Follow Up from Supervisory 1 Class June 17-19, 2013

WCIA (Snoqualmie Location)

Qualities of Favorite Supervisors/Leaders:

o  Really approachable
o  Very easy to talk to
o  Great listener
o  Open to any ideas
o  Knew what was going on in the workplace
o  Good work ethic
o  Always led by example
o  Honest
o  Cared about his people
o  Integrity
o  Made work fun
o  Took the time to get to know you
o  Listened
o  Made suggestions you can use
o  He listened to people - considered their opinions / ·  Told his team that it was all right to push back to ask questions
·  Consistent
·  Kind
·  Recognition
·  Asked for solutions
·  Document! (evaluations)
·  Simple, direct
·  Time frames had "padding"
·  Brutal honesty
·  Gave us freedom to learn
·  Allowed me to make mistakes
·  Makes a decision - does not waffle
·  Sense of humor
·  Gave freedom to make it happen / ·  Patient, kind
·  "Can't be replaced"
·  Calm- nothing rattled - didn't over react
·  Unassuming
·  Optimistic
·  Very knowledgeable
·  Had the attitude "Don't worry about new ideas - it can be fixed - so go for it!"
·  Excellent clarity of understanding - strategic
·  Good problem solver
·  Clear expectations
·  Smart
·  Everyone knows their job and expectations
·  Organized
·  Thought "big picture"


o  Transitioning from Peer to Supervisor

o  Communication

o  Coaching

o  Interviewing

o  Recognition

o  Dealing with Change

o  Saying things less assertively

o  Motivating

o  Burnout/Stress

o  Generations

o  Trusting your upper management

7 Things every employee needs to know:

1.  Obective

2.  Duties

3.  Accepted methods

4.  Performance standards

5.  Improvement

6.  Policies

7.  Team Norms

How to deal with the Buffer Zone

o  Coming in early - leading by example

o  Reestablished new working relationships

o  He was doing the work - hands on

o  Being Fair

o  Careful to not emotionally react

o  He made his needs know to his supervisor

o  Addressing the issue

o  Honed organizational skills - time management

o  Address things neutrally

Life in the Buffer Zone - Ways to Deal with the Buffer Zone: (Additional Ideas)

o  Focus team on the same direction

o  Listening to your team members

o  The buffer zone provides an opportunity to share the big picture view

o  Be an Insulator/Filtering messages

o  Navigating through the fog - filter the messages - discuss what they need to know in unit meetings

o  Notice the team and what's happening to them - be an advocate for your team

o  Find a peer for yourself

Best way to Enhance Communication/Leadership/Public Speaking Skills:

Toastmasters -


Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.

-John F. Kenney

Make everything as simple as possible but not simpler.

-Albert Einstein

Everything rises and falls on Leadership.

-John C. Maxwell

We all can be leaders because we all can influence others and add value to their lives.

-John C. Maxwell

Tips in Supervising Peers

·  Be professional, open, and fair and consistent

·  One-on-one's for everyone

·  Make sure "good jobs" and "bad jobs" are evenly distributed

·  Be mindful about taking lunches and having a lot of personal time with your friends (perceptions are your team member's reality)

·  Separate from personal and professional - friendship outside of work

·  Make sure everyone is treated equality

·  Have an up front discussion

·  Separate the relationship before you become a leader

·  Acknowledge awkwardness

·  You will never be prepared doing discipline for someone you were friends with!

·  Have a talk with that individual and with entire team

·  Take active actions to demonstrate no favoritisms

·  Establish authority

·  Establish boundaries - limit or end daily lunches with one employee outside friendship

·  People's perception is their reality - set a good example

·  Start with lead role - before becoming a supervisor

Supervising those Younger than you

·  Interview process is also a place to build new employees

·  May need training on what is professionalism in the workplace (Avoiding profanity, shaving, etc)

·  Make sure interns are moving along - they may ask a lot of "why" questions

·  Conduct One-on-one's

·  Authority level/ clear expectations

·  Helps squash feelings of competition if the older more seasoned workers become mentors of the younger less seasoned employees

Managing Older People:

o  Be respectful

o  Sincerely allow them to share their experience - opportunity for them to show their knowledge

o  Include seasoned employees in succession planning

o  Align praise to the individual

o  Everyone has a role

o  Play your positional role

o  Make sure supervisor values their experience

o  Listen to these people

o  Trust they know their job - and use them in roles that build them as leaders

o  Have individual meetings with these people

o  Provide tools to staff

o  Making them feel values and respected - avoid burn-out

o  Help them find ways to continue to grow

Behavioral Based Interviewing

1.  Analyze job skills (Skills, Competencies, interpersonal skills) & identify the questions you will ask in the interview

