FORD FRENZY Permission Slip
____________________________(student) has my permission to be a member of the Ford Frenzy Club. The spirit club will attend select home games and cheer for the FORDS! The home games are not always on the site of Haverford Middle School, and I understand that transportation to and from games is NOT provided. (For example, soccer games are played at Manoa Elementary School.)
_________________________________(parent/ guardian signature)
_________________________________ (parent/ guardian cell #)
Please return to Mrs. Gannon in room 190
FORD FRENZY Permission Slip
____________________________(student) has my permission to be a member of the Ford Frenzy Club. The spirit club will attend select home games and cheer for the FORDS! The home games are not always on the site of Haverford Middle School, and I understand that transportation to and from games is NOT provided. (For example, soccer games are played at Manoa Elementary School.)
_________________________________(parent/ guardian signature)
_________________________________ (parent/ guardian cell #)
Please return to Mrs. Gannon in room 190