Fall 2015 American History Survey Midterm
1. The Iroquois Confederacy, or league of Five Nations, is characterized by which of the following. Mark ALL that Apply:
a. Limited Constitutional Monarchy c. Representative Government
b. Women’s suffrage d. merit-based leadership
2. A=True B=False According to some historians, an Onondaga sachem or chief greatly influenced Ben Franklin’s plan to unite the colonies through the establishment of a representative government.
3. A=True B=False The Hohokam, early land reclamationist’s, are noted for having built the first irrigation network.
4. Evidence for Muslim contact in the Americas includes all of the following evidence EXCEPT:
a. Olmec heads
b. Voyages of Abu Bakari, Malian Empire
c. Oral tradition of the Chumash
d. The Chinese Sung Document
5. Evidence that supports the Rainbow Bridge Theory includes all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Corroborating oral tradition between the Chumash and Hawaiian people
b. Evidence of technological exchange such as the Tomo’olo
c. Written documents produced by the Kawaiisu during the 1200’s
d. Evidence of cultural exchange between the Nazca and Hawaiians/Polynesians
6. A=True B=False According to Loewen, in order to deconstruct myths of racial or ethnic superiority, and ultimately to end racism as a dominate, guiding ideology in society; we must learn a history that reflects the different experiences and perspectives of all peoples.
7. A=True B=False according to Loewen in, "Red Eyes," syncretism and acculturation has taken place within American society as well as Indigenous American societies since contact.
8. An _________________ system is one in which a number of indigenous peoples were enslaved by Spaniards for labor in mines, plantations and public works and in return were to receive “the benefits of civilization and Christianization.”
a. Hacienda b. Rancho c. Mission d. Encomienda
9. In 1452, Pope Nicolas V issued the __________________that declared war against non-Christians and sanctioned enslavement and dispossession of resources.
a. Papal bull
b. Treaty of Tordesillas
c. Bull intercaeteras
d. Bull Romanus Pontifex
10. The Bull that established that the western Hemisphere was the “sphere of influence” of Spain and Portugal was the:
a. Bull vacum domicilium
b. Bull Romanus Pontifex
c. Bull didam Sictum
d. Bull intercaeterus
11. In 1639, General William Kieft of the Dutch East India Company advocated an Indian policy or foreign policy of __________________.
a. Accommodation
b. Extermination
c. Removal and reservations
d. Diplomacy
12. A=True B=False. First Nations Peoples Wampanoag’s and Pilgrims formed an alliance in 1621 out of the potential mutual need for allies. (After the Mayflower)
13. A=True B=False. The Arawak and Taino people were the first indigenous nations in the Americas to experience the foreign policy and nature of European Christianity that resulted in genocide.
14. Chief or Sachem ________________________attempted to rid the Pamunkey Nation of the re-settlers of Jamestown, Virginia (1622) who continued an aggressive expansionary policy, disregarding their relationship with the Pamunkey.
a. Opechancanough
b. Metacom
c. Massassoit
d. Powhatan
15. A=True B=False. Spanish Conquest led by Columbus introduced European Slavery and the sex-trade to aboriginal civilizations in the Americas.
16. The name of the Sachem of the Wampanoag’s who signed the treaty with Governor John Carver of the New Plymouth/Patuxent resettlement was _____________ .
A. Neolin B. Metacom C. Massasoit D. Powhatan
17. True=A False=B. The Virginia Company Survived because the people there never endured a Starving time and negotiated favorable alliances with the Powhatan Confederacy, especially under the leadership of Sachem Opechancanough.
18. The Chief Executive and Governor, ________________, of the Massachusetts Bay Company employed an extermination policy against the Pequot because he represented the view that they were an impediment to puritan progress.
a. Adam Smith
b. John Smith
c. Jon Carver
d. John Winthrope
19. This __________________ theology separated these colonists as “insiders” from everyone else who were the “outsiders” in which they believed they were part of an “elect” chosen by God that few others would be included.
a. Mayflower compact
b. Puritan covenant
c. Constitution of sentiments
d. Pilgrim contract
20. One of the very first aboriginal revolts against Spanish occupation in the 1500s was among the following people:
a. Pope
b. Apalachee
c. Tupac
d. Wari Moche
21. A=true B=False The Pilgrims re-settled the Wampanoag town of Pawtuxet, several years previously wiped out by disease.
22. A=True B=False The first source of capital for Europeans at contact was cotton cash cropping.
23. All of the following factors contributed to the establishment of the racial caste system of the English colonies. Mark all that are true.
a. The previous ingrained existence of racism
b. Legislation in 1691 that made it illegal to free black indentured servants
c. The Freedom Dues given to White indentured servants, but denied blacks
d. Scarcity of white labor due to growing Navy's
24. A=True B=False It was Religious orientation and not race that initially determined slave or indentured status in the colonies.
25. All of the following groups of people with the exception of _________ shared similar circumstances and conditions in early colonial society that often resulted in united rebellion against colonial institutions.
a. European Indentured servants
b. African Americans
c. Those that were represented by John Winthrop of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
d. Indentured Servants occasionally of Native American origin
26. King Phillips War of 1675 was a result of all of the following, Mark all that are true
a. The aggressive expansion of English Europeans into Wampanoag territory
b. The containment of Wampanoags and others onto plantations or reservations
c. The unprovoked violence of Metacom
d. The Resistance to Assimilation programs represented by the establishment of “Praying Towns”
27. In 1761, Prior to the Revolution, a Delaware prophet_____________, reported a vision in which the master of life commanded them to return to ancestral ways, end dependence on foreign goods, throw off white independence & Stand against European expansion.
