Diagnosed by Medical Officers of the Tunnellers

Abscess Painful, infected area where pus forms

Adenitis Inflammation of a Gland

Albuminuria Album in urine a sign of kidney damage

Amblyopia Dimness of Vision

Anaemia Disorder of the blood

Anchylosis Fusion of joint – bones grow together

Ankylostomaisis Hookworm disease – parasitic worm living in intestine

Angioma Benign growth consisting of small blood vessels that can bleed profusely if breached

Aortic Bruit Vascular murmur – unusual sound

Aphonia Loss of voice or ability to speak normally and only in whispers

Appendicitis Inflammation of appendix requiring removal

Arthritis Ankles & Feet only – joints are sites of rheumatic disease

Arthritis Crippling disease of joint linings, cartilage swollen & painful with limited movement, stiff and painful, unable to move properly

Astigmatism Eye defect causing blurred vision

Balanitis Inflammation of Glans Penis

Boils Raised, tender pus-filled areas

Bronchitis Inflammation of bronchial tubes – acute or chronic

Bronchopneumonia Inflammation of lungs, air passages leading to lung tissue

Bursitis Painful inflammation and swelling of Bursa, caused by kneeling

on hard surface.

Burns & scalds Injuries to skin caused by heat, chemicals, electricity or radiation

Cancer Development of malignant cells

Carbuncle Red, swollen and painful cluster of boils connected under the skin

Cardio Vascular Disease Circulation of blood in heart, arteries, capillaries and veins

Catarrh Discharge from mucous membrane

Frontal Cararrh Discharge from mucous membrane (face)

Cellulitis of leg Infection of skin giving hard, red, shiny appearance

Chancre Painless ulcer first symptom of Syphilis

Chancroid Sexually transmitted disease STD – painful sores on genitalia

Cholecystitis Inflammation of gall bladder

Crepitation Crackling sound - lungs

Coccydynia Pain in coccyx area – lowest spine bone

Concussion Temporary loss of consciousness by trauma to head

Conjunctivitis Inflammation of membrane lining eyeball and inner eyelid surface

Constipation Painful emptying of bowel

Corneal Ulcer Inflammation of the Cornea (front of the eyeball)

Coryza Inflammation of upper respiratory tract – Common Cold

Cyanosis blue-purple discolouration of skin and mucous membranes due to loss of oxygen

Cysts Lump, internal or external filled with liquid or semi-liquid

Cystitis Inflammation of the Bladder

DAH Disordered Action of Heart

Deafness Partial or total loss of hearing

Debility Weakness, loss of power in muscles, a symptom of disease

Defective Vision Impairment of the sense of sight

Delusional Insanity False conception of reality

Dental Caries Tooth decay

Dermatitis Inflammation of skin with a large variety of causes

Diarrhoea Excessive discharge of bowel material / watery discharge

Dysentery Infection of intestinal tract

Dyspepsia Deranged or impaired digestion

Dyspnoea Breathless on exertion

Eczema Skin condition characterised by red, itchy rash and blisters

Ecchymosis of eyelids Ruptured Blood Vessels

Edentulous Lacking teeth, toothless

Effort Syndrome Also called Soldier’s Heart. Nervous heart or cardiac neurosis.

Patient exhibits a group of symptoms he thinks are heart disease but

has a healthy heart. Underlying disorder is anxiety.

Emphysema Air sacs of lung rupture and coalesce, reducing effective breathing

Emphysematous A chronic, irreversible disease of lungs characterised by abnormal enlargement of air spaces accompanied by destruction of lung tissue lining the wall of the air spaces.

Empyema Pus forms in chest. Cavity made to drain lungs in pneumonia

Encephalitis Acute inflammation of the brain

Endocarditis Disease of heart muscle

Enteric fever Term describing Typhoid Fever, Paratyphoid or Paratyphoid B.

Enteritis Inflammation of intestine

Epididymitis Infection of the epididymis generally caused by a bacterial infection

causing pain, swelling and inflammation.

