SAS and Understanding By Design Template

Name Mrs. Mesko Date 1.2.12 Length of Lesson 12 days Content Area Math 7

LESSON TOPIC: Ratios and Proportions / BIG IDEAS:
M7.A.1.1.1: Convert between fractions, decimals and/or percents (e.g., 20% = 0.2 = 1/5) (terminating decimals only).
M7.A.1.2.1: Compare and/or order integers, mixed numbers, fractions and decimals (fractions and decimals may be mixed – no more than 5 numbers in a set to be ordered). Compare and/or order integers, mixed numbers, fractions and decimals (fractions and decimals may be mixed – no more than 5 numbers in a set to be ordered).
M7.A.2.2.1: Write ratios to compare quantities (e.g., ratio of boys to girls).
M7.A.2.2.2: Solve for a variable in a given proportion.
M7.A.2.2.3: Use proportions to determine if two quantities are equivalent (e.g., similar figures, prices of different sized items, etc).
M7.A.2.2.4: Calculate and/or apply unit rates or unit prices (terminating decimals through the hundredth place only).
M7.A.2.2.5: Select and/or use ratios or proportions to solve problems.
M7.A.2.2.6: Use proportions to find the missing length of a side in similar figures.
M7.B.1.1.1: Add, subtract, or convert measurements, using only the units below, with and without regrouping (e.g., 4ft – 2ft 5in = 1ft 7in). Answer should be converted to the largest whole unit (e.g., 37oz = 2 Lb 5oz or 39 in = 1 yd 3 in. Conversion chart provided on the reference sheet.
M7.B.2.2.1: Interpret and/or apply scales shown on maps, blueprints, models, etc.
M7.B.2.2.2: Determine and/or apply an appropriate scale for reduction or enlargement.
M7.C.1.2.1: Identify and/or use polygons that are similar and/or congruent, given either measurements or tic and angle marks.
M7.C.1.2.2: Identify corresponding sides and/or angles of congruent or similar polygons.
Write ratios as fractions in simplest form, and determine whether two ratios are equivalent.
Determine unit rates.
Identify rate of change and slope using tables and graphs.
Change units in the customary system.
Change units in the metric system.
Solve for a variable in a given proportion.
Solve problems involving scale drawings.
Write percents as fractions and decimals and vice versa. / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS:
Can you determine if two ratios are equivalent?
Can you determine a unit rate and decide which unit rate is the best deal?
Can you find rate of change and slope by using a table or graph?
Can you solve problems when it is necessary to change between units of length, capacity, and mass?
Can you solve for a variable in a given proportion?
Can you solve problems involving scale drawings?
Can you convert between fractions, decimals, and percents?


Ratio, equivalent ratios, rate, unit rate, rate of change, slope, unit ratio, metric system, meter, liter, gram, kilogram, proportional, proportion, cross product, scale drawing, scale model, scale, scale factor. /


Students will be able to write and reduce ratios with 80% accuracy.
Students will be able to determine whether two ratios are equivalent with 80% accuracy.
Students will be able to determine unit rates with 80% accuracy.
Students will be able to convert between units of length, capacity, and mass with 80% accuracy.
Students will be able to solve proportions with 80% accuracy.
Students will be able to solve problems involving scale with 80% accuracy.
Students will be able to convert between fractions, decimals, and percents with 80% accuracy.
Students will actively participate in class examples, discussion, class work, and whiteboards. / OTHER EVIDENCE:
Daily warm ups, homework, Keystone Think Through Math, weekly progress monitoring tests, unit test and quizzes
DAILY: Warm up to include spiraling review of prior knowledge to include upcoming lesson
DAILY: Check for understanding using warm up, homework, or formative assessment questioning to determine whether to continue lesson or do interventions as needed. (model, spiral scaffolding, instruct/ re-teach as needed)
Based on daily assessments (formative and summative), additional modeling, instruction, homework, review, interventions, group work, computer or teacher guided practice will be done. / MATERIALS AND RESOURCES:
Unit 8 chap 6 Algebra (Glencoe Course 2 text)
Warm ups (daily)
Homework (daily)
“Grab & Go” worksheets/ activities
Unit Test
Additional materials as needed (rulers, compass, grid paper, etc) / INTERVENTIONS:
Math tutor
Think Through Math
Small group instruction
Small group mini-lessons
Khan academy / ASSIGNMENTS:
6-1 Skills Practice
6-2 Skills Practice
6-3 Practice
6-4 Skills Practice
6-5 Skills Practice
6-8 Skills Practice
6-9 Skills Practice
Mid-Chapter Test
Chapter Test as assigned