DAY 1- Frog Dissection Check List!

Structure / We Found It / Quizzed on it by Ms. K / We Found It / Quizzed on it by Ms. K
Dorsal side of frog / Nictitating membrane
Ventral side of frog / Tongue
Eyes / Vomarine Teeth
Tympanic Membrane / Maxillary Teeth
Hind Legs / Esophagus (insert probe)
Forelimbs / Eustachian Tubes
External Nares / Glottis
Internal Nares / Cloaca (outside)
Phalanges / Eye socket (from inside mouth)

Check off the following structures as you find them. Once you have

them all checked off, call me over so I can give you your quiz for your dissection grade!

Lab Questions - Day 1

1. How do the dorsal (back-side) and ventral (belly-side) sides of the frog differ in color?

2. Describe the color of the nictitating membrane:

3. Describe the color of the iris (the colored part) of the eye ball:

4. Why did we need to cut the mouth of the frog open?

5. Does the frog tongue attach to the front or the back of the mouth?

6. Does our human tongue attach to the front or the back or the mouth?

7. Do frogs chew or swallow their food whole?

8. Do people chew or swallow their food whole?

DAY 2- Frog Dissection Check List!

Check off the following structures as you find them. Once you have

them all checked off, call me over so I can give you your quiz for your dissection grade!

Structure / We Found It / Quizzed on it by Ms. K / We Found It / Quizzed on it by Ms. K
Heart / Abdominal Muscles (skin removed)
Liver / Lungs
Gall Bladder / Spleen
Stomach / Kidneys
Small Intestine / Testes or Oviducts
Large Intestine / Pancreas
Cloaca (inside) / Spine (inside)
Fat Deposits / Mesentery
Ventricle, Left Atrium, Right Atrium / Esophagus (insert probe, wiggle stomach)
Point to where the small intestine becomes the large intestine. / Trachea (insert probe, wiggle lung)
Additional Parts to Dissect: Choose One Area (Do more if you want) / Ms. Koenig Checked
Eye / Show one whole eye, intact
Remove and show a lens
Show the hollow interior of an eye ball
Skin / Skin removed whole and intact, (resembling a one-piece jumpsuit, a jacket with pants) (you will have to make ONE cut down each limb, because the skin will not come off like a jacket sleeve) (skin on hands, feet, and face remain on frog)
Skin removed on one foot, (sock comes off)
Brain / Point to Skull bone
Point to Brain
Find and point to a lobe on the brain, (doesn’t matter which one)

Lab Questions - Day 2

1. Write the path you would take through the digestive system if you were a fly that had been swallowed by a frog. [From the beginning (mouth) to the end (cloaca)]

2a. Was your frog a male or a female? ______

2b. How did you know?

3. Which organ from the chart above does the frog use to get oxygen into his blood? ______

4. Which organ from the chart above does the frog use to swallow food? ______

5. Which organ from the chart above is where the waste from the kidneys exits the body? ______