Erythema a skin inflammation that results in reddish, painful, tender lumps

Exudate Fluid in normal process of wound healing

Fern Vein

Fibrosis of Lungs Scar or fibrous tissue in Lungs

Filariasis Tropical disease cause by thread-like parasitic worms, resulting in

large swellings. e.g. elephantitis

Fistula A passage or hole formed between body and skin

Folliculitis Inflammation & formation of pimples due to infection of hair follicles

Follicular Tonsillitis Bacterial infection of tonsils

Flat Feet Sole of foot rests flat on the ground

Fractured Phalanx Any of the bones of the fingers

Furunculosis Boils

Gleet Inflammation of urethra – advanced STD

Gonorrhoea Contagious disease contracted through sexual contact

Granulating Surface of wound in healing process

Haematuria Presence of blood in urine

Haemorrhoids / Piles Enlarged vein in wall of ano-rectal canal

Hallux Valgus Foot condition in which big toe points towards other toes

Hammer Toe Deformity of bones in big or greater toe

Hemoptysis Expectoration of blood

Hernia Right Inguinal hernia / double hernia

Hepatic vessels in meso-colon mesenteric organ of intestinal colon

Herpes pedis Inflammation of skin accompanied by clusters of small blisters - feet

Herpes Zoster Shingles – Inflammation of skin by clusters of small blisters

Hookworm Disease Ankylostomaisis – parasitic worm living in intestine

Hydrocele Collection of watery fluid in sac-like body cavity usually scrotum

Hypermetropia Long sightedness

Hypertrophy Tonsils Excessive thickening or growth in tonsils

ICT Inflammation of connective tissues

Icterus Jaundice – liver disorder

Impetigo Contagious skin infection

Influenza Acute, infectious disease caused by a virus accompanied by chills,

fever, headache, aches and pain, weakness, appetite loss & mucous

Internal deranged knee a torn, ruptured or deranged meniscus of the knee

Intraperitoneal Membrane of abdomen

Iritis Inflammation of the iris

Ichthyosis Hereditary condition – dry and scaly skin creating horny substance on surface of skin

Jaundice A disorder showing yellowish to whites of eyes and skin. Icterus or

Liver disorder

Keratitis Inflammation of the Cornea (front of the eyeball)

Laparotomy Surgery to abdomen

Laryngitis Inflammation of voice box or larynx with hoarseness (Gassed)

Leucoma Dense white corneal opacity - eye

Ligation of veins Surgical tying of veins through a small incision in the skin to prevent pooling of blood

Lipoma Fatty Benign Tumour

Loose Cartilage due to accidental injury

Lumbago Pain in lower back after sprain, strain or ligament damage

Malaria Disease of acute attacks of chills & high fever caused by parasite

spread by bites from mosquitoes

Measles / Morbilli Contagious disease caused by virus – rash on face, neck & body

Melancholia dementia Profound emptiness and inactivity – loss of pleasure and interest

Meningitis Inflammation of membranes covering brain and spinal cord

Mitral disease Rheumatic disease of mitral valve of the heart

Double Mitral disease Dual-flap of bicuspid valve or left atrioventricular valve

Momentary loss of voice After gas attack on the front

Mumps Contagious disease caused by virus with swelling of face & neck

Myalgia Muscular Pain caused by strain, inflammation or heavy exertion

Myocarditis Inflammation of the muscular substance of the heart

Myositis Inflammation of a muscle, particularly shoulders and hips

Nephritis Inflammation of Kidneys

Neurasthenia Nervous condition, constantly worried to point of exhaustion

Neuritis Inflammation of nerves of peripheral nervous system

Nystagmus Disorder of eyes referred as slant eye—the vision became oblique

Safety lamps were often the cause and often naked light was preferred as it was better illumination.

NYD Not Yet Diagnosed

Oedema Abnormal accumulation of fluid in body producing swelling

Omentum Supportive layer of abdomen

Onycholysis Loosening of top & sides of nail caused by infection or excessive

exposure to water containing harsh solvents

Orchitis Inflammation of testicles – a complication after mumps or infection

Orthopnoea Extreme shortness of breath relieved by standing up – occurs in

Congestive heart failure

Osteitis Inflammation of bone

Otitis Inflammation of ear

Otitis Media Middle ear infection

Otosclerosis Hardening of ear bones

Papilloma Tumour from outgrowth in mucous membrane caused by virus, chemicals or other factors

