
The Faculty of Health Sciences comprises the following academic departments and associated research entities:

School of Anatomical Sciences

Embryonic Differentiation & Development Research Programme

School of Clinical Medicine


Centre for Health Sciences Education

Family Medicine


Carbohydrate and Lipid Research Unit

Pulmonary Infections Research Unit

Hepatitis Virus Diversity Research Programme

Soweto Cardiovascular Research Unit


Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Effective Care Research Unit

Wits Reproductive Health & HIV Research Institute

Orthopaedic Surgery

MRC/Wits Bone Research Laboratory


Birth to Twenty Research Programme

MRC/Wits Mineral Metabolism Research Unit

Perinatal HIV Research Unit

Radiation Services



Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics

School of Oral Health Sciences

Experimental Odontology

Oral Medicine and Periodontology

Oral Pathology


Paediatric and Restorative Dentistry


School of Pathology

Anatomical Pathology

Chemical Pathology

Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease

MRC/Wits Respiratory and Meningeal Pathogens Research Unit

Forensic Pathology

Human Genetics

MRC/Wits Human Genomic Diversity and Disease Research Unit


Molecular Medicine and Haematology

Antiviral Gene Therapy Research Unit

MRC/Wits Molecular Mycobacteriology Research Unit Virology

School of Physiology

Brain Function Research Unit

Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Genomics Research Unit

School of Public Health

MRC/Wits Rural Health in Transition Research Unit

Health Policy Research Unit

Community Dentistry

School of Therapeutic Sciences

Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

Nursing Education

Occupational Therapy


Pharmacology, Experimental and Clinical


School of Anatomical Sciences

Academic journal articles

Accredited Publications

·  Ajao MS, Olaleye OO, Ihunwo AO (2010). Melatonin potentiates cells proliferation in the dentate gyrus following ischemic brain injury in adult rats. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, 9 (11), pp. 1633 - 1638.
·  Gibbon VE, Strkalj G, Paximadis M, Ruff P, Penny CB (2010). The sex profile of skeletal remains from a cemetry of Chinese indentured labourers in South Africa. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 106 (7/8), pp. 1 - 4.
·  Manger PR, Restrepo C, Innocenti G (2010). The superior colliculus of the ferret: Cortical afferents and efferent connections to dorsal thalamus. BRAIN RESEARCH, 1353 pp. 74 - 85.
·  Sathar F, Badlangana LN, Manger PR (2010). Variations in the thickness and composition of the skin of the giraffe. ANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, 293 pp. 1615 - 1627.
·  Fuxe K, Dahlstrom A, Jonsson G, Marcellino D, Guescini M, DAM M, Manger PR, Agnati L (2010). The discovery of central monoamine neurons gave volume transmission to the wired brains. PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY, 90 pp. 82 - 100.
·  Manger PR, Hemingway J, Haagensen M, Gilissen E (2010). Cross-sectional area of the elephant corpus callosum: Comparison to other eutherian mammals. NEUROSCIENCE, 167 pp. 815 - 824.
·  Pettigrew J, Bhagwandin A, Haagensen M, Manger PR (2010). Visual acuity and heterogeneities of retinal ganglion cell densities and the tapetum lucidum of the African elephant (Loxodonta Africana). BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND EVOLUTION, 75 pp. 251 - 261.
·  Homman-Ludiye J, Manger PR, Bourne J (2010). Immunohistochemical parcellation of the ferret (Mustela putorius) visual cortex reveals substantial homology with the cat (Felis catus). JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, 518 pp. 4439 - 4462.
·  Pieters RP, Gravett N, Fuxe K, Manger PR (2010). Nuclear organization of cholinergic, putative catecholaminergic and serotonergic nuclei in the brain of the eastern rock elephant shrew, Elephantulus myurus. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 39 pp. 175 - 188.
·  Bux F, Bhagwandin A, Fuxe K, Manger PR (2010). Organization of cholinergic, putative catecholaminergic and serotonergic nuclei in the diencephalon, mibrain and pons of sub-adult male giraffes. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 39 pp. 189 - 203.
·  Kruger J, Dell L, Bhagwandin A, Jillani NE, Pettigrew J, Manger PR (2010). Nuclear organization of cholinergic, putative catecholaminergic and serotonergic systems in the brains of five microchiropteran species. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 40 pp. 210 - 222.
·  Dell L, Kruger J, Bhagwandin A, Jillani NE, Pettigrew J, Manger PR (2010). Nuclear organization of cholinergic, putative catecholaminergic and serotonergic systems in the brains of two megachiropteran species. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 40 pp. 177 - 195.
·  Kruger J, Dell L, Pettigrew J, Manger PR (2010). Cellular location and major terminal networks of the orexinergic system in the brains of five microchiropteran species. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 40 pp. 256 - 262.
·  Kibii JM, Pan R, Tobias PV (2010). Morphometric variations of the 7th cervical vertebrae of Zulu, white and colored South Africans. CLINICAL ANATOMY, 23 pp. 399 - 496.
·  Adams JW, Herries A, Hemingway J, Kegley A, Kgasi L, Reade H, Potze S, Thackeray JF, Hopley P (2010). Initial fossil discoveries from Hoogland, a new pliocene primate-bearing karstic system in Gauteng Province, South Africa. JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 59 pp. 685 - 691.
·  Ihunwo AO, Schliebs R (2010). Cell proliferation and total granule cell number in dentate gyrus of transgenic Tg2576 mouse. ACTA NEUROBIOLOGIAE EXPERIMENTALIS, 70 pp. 362 - 369.
Embryonic Differentiation & Development Research Programme
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
·  Jovanovic A, Kramer B (2010). The effect of hyperstimulation on transforming growth factor β1 and β2in the rat uterus: Possible consequences for embryo implantation . FERTILITY AND STERILITY, 93 (5), pp. 1509 - 1517.

