Fort Polk Spouses’ Club 2012 Super Sign-Up
Booth Application
Point of Contact
Name of Business
Complete Mailing Address
Phone (______)_____________ Email:
Description of business, services, or items for sale:
Are you a non-profit organization? Y/N _______________
Do you need access to a power outlet? Y/N ____________
(We have limited amount of power outlets available and we do not loan extension cords)
Number of 6-foot tables requested (subject to committee approval) ___________
$25 per table for businesses
$10 per table for non-profit organizations
Amount enclosed (make check or money order payable to Fort Polk Spouses’ Club)
All applications must be received by August 6, 2012. Tables will be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. We will not accept duplicate vendors.
Please return this form and booth payment to
Fort Polk Spouses’ Club
Attn: Super Sign-Up
PO Box 3911
Fort Polk, LA 71459
If you have any questions or special requests please contact Lisa Koykar, Activities Chairperson at 630-908-9556, OR Sarah Jennings, President at 254-833-4944,