2. Create behavioral-based interview questions

3. Select panel members and do other logistics

4. Ask Rapport building questions

5. Share agenda; take notes; describe the job

6. Ask open-ended questions to gain specific job-related behavioral examples

7. Ask Behavior-Based interview questions

8. Allow for silence

9. Maintain control if the candidate goes off track

10. Seek contrary evidence

11. End the behavioral based interview questions on a positive note

12. Ask "What questions do you have?" or "What questions would you have wanted me to ask you?" Allow the candidate to clarify anything.

13. Evaluate

How to Create a Performance-Based Culture

o  Coaching and giving feedback

o  Importance of team and the value of being part of a major project

o  Set goals

o  Let standards be known

o  Setting clear expectations

o  Figure out exactly what you will measure

o  Recognition

o  Hold people accountable - poor performance will be dealt with

Problem Solving Processes

1.  Root cause (Whys - 7 Why's; Fish Bone Diagram)

2.  Communicate and involve line workers (LEAN process)

3.  Trending

Stages of Group Development

1.  Forming - Leader directs

2.  Storming - Leader coaches

3.  Norming - Leader facilitates and enables

4.  Performing - Leader delegates

5.  Adjourning - Leader recognizes team's results

Tips on Managing Change

o  If possible, change over time

o  Communicate the change - they need to know the "why" - (Provide training and details)

o  Ask your crew members to help with implementation

o  Be aware of how you "present change" to your team

o  Try to see the positives

o  Provide snacks

Other tips:

o  Provide stability

o  Recognize where you are in the transition

o  Listen

o  Communicate

o  Recognize that people are in different places

o  Ask them "How can we move forward?"

o  Clarify new expectations

o  Try to involve them in the change

o  Provide enough information to diminish gossip

o  The 5 Why's

o  Fishbone Diagram

o  Separating the Problem (Cause) from the Solutions in Team Meetings

Recognition Ideas (From the class)

Pumpkin Derby / Donkey Basketball / Monthly Anniversary/Birthday / Christmas Breakfast
Auditor Choice Awards (Track funny stories, give awards for the best stories) / Back Hoe Rode / You Rock Award / Good Guy Award
Employee Recognition / Secret Pal / Birthday Card/Cake within Office / Family Christmas Potluck City-Wide
White Elephant Gift Exchange / Wellness Walks / Thanksgiving Potlucks / Flex Schedule
Happy Hour / Ice Cream (on hot days) / Monthly Birthday Parties / Newsletter Recognition
Recognition Pins/Medals / Verbal Thanks / Employee of the ______(Parking Spot) / Leaving Early (Recognition)
Wellness Programs / Awards Banquet (i.e., no accidents 5 years - receive $100) / Brainstorm incentives / Paycheck/Benefits
Bee something good certificate / Let them have a voice / After work - Family get together / Remembering Birthdays and Anniversaries - special events
Came to work - that is recognition! / Wellness Committee - drawing $50 if no work missed quarterly / Yearly Employee Appreciation / Barbecues
Christmas potluck/Gift exchange / Spur of the moment coffee buys/vending machine buys / Homemade goodies / Thank you at tend of the week or each day
Acknowledge employees and their accomplishments / Spring Daffodils / Chili Cook-off / Manager's host Barbecue
Inter-department contests / Non-Work events (i.e. Golf//Bowling) / Poker Walk / Food drive/Charity Work
Candy/Gift/Treats awards / Luncheons (Birthdays/special events)


o  Tailor recognition to the employees

o  Make sure it is appropriate recognition

Other Principles of Recognition:

1.  Specific/Personal (to the employee or task)

2.  Timely/ Award needs to follow accomplishments quickly

3.  Appropriate

4.  Fair/Balanced/sincere

5.  Recognition must be relevant to business and recognizable

6.  Must have meaning to staff - (e.g. staff votes)

7.  Transparent process to show fairness

8.  Sincere/meaningful

9.  Personal (Individualized, how the person wants it delivered)

10. Consistent and fair

(From Other classes)

·  Quarterly High 5 Events (DOH/HSQA kudos to staff member with gift, certificate, names - and recognized in presentation) (Marc Tafoya)

·  Recognition board in main lobby post-it's

·  After completion of project, lunch and knick-knacks

·  Quarterly employee award - managers visit and give small award

·  Thank you cards/Send emails

·  Off-site party

·  Card (with handwritten comments)

