Press release
GC’s roadmap to a smart future:
GC EQUIA Forte – new restorative system with glass hybrid technology
GC takes yet another step into the future of modern restorative therapy by presenting GC EQUIA Forte, an innovative restorative system based on a new glass hybrid technology. Representing the next step in the evolution of the proven EQUIA concept, EQUIA Forte combines a filling component with a protective composite coating while additionally benefiting from a newly introduced hybrid filler technology. The resulting restorative offers further improved performance in tooth-coloured posterior restorations for patients of all generations.
GC, the leading supplier of glass-ionomer restoratives, has introduced a special glass hybrid technology with EQUIA Forte, thus taking the next evolutionary step into the future of restorative therapy. The new system makes use of the advantages of combined different size filler technologies – in a way similar to hybrid composites. The more voluminous glass fillers of EQUIA Forte Fil were supplemented by smaller, highly reactive fillers that strengthen the restoration. Its impressive performance parameters can be documented not only descriptively but also quantitatively1: The filling component EQUIA Forte Fil by itself achieves 10% more flexural strength than the standard combo of EQUIA Fil plus EQUIA Coat. In combination with the EQUIA Forte Coat composite coating, the flexural strength increases by 17% and flexural energy by almost 30%, compared to standard EQUIA.
Adding a multifunctional monomer to EQUIA Forte Coat increases surface hardness by almost 35% and wear resistance by more than 40% compared to EQUIA Coat. But these naked figures are not an end in themselves. They indicate that handling has been optimised – a significant benefit for the dental practice. With EQUIA Forte, GC has added another powerful restorative material to the dentist’s armamentarium, with further improved performance while retaining the characteristic virtues of the EQUIA concept. Practitioners enjoy its simple and fast application, while patients receive a biocompatible tooth-coloured posterior restoration – minimally invasive treatment has become available to all age groups.
EQUIA Forte continues the success story of the EQUIA concept. But the foundations had been laid much earlier: The EQUIA two-stage filling system, consisting of a highly viscous glass-ionomer component and a nano-filled composite coating, has been proven in numerous dental offices and in several clinical trials since its introduction at IDS 2007. For example, in a randomised controlled clinical trial by Biffar et al2 (reference material: Fuji IX GP Fast plus Fuji Coat LC, both GC) it proved superior to conventional glass ionomer materials, especially in class II cavities (as per IFU). The protective effect of the composite coating in turn was documented in a three-year study by Diem et al3 (reference material: Solare, GC). In a 2014 study by Gurgan et al4 covering a period of four years, the innovative system even offered the same performance as composite restorations (reference material: Gradia Direct Posterior plus G-Bond, both GC). EQUIA has been approved for class I restorations, non-stress-bearing class II restorations and, in addition, occlusally loaded class II restorations, assuming the isthmus occupies less than half the intercuspal space.
The new EQUIA Forte extends in comparison to the current EQUIA the recommendation of use in class II cavities (if the cusps are not affected). It is another innovative filling concept that, with its impressive performance parameters, is part of GC’s roadmap to the future of dentistry in general and restorative dentistry in particular. EQUIA Forte represents many decades of successful research and development by GC, a company that constantly strives to improve its products. The further improved properties of EQUIA Forte meet the needs of patients between 7 and 77 years – and beyond. Or in other words: EQUIA Forte is a state-of-the-art restorative for all generations.
More information about GC EQUIA and GC EQUIA Forte is available at
1 GC Corporation Research & Development, Japan 2014
2 Biffar R et al: EQUIA - RCT in the field: Longevity after 24 months. CED IADR Florenz, 2013, Abstract 3. Retrieved on 17 October 2014 from:
3 Diem VTK et al: The effect of a nano-filled resin coating on the 3-year clinical performance of a conventional high-viscosity glass-ionomer cement. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2013; DOI 10.1007/s00784-013-1026-z
4 Gurgan S et al: Four-year randomized clinical trial to evaluate the clinical performance of a glass ionomer restorative system. Operative Dentistry In-Press, 2014; DOI 10.2341/13-239-C
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