GEM Homework Assignment: Multiple Intelligence 'All About Me' Bag

Due on your GEM day week of October 4

Students should work with a parent or guardian to create a special bag to bring to school (example: a gift-bag or grocery bag) that demonstrates their special interests and talents. This is different from a typical 'All About Me' assignment because the bag should contain eight items of significance that represents YOU in each of the eight Multiple Intelligences. If an item is too big to fit in your bag, then bring a photograph of you with the item! (Example: you could show a picture of a go-kart you built for the logical-mathematical area).

Students should be prepared to share the items in their bag with the class and the other GEM students will guess how each item they have chosen represents/demonstrates the nine talent areas. They should also select and share what they think is their top three talent areas. It is very important to bring your homework on the day it is due because that is the day we will share. If you forget, you will not be able to make it up. Thank you!

Multiple Intelligence Talent Area Example Items (look for creativity, communication and individualism)

Verbal-Linguistic a favorite book, poem you wrote, creative story, a speech you gave

Logical-Mathematical a logic game you love, A+ math assignment, something you built or invented

Bodily-Kinesthetic a picture of a play or sport you were/are in, something you did with your body

Visual-Spatial an art creation you made, a puzzle you love, a maze book you completed

Naturalistic a rock collection, something you collected this summer on a camping trip

Inter-Personal something you did/made with a group, your family, or a team

Intra-Personal something you love to do alone, your journal or diary, a song you wrote

Musical-Rhythmic an instrument you play, your favorite CD, a piece of music you love, your i-pod

Have fun with this assignment! It is important for you to know your MI talent areas because it will help you work better with others and understand how you, personally, learn the best. Throughout the year I will be grouping you according to your MI talent strengths, so you need to know what your strongest talents are.

Parents, knowing your child's talents will help you find additional ways to teach them new things that they are struggling to learn (example: if a concept is hard to learn, you can put it in a picture, draw a graph, build a representation, tell someone about it, act it out). Thank you for supporting your child with this project.