FRS Management Board Meeting

Monday 20 February 2006

10:00 Marine Laboratory



Present: Robin Cook (Chairman)

Ron Stagg

John Armstrong (representing Malcolm Beveridge)

Colin Moffat

Trevor Hastings

Bill Turrell

Carey Cunningham (ex officio observer)

Morag McCall

Pamela Reid

Sarah Heath (Secretary) (representing Alastair Johnstone )

1. Introduction and Apologies

The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting. Apologies were received from Malcolm Beveridge and Alastair Johnstone.

2. Action Points arising from MB meeting on 16 January 2006

1. Running cost allocation: Robin Cook to clarify FRS running cost allocation for 06/07 at the FRS Strategy Board meeting on 2nd February 2006. In Progress. [NB. David Dalgetty has now provided the relevant figure]

2. eRDM steering group: Completed. Ron Stagg has established an eDRM steering group.

3. Draft FRS Training policy: Pamela Reid/Morag McCall to prepare draft FRS Training Policy for the April MB meeting. Carried forward.

4. Comment on ML Accommodation Strategy: Board members to pass comments on ML Accommodation Strategy to Alastair Johnstone. Carried over until new (financial) year.

5. Improvement of FRS FL communication links: Completed. Malcolm Beveridge has consulted with Eric Henderson and Facilities Management to clarify solutions to improve the reliability of the FRS FL communication links and establish a timetable for improvement.

6. Running cost budget revisions: In Progress. PDs to ensure that 06/07 running cost budget revisions are submitted to Pamela Reid by 24th February 2006.

ACTION POINT: PDs to submit budget revisions to Pamela Reid by 24th February 2006.

7. Recruitment bids: In progress. PDs to ensure recruitment bids are submitted to HR by end of first week by 31st March 2006.

ACTION POINT: PDs to submit recruitment bids to Pamela Reid by 31st March 2006.

8. Staff Retirements: Completed. Information regarding forthcoming staff retirements, resignations, and their cost implications is accessible to PDs on the MB shared drive.

9. Internal Audit Report. In Progress. Pamela Reid/Alastair Johnstone, in consultation with Robin Cook, are preparing a draft management response to the Internal Audit report on Corporate Decision Making for completion by 1 March 2006.

10. UKAS. Completed. PDs have ensured that relevant auditors have completed shortfalls in time for the UKAS assessment in March.

11. Customer and Stakeholder surveys: In Progress. Nick Bailey/Alastair Johnstone are analysing the results of the 2005 FRS Customer and Stakeholder Survey and will disseminate the results by April 2006.

12. Feed back from Staff Survey results. In Progress. Robin Cook has received some feedback, some positive, some not. Robin will present the results to staff in two separate presentations, one at ML and one at FL.

ACTION POINT: PDs should supply ideas from feedback from Staff Survey results.

13. Provision of articles for Fish Update. Completed.

14. Car sharing scheme. In progress. Catherine Kite investigating the wording required for a staff notice that would satisfy legal requirements.

3. Finance, Human Resources and Administration

a) Finance Report . The Board noted that FRS is likely to be within running costs by the end of the financial year. The situation has been made easier by a revision of the fuel costs estimates. To ensure full use of resources finance will encourage staff to spend what is in their budgets by the end of the financial year.

The Board was reminded that there is a reduction in FRS’ external income in 2005-06 and noted that invoices were currently being sent to contracters.

b) ASSR. Two boards are still due to meet. The final board of this round will be held 27.02.06.

c) Staff Performance Appraisal. The Board discussed the need for consistency and equity in the setting of Business Objectives and in reporting standards, most especially with regard to the award of box markings. The Board noted that within FRS some 8-9% of staff are awarded exceptional markings, compared to an average 12% in the SE. PDs should discuss marking standards with their GLs and stress the need for prior discussion between CSOs and ROs where markings other than ‘effective’ are to be awarded.

ACTION POINT: PDs to discuss Staff Performance Appraisal (SPA) marking standards with GLs by the end of March 2006.