School of Clinical Medicine


Academic journal articles

·  Penfold PR, Corbett CB, Bortolan LN (2010). Amniotic fluid embolism in an HIV-positive parturient. Southern African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 16 (4), pp. 1 - 5.
·  Lawson RB (2010). Perioperative beta blockade: A practice in need of optimisation. Southern African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 16 (3), pp. 71 - 77.
·  Morgan G (2010). Microbial growth in a mixture of hyperbaric bupivacaine and fentanyl prepared in a multi-dose syringe in the operating theatre environment. Southern African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 16 (2), pp. 17 - 21.
·  Lines D, Niven DR (2010). Acute subarachnoid haemorrhage and the mysterious electrocardiogram. Southern African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 16 (3), pp. 10 - 13.

Non-accredited Publications

·  Derman W, Frohlich E, Grolman D, Hitchcock S, Hodgson E, Kluyts H, Lundgren AC, Milner A, Mohr W, Penfold PR, Raff M, Thomas J, Travers A (2009). South African Acute Pain Guidelines. SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, 15 (6), pp. 1 - 120.


·  Lundgren AC (2010). Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia Johannesburg: Medpharm Publications.
·  Scribante J (2010). Connect: World of Critical Care Nursing Hampshire, UK: Connect Health Care Publishing.

Centre for Health Science Education

Academic journal articles

Accredited Publications

·  Green-Thompson LP, Mc Inerney PA, Veller MG (2010). The evaluation of bedside teaching - an instrument for staff evaluation and student experience: A pilot study at a South African university. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 48 pp. 50 - 52.
·  Manning DM, McKinley D, Chipamaunga S (2010). Student learning experience in a diversified academic environment. MEDICAL EDUCATION, 44 pp. 493 - 494.
·  Mc Inerney PA, Suleman F (2010). Exploring knowldge, attitude, and barriers towards the use of evidence-based practice amongst academic health care practitioners in their teaching in a South African university: A pilot study. WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING, 7 (2), pp. 90 - 97.

