude Scale: A new measure of prosocial tendencies. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Nickell, G. S. (1993, March). The effects of gender roles on computer attitudes and experience. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, Minnesota.
Nickell, G. S., Day, T. A., & Pinto, J. N. (1993, March). The influence of personality on computer attitudes. Paper presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead, Minnesota.
Nickell, G. S., & Schmidt, C. R. (1989, August). The validity of self-appraisals in a management development program. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans.
Nickell, G. S. (1989, April). Computer attitudes and use by small businesses: A follow-up study. Paper presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead.
Niemi, M. & Nickell, G. S. (1989, April). Sensitivity to nonverbal cues and social perception. Poster presented at the Red River Psychology Conference, Moorhead.
Nickell, G. S., Schmidt, C. R., & Pinto, J. N. (1987, April). Gender and sex role differences in computer attitudes and experience. Poster presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans.
Pinto, J., Calvillo, M., & Nickell, G. (1985, June). A concurrent validity study of the Computer Attitude Scale. Paper presented at Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.
Winkel, M., Nickell, G., Pinto, J., Novak, D., Contrares, L., & Seado, P. (1985, April). Attitudes toward computers: A cross-cultural comparison. Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, Austin, Texas.
Nickell, G. S. & Danielson, E. B. (1985, March). Sexual discrimination in the academy. Workshop presented to the Interfaculty Organization (IFO) Delegate Assembly.
Nickell, G. S. & Pinto, J. N. (1984, April). The Computer Attitude Scale (CAS). Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, New Orleans.
Pinto, J., & Nickell, G. (1982, April). The lack of success of women in management: Situation or person. Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, Texas.
Nickell, G., & Pinto, J. (1982, April). Time-Compressed persuasive communication and its effects on attitudes. Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, Texas.
Helm, B., Winkel, M., & Nickell, G. (1982, April). A third party's neutrality affects cooperativeness in subsequent two-party conflict. Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, Texas.
Nickell, G. (1982, April). A multi-dimensional view of sports. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Student Conference, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Nickell, G. S. & Pinto, J. P. (1980, November). The effects of compressed speech on listener attitudes. Paper presented at the 69th Scientific Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Norman, Oklahoma.
Nickell, G. S. (1980, November). Detecting deception using nonverbal information training. Paper presented at Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Pinto, J. N. & Nickell, G. S. (1980, November). Female targets in life-choice dilemmas. Paper presented at Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Professional Reviewing
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal
Computers in Human Behavior
Psychological Reports
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Brooks-Cole, Inc.
Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.
Wadsworth Publishing Company
W.H. Freedman and Co.
Current Research Interests
Embodied Cognition
The psychology of food safety
The optimistic bias
The measurement of prosocial attitudes
The social impact of computers on individuals and workers
Teaching Experience
Social Psychology
General Psychology
Environmental Psychology
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Experimental Social Psychology
Graduate Level Social Psychology
Seminar (Controversial Issues in Psychology)
Professional Affiliations
American Psychological Association (APA)
Association for Psychological Science (APS)
Society for Industrial and Organization Psychology (SIOP)
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Division Two of APA)
2006 Excellence in Research award from the MSUM Academic Affairs Council
Graduated with Special Distinction from University of Southern Colorado, 1976.
Presidential Summer Internship, Fort Sill, OK, Summer, 1981.
The impact of computer attitudes on small business in the Fargo-Moorhead area. Moorhead State University Small Business Development Center and the U.S. Small Business Administration, 1985.
A survey of student computer use and attitudes. MSU Faculty research grant and release time, 1988.
Follow-up study of small business computer use in the Fargo-Moorhead are. MSU Faculty research grant and release time, 1989.
Technological/Aesthetics improvements of Bridges 162. Minnesota State University Moorhead Strategic Goals Initiative grant, 2001.
Developing technical writing skills in psychology students. Minnesota State University Moorhead, Institutional Improvement grant, 2002.
Technology-based Psychological Student Research ($6795). Minnesota State University Moorhead, Institutional Improvement grant, 2006.
Magda Chalikia, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, Chair
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Moorhead, MN 56563
John Pinto, Ph.D
Assoc. Dean for Assessment and Institutional Research
Morningside College
Sioux City, IA 51006
Verlin B. Hinsz, Ph.D
North Dakota State University
Department of Psychology
Fargo, ND 58108-6050