The Board noted a forthcoming the addition of a new category to the SPA ‘professional skills for government’. This will affect band C staff only and full training in the ???? will be provided by SE.

d) FRS Asbestos Control Policy. The Board considered the asbestos management plan and noted that at present none of the asbestos at FRS needs to be removed. What is important is that a) correct precautions are taken when any building works likely to disturb asbestos are undertaken, and that b) the FRS asbestos register is kept fully up-to-date. The Board accepted the asbestos control plan subject to clarification of the cost of implementation.

ACTION POINT: Colin Sellar to supply accurate costings on asbestos control by April 2006

e) SEAS. The board was informed that the changes to SEAS as a result of the recent upgrade will not affect general users. Members of staff in Finance can expect changes. The upgrade means that existing SEAS timecard and project problems will be addressed.

f) Business Contingency Planning. ICT has appointed an external consultant to prepare FRS’ Business Contingency Plan. The Board considered the differences between FRS’ Disaster Response and Business Contingency Plan, and noted that without a complete Business Contingency Plan, the auditors may not sign off FRS’ accounts.

4. Update on Capital Procurement Projects

a. FRV Alba. The new ship project is progressing well. At a project meeting held last week, the ship’s engine was the main issue discussed. The Board noted that monthly project meetings will be held in future.

b. Building Project. The Board noted that PQQ and ITT will be issued shortly. A project Board is to be established.

c. eRDM. It was reported the project board has been established. FRS’ procurement section is looking at the SE contract with eRDM suppliers Objective. Issues such as the Objective consultant’s rates need to be resolved before the contract can progress further.

Two issues ICT accommodation remain unresolved:

· housing the eRDM hardware,

· housing the Objective staff for the duration of the project implementation

5. FRS Science Cross-Cutting Initiative

The Board was informed that interviews with PDs, finance, HR and one project leader have been conducted. It is intended that the outcomes of the interviews will inform the new FRS management structure. A major concern is the gap between strategy and operation, and

discussion considered to how best to address this. The Board noted that there are two possible options:

· no structural change

· to create a role for a ‘cross-cutting’ science director.

The Board discussed issues of governance and operation, and of the need to make clear a distinction between them, and agreed that before any further development could take place, an option must be chosen.

Agency governance issues will be discussed at the FRS Away Day in March

6. FRS Strategy Board meeting

Robin Cook reported on the recent FRS Strategy Board meeting. The Board noted that the FRS Framework Document must be reviewed and revised. The Board discussed the role and composition of the Strategy Board and agreed that it is not sufficiently active. Further discussion concerning FRS strategic and operational issues led to an agreement that Robin Cook should discuss these issues, as well as FRS’ Strategic Plan with David Wilson.

ACTION POINT: Robin Cook to arrange to meet with David Wilson.[NB. The meeting will be at the FRS Awayday on March 28th]

The Board discussed Agency Performance Targets and noted that there is a general discomfort at the Strategy Board with target focus on ‘output’ rather than ‘outcome.’ The Board agreed that FRS should retain its existing range of targets and introduce one or two more from the Customer Survey which would be relatively easy to gather. It was agreed that over time outcome based targets could be developed.

The Board noted that SE Policy Customers would like to see more stakeholder involvement, and that in response to this, a stakeholder Away Day is being arranged.

FRS’ Science Planning Cycle is being overseen by Ron Stagg and Phil Balls. Ron Stagg asked for comments on the current cycle to be supplied.

ACTION POINT: PDs to provide Ron Stagg with comments on the Science planning Cycle by April 2006.

The Board noted the enthusiasm with which the Strategy Board met the Balanced Scorecard concept.

The Board discussed the annual Science Programme Reviews and agreed that the current practice of inviting reviews of separate programmes was not ideal since so much of FRS’ science overlaps. It was agreed that the Merit C2s should consider how FRS integrates the work of each programme in relation to coastal issues, and that FRS might evolve towards a system of higher, more integrated performance indicators. It was agreed that the scope of future reviews should extend beyond the purely academic to encompass customers and stakeholders. The Board agreed that the visiting review group could help FRS move towards a system of better integrated targets which would take account of wider environmental initiatives and legislation.

It was reported that in FRS is required to respond to the Efficient Government Initiative and is required to demonstrate the savings it has made.