·  Quick awards - anybody can give it to anybody

·  Parking space

·  Employee Recognition week (Opportunity to recognize anyone)

·  Gifts or gift cards (from our own pockets)

·  Public recognition at high-level management meetings

·  Simple "thank you"

·  Treats/snacks (Employee-generated)

·  Decorating other's cubes

·  Trophy

·  Birthday or holiday celebrations

·  PDA's (PDR's?) - Public Displays of Recognition

·  Certificates

·  Potlucks/Food

·  Email to employee and cc supervisor

·  Personalized awards or feedback

·  PDP

·  Plaque

·  Parking spot (Employee of the month)

·  Leave early/come late if they did extra work

·  LEG (Look'em in the eye, Explain what they did well, Give them a "thank you"

·  Certificates - awards

·  Lunches - potlucks

·  Personal thank you's - internal and external

·  Staff outings (picnic)

·  Low money gift cards (Starbucks, etc)

·  Other kinds of recognition (Cards, recognition board, e-newsletter)

·  Training and conferences

MORE Recognition Ideas (From other classes)

Certificates (Yearbook awards; years of service; projects; rising stars) / Cube decoration contests / Trivia -recognize diversity/cultures / Kudos (Intranet; posted; newsletter; email)
Days off / Parking Spot / Potlucks / Wellness - Olympic Awards
Employee of the month / Door prizes / Rotating "frog" / CFD (Combined Fund Drive) - Employee Recognition - thank you'd
You "Rock" / Team Building / Thank you notes / Extra degree- turned hot water into steam
The Rock - "you rock today" - Award / Kudos Page on website, public / Praise for job well done / Treats, etc with notes
Managers prepare breakfast for team / Recognize best practices and innovation at team meetings / Written record of accomplishments that go up and down the chain / Emails to staff and upper management
Recognize landmarks - anniversary dates and some key accomplishments / Email to others with the person being recognized CC'ed / Share success stories at team meeting / Balloons
"Rounding" at place of work and asking for ideas of recognition / Verbalizing "thank you" / Bring food - potlucks / Certificates
Emails (Forwarding positive comments to employee) / "Drop in the Bucket" - monthly recognition / Employee of the month / Traveling trophy/award
Employee of the year - bonus?? / Gag gifts out of social fund - employee fund / Free coffee/coffee gift certificates / Trinkets of Appreciation
Verbally (Spontaneous - In the moment"
In one-on-one's
Thank you for your service / Potlucks/food lunch / Birthdays / Flowers
Unit Celebrations / Manager makes us breakfast / Nominations
-U "Rock" Rocks (With certificates and nominations)
-Frog recognitions
High 5 Recognitions / Written:
-Post-it notes in cubical/
-Kudos on website
-Length of service
-Thank you notes

Recognition Ideas (from other classes) (Continued)

o  Points/dollars to get prize
o  Awards ceremony
o  Survey staff for ways to recognize
o  Hand written notes/ letters
o  Certificates
o  Challenge coin
o  Employee recognition board - pubic
o  Management potluck to employees
o  Referrals
o  Flash Mob
o  Private office for the day
o  Shining star (agency wide email to recognize, birthdays once a month, emplo9yee of the month, special parking spot)
o  Recognition meeting to celebrate accomplishments (with food!)
o  Making it meaningful & personal
o  GO early on Fridays / o  Conference attendances
o  Newsletter/Intranet article/showcase
o  Boss Dunk Tank
o  Verbal Acknowledgement (thank you; good job)
o  Lunch (Networking Opportunities, Coffee/Beer?)
o  "Employee of the Month" -(End of the year award, trophy/token, certificate)
o  Parking Space
o  Step Increases
o  Pay Bonus
o  Year Performance award (Directors, team, all staff, years of service pins)
o  Recognize Anniversaries
o  Kudos Board
o  Contests (Bake-offs /Soup)
o  It's Ok to be silly! / o  Recognition list (Lunchroom/intranet)
o  Promotion
o  Training opportunities
o  Additional responsibilities
o  Lead Roles
o  Food Rewards (Cake, donut)
o  Yearly performance award (Directors, team, all staff, years of service pin)
o  Morale (Lunch with director, fitness fundraisers, cook-off, themed get-together, news letter with kudos)
o  Email to team/boss about accomplishments
o  Verbally in team meeting
o  Foster peer recognition
o  Recognize different needs for appreciation

Communication Styles


1. Strengths: To the point, clarity, decisive, goal-oriented, time management, quick results