a. Tecumseh
b. Lalawetheka
c. Neolin
d. Pontiac
28. During the Colonial Period the colonies that were notorious for slave raiding of Aboriginal Nations, such as the Yamasee and Tuscarora were the ___________________.
a. Maryland
b. Virginia
c. The Carolinas
d. New Netherlands
29. The Stamp Act was the first direct tax levied against the colonists by the English crown, a tax which the middle and upper classes rebelled against. Consequences of colonial and Crown struggle over taxation without representation had several consequences of which included all of the following except.
a. The desire for propertied colonists to maintain their English status but enjoy all the rights and privileges as English Citizens, a demand that led to rebellion and the establishment of secret societies of the wealthier citizens of America such as the “Sons of Liberty.”
b. Black petitions delivered to the Massachusetts colonial assembly, and later the continental congress demanding the same rights and freedoms that English men were demanding during the revolution and that were attained following.
c. The immediate desire of all colonists to become independent and create a new nation.
d. Increased repression over free and enslaved black populations, increased use of terror to maintain control and rebellion.
30. A=True B=False African Americans and Aboriginal peoples have fought in every war and police action since, and including, the Revolution.
31. The Pamphlet, “Common Sense” refers to all of the following, Mark all that are true.
a. It considered the question of independence from England.
b. It stressed the Lockean theme of government.
c. It was written to Appeal to the upper classes.
d. It was the most successful example of propaganda during the revolutionary period.
32. The revolution was revolutionary in all of the following ways except:
a. It established a democracy in which even women were considered equal.
b. It established a government whose sovereignty was derived from the consent of the people as expressed through the vote.
c. It committed the new nation to Republicanism.
d. It created the United States with the Declaration of independence.
33. A=True B=False Under English Common Law, Femme Coverture, as it was practiced in the colonies referred to the protections women enjoyed from domestic violence and financial dependence on men.
34. One may define racism as discrimination based on which of the following differences:
A. Phenotype/physical characteristics B. Religion C. Culture D. Language
35. A=True B=False The 1790 Immigration and Naturalization Act established that "whiteness" was a prerequisite of citizenship and naturalization. A white woman who married a non-white person would be stripped of her citizenship.
36. This Shawnee military leader promoted a pan-Indian identity after the Revolution to stand against continued English-American expansion and Aggression.
a. Pontiac
b. Neolin
c. Tenskwatwa
d. Tecumseh
37. The rebellion in 1676 that was anti-aristocratic and anti-Indian in nature and led to the further development of the institution of racial slavery in Virginia was which of the following:
A. The regulator Movement B. The Stono Rebellion C. The Levellers D. Bacon’s Rebellion
38. The movement for democratization of the government, during the 1760s, for fairer taxes and distribution of wealth in North Carolina was which of the following:
B. The Regulator Movement B. The Stono Rebellion C. The Levellers D. Bacon’s Rebellion
39. Following a series of peoples rebellions, particularly Shays Rebellion, the leadership of the new republic replaced the Articles of Confederation with the ______________________.
a. The Articles of Confederation
b. the Bill of Rights
c. The Albany Plan
d. Constitution
40. Themes of the Industrial revolution include which of the following, mark all that apply:
a. increased disparity of wealth
b. anti-immigration campaigns
c. Rise of the middle class and middle class ideal
d. Development of the separate spheres ideology
41. "The Cult of Domesticity" refers to developments during the Industrial revolution based on new conditions of family life and assumptions about men and women. Mark all that apply:
a. Separation of work and home
b. Nativism
c. Biological difference
d. Manifest Destiny
42. The term "Bog Trotter" was a derogatory word applied to which of the following immigrant groups during the 1840s and 1850s?
a. German
b. Angolan
c. Irish
d. Lutheran Dutch
43. Feminists during the 19th Century argued that similarities existed between women and slaves that defined their political, social and economic status. Mark all that apply.
a. Social constructs that defined them as biologically inferior to white men.
b. The denial of suffrage
c. The deprivation of property
d. Barring from most occupations or advancement
e. No control or rights to children
44. A=True B=False During the early 19th C, the strongest appeal for emancipation of the enslaved was for their removal from America and re-colonization of Africa. David Walker represented most Black Africans when promoted this perspective through his "Appeal to Colored Citizens."
45. The society during the 1800s that was one of the first to begin promoting abolition while rejecting colonization included which of the following.
a. The Boston Reform Society
b. The American Colonization Society (C. 1817-1819)
c. American Anti-Slavery Society (1833)
d. The Philadelphia slavery society
46. Labor Demands of the Knights of Labor in 1869 included, mark all that apply
a. 8 hour wk day
b. Better wages and working conditions
c. Collective bargaining
d. Disability insurance
47. A=True B=False Loewen argued that the twin legacies of slavery included the belief in white supremacy and black inferiority.
48. A=True B=False During the 1800’s Corporate managers like Taylor in the industrial north implemented Scientific management techniques to better exploit labor while agricultural managers and owners employed the Gang Labor system to increase productivity and therefore profit. (Zinn, “Robber Baron and Rebels”)
49. Mark Twain’s ________________________ satirizes the materialistic excesses of the day, characterizing society’s shallow worship of wealth under a thin Veneer of respectability and prosperity of which actually covered deep economic and social divisions. (Zinn, “Robber Baron and Rebels”)
A. Yellow River B. Gilded Age C. Gospel of Wealth D. Social Gospel
50. The _________________________ Strike of 1877 was waged by workers in response to wages being cut repeatedly, Fireman & Brakemen complained they would not be able to sustain life on those wages & began walking off, not allowing the trains to run. Government and business colluded in the interest of business and used force to stop the strikes. (Zinn, “Robber Baron and Rebels”)
A. Pullman Strike B. Anthracite Strike C. Homestead Strike D. Railroad Strike