7. Key Agency Performance Targets

a) Update on 05/06 Performance

Pamela Reid informed the Board that FRS is on target to meet all of its key performance targets. The Board noted that the biggest concern is vessel costs, and that currently this is just under target.

b) Review of targets. The Board agreed that there was no need to complete a review of targets, but to adjust the existing ones, for example ship’s fuel.

ACTION POINT: Pamela Reid and Ron Stagg to identify two new targets from the Customer Survey by 30 April 2006.

8. FRS Senior Staff Away Day

The Board noted that arrangements for an Away day have been made for 28th March 2006.

In terms of the business of the away day, the results of the two recent surveys will be discussed, as well as the science cross-cutting initiative. Since there are two full days available, PDs were invited to suggest other items for the agenda.

ACTION POINT: PDs to send suggestions for additional away day agenda items by 24th February

9. Directors’ Monthly reports


The allocation of accommodation to house the eRDM servers must be resolved as it may affect the AE and FM programmes.

ACTION POINT: Alastair Johnstone to convene a meeting between Colin Moffat and Bill Turrell to resolve accommodation issues.

Support Services

It was noted that fuel costs had reduced, therefore running costs had also reduced in line.

Concerns have been raised over the building project at FL (Block D) and to the estimated costs of architect’s fees in relation to planning consent and building warrants. The Board agreed that the estimated sum of ~£30-40k for this needed closer investigation, and that the work, if it were to go ahead must be organised as a planned project.

ACTION POINT: Alastair Johnstone to arrange a meeting at FL to discuss building project. (attendees: Alastair Johnstone Robin Cook, Ron Stagg, Malcolm Beveridge, John Armstrong and Pamela Reid)

Pamela Reid reported that the C1 accountant post will be advertised outside the SE and that is likely that FRS will require a temporary accountant from an agency.

Aquatic Environment.

The Board was asked to note that the UK Marine Assessment and Monitoring Strategy and EU Marine Strategy Directive will have a significant impact on the work of the AE programme in future.


Trevor Hastings thanked Rob Raynard for preparing the monthly report.

The Board was asked to note that the proposed changes to FRS’ PhD scheme have been met with widespread criticism. The Board discussed the proposed changes and the need to link funding to science strategy. By entering into partnership with those universities offering the scientific expertise FRS requires, FRS should ensure that this aim is achieved. The Board agreed that whilst the old system worked adequately, a means to link funding to strategy must be found.

ACTION POINT: Ron Stagg to arrange a meeting of Merit C2s (to include other interested staff who have raised concerns) to review projects and to consider how university partnerships and PhD funding should be taken forward.

Freshwater Laboratory

A major concern is that the continued situation whereby staff are required to plan the spending for their scientific fieldwork at a time (early in the financial year) when they are unaware of what their running costs allocations will be. The Board discussed the issue and advised that staff should proceed on the understanding that they will receive the similar funding as in the previous year for provisional planning purposes.

The Board discussed FRS’ requirement to comply with the SE policy where Disclosures Scotland checks are run on staff, including casuals. It was agreed that in certain circumstances, the Board can decide if it wishes to opt out of this policy. It was noted that the problems arise when the checking process takes longer than the proposed period of casual employment. HR noted this and agreed to provide as much assistance as possible.

The Board noted that FL (Montrose) continues to be involved in lengthy FOI requests and that the nature of some requests require that complicated issues of data protection in relation to the release of fishery data must be considered.

The appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) against FRS’ decision not to disclose specific fishery data sets is in progress. FRS has met the SE FOI unit’s request for a response to an interim settlement letter from the SIC, and awaits a final decision.

Fisheries Management Programme

The Board noted that the process to move elements of the work of the FMP into the FRS Quality System is underway. A timetable to move the otolith reading work up to accreditation standard is underway.

The Board discussed the issue of casual recruitment and agreed that casuals could be recruited at the discretion of PDs on the understanding that the funds would come out of the existing budget. No extra funds are available.

The Board was informed of problems arising from the use of VMS data. SE and SFPA consider its use by FRS unlawful, since to do so would place FRS in contravention of the Data Protection Act 1998. It is apparent, however, that other UK institutes are using the VMS data. FRS, therefore is seeking clarification as to how to obtain lawful access to the data.