Question : What is your greatest fear in life ?
Foundational Scriptures
2 Timothy 1:6-7Revelation 21:8 / Job 3:5
Hebrews 2:14, 15 / Romans 8:15
Matthew 14:25-32
Satan is doing everything he can to move you off of God’s Word through fear, but Jesus has delivered you. Once you understand that you are delivered from fear, bondages melt away; and you are sure to receive every promise from God’s Word.A. Fear is a devilish thing; there is nothing good or natural about it.
1. The biggest deception in the body of Christ is that fear is natural.
2. Just because many people allow fear to be a way of life, doesn't mean it's natural.
3. If fear were natural, God would have given it to you.
a. All natural things originated from God.
b. God is against things that are not natural.
4. God didn't give you the spirit of fear; He gave you power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:6, 7).
a. A sound mind is a mind free from fear.
b. Your mind isn't sound when fear is in your thinking.
5. People fear when they've been exposed to the seed of it from an outside source.
6. Because people think fear is a natural part of life, they tolerate it.
7. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated.
B. The number one fear that Satan wants you to have is that God's promises won't come to pass.
1. Satan wants you to fear that the Word of God doesn't work.
a. Example: When you fear poverty, you fear that Philippians 4:19, which says, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus," won't come to pass.
b. Example: When you fear sickness, you fear 1 Peter 2:24, which says, "by whose stripes ye were healed" doesn't work.
2. Fear and unbelief go together.
3. Fear is Satan's weapon of choice.
a. Terrorism is the organized use of fear.
b. You empower the enemy when you walk in fear.
4. If you don't fear, Satan has no access into your life.
5. When you refuse to fear, you paralyze Satan; and he can't harm you.
C. You can't believe God's Word and be fearful at the same time.
1. For you to say I am afraid is for you to enter into unbelief and deny God's Word.
2. For a believer not to believe God's Word and to fear is wicked.
a. Anything that doesn't line up with the Bible is evil and wicked.
3. The fearful and unbelieving will have their part in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8).
4. Where there is anger and unbelief, there is fear.
5. Fear denies God access into your life. He can't move on your behalf if you won't believe Him.
6. Panic is groundless fear.
D. The thing you fear the most will come upon you (Job 3:25).
1. Fear will connect you to what you fear, just as faith will connect you to what you believe.
a. Example: Fear of death will connect you to the death that you fear.
2. Fear, like faith is a spiritual connector; therefore, you must not fear.
3. Fear causes you to have an evil heart of unbelief and cuts off your harvest.
4. Satan wants you to tolerate fear and pass it down to your children's children.
5. Fear will escort you straight to hell.
E. You are not subject to this world's system.
1. Satan tries to inject fear into you so that you won't operate in the authority you've been given by God.
2. Satan tried to inject Jesus with fear in the wilderness, saying, "If thou be the Son of God...," which is a fear phrase.
a. Satan tried to get Jesus to walk in fear and reject who He really was so He would not die on the cross, but He didn't fall into the trap (Matthew 4:11).
3. You have authority over all demons and spirits, so there is no need to be afraid (Matthew 14:25).
4. Fear will get you off the Word and cause you to sink.
F. Jesus paid the price to deliver us from Satan's works and from the bondage of fear (Hebrews 2:14, 15).
1. Jesus came to completely paralyze Satan who had the power of death.
2. He then gave you power over all the power of the enemy.
3. There is no need to fear death, because you hold the power of life and death in your mouth (Proverbs 18:21).
4. You are the establishing witness; you can either produce life or death with your words.
5. When you control your mouth, you'll change your life.
6. Things don't work for Christians who break the laws or don't understand them.
G. Jesus delivered you from bondage and eliminated any reason to fear (Romans 8:15).
1. When you believe the Word, you step out of fear; and when you step out of fear, bondage melts away.
2. You must trust God more than you trust anything else.
3. Kingdom provision is available for those who will learn to work the system, but fear causes you to beg because you're afraid to believe God.
4. Get fear and sin out of your life so that the kingdom of God system can produce your harvest.
5. Fear tries to immediately separate you from the Word so that you will lack confidence in its ability to work for you.
6. The reborn spirit cannot produce fear; however, it can receive it, act on it and be choked by it.
7. Your reborn spirit is akin to God; so saying it produces fear is to say God Himself produces fear, which He doesn't.
H. What you are afraid of is in direct relationship with what you don't believe (Matthew 14:25-32).
1. Discover what you don't believe, deal with it and you will cast the fear out.
2. Fear produces doubt, but you must believe what you hear God say.
3. Fear is designed to cause you to doubt what God said and to believe what Satan says.
4. Satan wants to produce an image in your imagination, because once you imagine something it will come to pass quickly.
5. You must believe the Word without giving it a second thought if you want God's promises to manifest.
a. Second thoughts will cut off your faith.
6. Keep your eyes on the Word to avoid short bursts of faith.
I. Finally
1. Whatever negative things are manifesting in your life is the result of what is in your heart.
a. Do a self-inventory to find out why certain things are in your life, and how they are getting in your heart.
2. Take advantage of the benefits that come through the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11-12).
a. You overcome by testifying, or declaring what the blood of Jesus has done for you.
i. Healing, deliverance and prosperity and God's righteousness are all appropriated through and by the blood of Jesus.