Date: June 14, 2013
Board Agenda: Yes X
FROM: John L. Brown, Executive Director for Curriculum Design and Services
Sarah Whelan, Curriculum Developer for Humanities
THROUGH: GwenCarol Holmes, Chief Academic Officer
THROUGH: Morton Sherman, Superintendent of Schools
TO: The Honorable Karen Graf, Chairman, and Members of the Alexandria City School Board
TOPIC: Adoption of New Textbook for Fifth-Grade Social Studies
New textbooks for fifth-grade social studies were last adopted and purchased in 2003. Although new textbooks were purchased for grades K-4 for the 2011-2012 school year, a purchase of 5th grade materials was not made at that time due to limited funding. Consequently, the materials currently in use are out of date, not aligned with the new ACPS curriculum (and new Virginia Standards of Learning approved in 2008), and are in inadequate supply due to significant growth in enrollment.
Fifth-grade social studies does not have a required SOL test at that grade level; therefore, there is no list of approved texts provided by the Virginia Department of Education. Consequently, the recommended new text requires Board of Education approval. As per Board policy, a review committee examined and evaluated the limited number of texts available related to the regions of the United States. Subsequently, the committee recommended the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt text titled States and Regions. This particular text is part of the previously-purchased series in use in K-4 elementary social studies classrooms in ACPS and is closely aligned with the curriculum.
The focus of this fifth-grade textbook adoption is to provide students and teachers with outstanding resources that will support and enhance their understanding of geography, history, and social science. Purchase of a new text will include access to the online edition of the book, with extensive interactive resources and materials. The book includes informational text, engaging visual details, and a wide range of literary and primary source documents. Therefore, it will support integrated and interdisciplinary instruction in reading, writing, and social studies.
RECOMMENDATION: Board adoption of the following textbook for fifth-grade social studies is recommended: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, States and Regions, 2012.
COST ANALYSIS: The cost of this textbook is $33.95 per book (with additional charges for shipping and support resources).
CONTACT: John L. Brown, Sarah Whelan