Paratyphoid Fever Infectious disease like Typhoid Fever

Parotitis Inflammation of Parotoid one of the Salivary glands in the neck

Parotitis Mumps

Periostitis Inflammation of Periosteum (bone tissue)

Pediculosis Infested with lice

Peritonsillar Abscess Severe inflammation of the throat (known as Quinsy)

Pharyngitis Infection of Pharynx

Phthisis Old name for TB – wasting away of tissues

Pleurisy Inflammation of the pleura, the double membrane that covers each lung and lines the chest cavity

Pleuropneumonia Inflammation of both the pleura and lungs

Pneumoconiosis Fibrosis of the Lungs (Fibrous tissue growth in lungs) Miners Complaint

Pneumothorax Collapsed lung or presence of air or gas in chest cavity between membrane layers and pleura

Pneumonia Lobar Bacteria affecting one or more lobes of the lung

Polypus Tumour projecting from mucus membrane

Prostatitis Inflammation of Prostate Gland

Presbyopia Loss of vision of things near

Purpura Disease characterised by purple or vivid spots on the skin or mucous membrane, caused by the extravasation of blood

Pyrexia P U O Fever of Uncertain or Unknown Origin

Rales Clicking or rattling lung sounds

Renal Abscess Abscess is a localized collection of pus in a hollow area formed by the breaking up of tissues. Renal denotes - in the kidney

Rheumatism Term for group of disorders involving pain in joints, bones & tissues

Rhinitis Inflammation of mucous membranes lining nose, causing running nose

Rhonchi Name for harsh wheezing sounds made by a person suffering from


Rose Measles Rubella highly contagious viral disease

Scabies A skin irritation caused by Itch Mite whose eggs are laid under the

skin’s outer layer.

Scalded leg & foot Burn injury caused by hot liquid or gas

Sciatica Pain in Sciatic nerve (lower back to legs) inflammation of nerve

Senility Decline or deterioration of physical strength or mental functioning

Shell Shock & Shell Shock Neurosis Bursting shells cause a vacuum-air rushes into this vacuum and

disturbs cerebro-spinal fluid upsetting the working of the brain

Early symptoms include tiredness, irritability, giddiness, lack of

concentration, headaches moving to mental breakdowns, shaking

with ague (fit of fever), uncontrollable to speechless.

Silicosis Disease of lungs caused by breathing rock dust - Miners’ complaint

Sinusitis Inflammation of the nasal membranes

Snow Blindness Damage to optic nerve by severe brightness

Social Diseases Chancre, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Venereal disease (VD)

Somnambulism Generally known as sleep-walking

Sprained Back Joint injury involving tearing of ligaments

Sprained Knee Joint injury involving tearing of ligaments

Stomatitis Inflammation of mouth, Trench Mouth, Vincent’s Angina, Thrush

Synovitis Tissue lining lubricates certain joints during movement becomes


Syphilis Sexually transmitted disease STD – bacteria starts a painless ulcer

Systolic Bruit Abnormal sound in systole

Systolic Murmur Defect in rhythmic contraction of heart

Tachycardia Rapid Heart Rate

Tendinitis Inflammation of tendon, a band of tissue anchoring muscle to bone

Trachitis Inflammation of Trachea

Transverse Myelitis Inflammation of spinal cord

Tonsillitis Inflammation of tonsils

Trench Angina Bleeding from gums also known as Vincent’s Angina

Trench Fever A recurrent fever, often suffered by soldiers in trenches in World War I, caused by a rickettsia transmitted by the body louse

Trench Feet Caused by constant wet feet in boots and wet socks

Tricuspid Valve to right heart ventricle

Tuberculosis TB infectious disease, frequently affects the lungs

Tympanum Medical term for ear drum

Urethritis Inflammation of Urethra

Urticaria Hives

Varicocele Varicose veins in scrotum

Varicose veins Knotted blood vessels usually in legs

VDH Valvular Disease of heart – endocarditis – defects of heart valves

Venereal Disease Sexually transmitted disease STD /VD infections passed from one to another

Venesection (Phlebotomy) removing blood from circulatory system

Vincent’s Angina Bleeding from gums also called Trench Angina.

© Donna Baldey