Frankenstein Paper

Write (Discuss the following topics in a typed response no less than five pages in length)

1.  Frankenstein mentions numerous philosophers and alchemists early on in the text. These are men that his professors do not respect. How are Frankenstein’s actions a fusion of “modern” science and older, almost mystical, ideas? Research the ideas of Frankenstein’s early heroes and alchemy in general, as well as the general state of the respected sciences of the times. Explain how ideologies and beliefs from both schools of thought do or do not tie into what Frankenstein is trying to accomplish.

2.  In “The Tempest” Shakespeare created the character of Caliban. Caliban was reviled and detested by nearly all of the other characters in the play. They thought he was a monster. At the same time, Shakespeare gave him the plays most beautiful and thought provoking lines. The textual Frankenstein monster and Deniro’s interpretation of the character have often been compared to Caliban for their similar contrast between monstrous form and beautiful mind. Research Caliban, find some of his soliloquies. Pick out a few of the Frankenstein monsters most thought provoking passages. Then compare and contrast his character with that of Frankenstein’s monster. What does this contrast between monstrous form and beautiful mind achieve? You might also think about names and naming.

3.  Research the development of the iconic Universal Studio’s interpretation of the monster. Why did the studio choose to portray the monster this way? Is it a more or less sympathetic version of the character? Why do you think it’s proved to be so enduring? If you are struggling to meet the length requirement, you may also discuss Frankenstein’s bride and the invention of the Igor/Fritz character.

4.  Research the biography of Mary Shelley. How does the author mix birth and death in the novel? Give several examples. Now tie these occurrences to events that happened in the author’s life which may have caused her to see these two things as interconnected.

5.  Many have suggested that Frankenstein is a story about science gone too far. Research several of the following historical individuals drawing comparisons between what their work meant for humanity and what Frankenstein’s did. Have these men gone too far?

·  Galileo

·  Andreas Vesalius

·  Charles Darwin

·  Rosalind Franklin

·  J. Robert Oppenheimer

·  Harry Griffin

·  Patrick Steptoe

·  Dr. Bryon Peterson

10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 5
Mechanics / Paper is error free / Minimal errors / Noticeable editing shortcomings / Errors begin to impede comprehension / Errors impede comprehension
Length / Paper meets the five page length requirement without any obvious use of filler. / Paper is short, but does not resort to use of filler, and is otherwise of high quality.
Paper is of length but gets there by use of subpar content / Paper fails to meet required length, and content present is of low quality / Paper is epically short.
Content and Execution / Paper thoroughly explores all angles of the chosen topic and uncovers information heretofore unknown to the instructor / Paper thoroughly explores all angles of the chosen topic in a comparatively above average fashion / Paper adequately explores the chosen topic / Paper explores topic in a manner below average level set by peers / Paper fails to address chosen topic with any significant success
Voice and Word Choice / Paper is written in a scholarly and academic voice / Paper attempts scholarly and academic language / Paper is pedestrian or sophomoric / Paper presents below average delivery / Like so totally not academic bro