Family Medicine

Academic journal articles

Accredited Publications
·  Couper ID, Worley P (2010). Meeting the challenges of training more medical students: Lessons from Flinders University's distributed medical education program. MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 193 (1), pp. 34 - 36.
·  Kramer EB, Dvorak J, Kloeck WG (2010). Review of the management of sudden cardiac arrest on the football field. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 44 pp. 540 - 545.
·  Couper ID, Hugo J, Truscott AG (2010). The shared consultation: A necessity in primary care clinics?. South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52 (3), pp. 223 - 226.
·  Pfaff CA, Couper ID (2010). The consequences upon patient care of moving Brits Hospital: A case study. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (2), pp. 109 - 112.
·  De Vries E, Irlam J, Couper ID, Kornik S (2010). Career plans of final-year medical students in South Africa. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (4), pp. 227 - 228.
·  van Hoving D, Smith W, Kramer EB, de Vries S, Docrat F, Wallis L (2010). Haiti: The South African perspective. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (8), pp. 513 - 515.
·  Heyer A, Mabuza L, Couper ID, Ogunbanjo G (2010). Understanding participation in a hospital-based HIV support group in Limpopo Province, South Africa. South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52 (3), pp. 234 - 239.
·  Truscott AG (2010). A method of teaching clinical problem-solving skills to primary health care student nurses. South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52 (1), pp. 60 - 63.
·  Hugo J, Couper ID, Thigiti J, Loeliger S (2010). Equity in health care: does family medicine have a role? AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE & FAMILY MEDICINE, 2 (1), pp. 1 - 3.
·  Nyangairi B, Couper ID, Mapukata-Sondzaba NO (2010). Exposure to primary healthcare for medical students: experiences of final-year medical students. South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52 (5), pp. 467 - 470.

Non-accredited Publications

·  Kramer EB (2010). Emergency medicine in football is now regarded as a sub-speciality of emergency medicine. Continuing Medical Education, 28 (5), pp. 208 - 212.
·  Wells MD, Goldstein LN (2010). The polony phantom: A cost-effective aid for teaching emergency ultrasound procedures. International Journal of Emergency Medicine, 3 pp. 115 - 118.
·  Couper ID, Worley P (2010). Evaluation of the parallel rural community curriculum at Flinders University, South Australia: Lessons learnt for Africa. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 2 (2), pp. 14 - 16.

Authored Book

Non-accredited Publications

·  Wells MD, Goldstein LN (2010). Local and RegionalAnaesthesia in the Emergency Department (1st ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. 236 pp.

Chapters in books

Non-accredited Publications

·  Sparks BL (2010). How to do a paediatric consultation. Chapter 14. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 110-112). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Couper ID (2010). How to cope with stress and avoid burnout. Chapter 21. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 128-129). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Couper J, Jacklin LB, Couper ID (2010). How to do a developmental assessment. Chapter 25. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 143-145). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to assess growth and classify malnutrition in children. Chapter 26. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 146-161). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to do childhood immunisation. Chapter 27. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 162-166). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Couper ID, Saloojee H (2010). How to administer an intra-muscular injection to a child. Chapter 28. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 167-168). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to get intravenous access in a child. Chapter 29. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 169-172). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to do a skin test for tuberculosis. Chapter 30. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 173-175). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Couper ID, Saloojee H (2010). How to access gestational age at birth. Chapter 55. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 284-285). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to establish kangaroo mother care for preterm infants. Chapter 57. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 292-293). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Van Deventer C, Makinde M (2010). How to take a papanicolaou smear. Chapter 63. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 310-311). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
·  Couper ID (2010). How to deal with a medical error. Chapter 80. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 356-357). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Book & Other Reviews
·  Moosa SA (2010). Review of Emergency Management of Acute Poisoning by A Howard (1 ed.).

Internal Medicine

Academic journal articles

Accredited Publications

·  Gibbon VE, Strkalj G, Paximadis M, Ruff P, Penny CB (2010). The sex profile of skeletal remains from a cemetry of Chinese indentured labourers in South Africa. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 106 (7/8), pp. 1 - 4.
·  Dahab M, Charalambous S, Karstaedt AS, Fielding K, Hamilton R, La Grange L, Churchyard G, Grant A (2010). Contrasting predictors of poor antiretroviral therapy outcomes in two South African HIV programmes: A cohort study. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 10 (430), pp. 1 - 16.
·  Osei-Sekyere B, Karstaedt AS (2010). Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome involving the skin. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY, 35 (5), pp. 477-481 - .