Please provide paragraph number and place an X in the appropriate box.

Paragraph Number / 5.08 (d) and 12.07

New Standard





Paragraph (State the paragraph exactly as it appears in the manual).
(5.08) The following housing standards apply to all facilities: (See Appendix C concerning youth detention facilities)
d. Upon admission and thereafter, if indigent, inmates shall be provided reasonable access to toothpatste, toothbrush, shaving equipment , a comb, soap, and a clean towel. Dangerous shaving implements shall be restricted or issued for use only under observation when it is determined that issuance of such equipment would pose a threat to the safety of the inmate, staff or other inmates.
(12.07) Bedding, Clothing, and Personal Items - Beds and bedding shall be kept in good repair and cleaned and sanitized regularly. Used mattress and pillow covers shall be washed laundered when necessary at least weekly and blankets laundered washed or dry cleaned at least quarterly and always before reissue. Sheets and personal clothing shall be washed at least weekly. Sheets, blankets, and mattresses shall be stored in a clean, dry place between cleaning and reissue. Inmates to be held longer than 24 hours should shall be issued clothing and personal comfort items, such as soap, clean towels, comb, toothbrush and toothpaste. Razors and blades may be issued on a controlled basis. [Emphasis added to indicate specific section]
Proposal (State the paragraph exactly as you believe it should appear in the manual).
5.07 Hygiene Items (or 5.08 if 5.05 moving to 4.05 is not approved)
a.  Upon admission and thereafter if indigent, inmates shall be issued toothpaste, toothbrush, a comb, soap, and a clean towel.
b.  Inmates to be held longer than 24 hours shall be issued clothing and have reasonable access to personal comfort items, such as soap, clean towels, comb, toothbrush and toothpaste.
c.  Razors and blades may be issued on a controlled basis. Razors shall be restricted or issued for use only under observation when it is determined that issuance of such equipment would pose a threat to the safety of the inmate, staff or other inmates.
Note: The unbolded part of 12.07 becomes 12.09
12.09 Bedding, Clothing, and Personal Items - Beds and bedding shall be kept in good repair and cleaned and sanitized regularly. Used mattress and pillow covers shall be laundered when necessary and blankets laundered at least quarterly and always before reissue. Sheets and personal clothing shall be washed at least weekly. Sheets, blankets, and mattresses shall be stored in a clean, dry place between cleaning and reissue.
Rationale for revision.
Combines duplicate sections in 5.08 and 12.07.
Separates provision requirements of toiletry items at admission from requirements after admission.
Separates beds and bedding from tolietry items.
Proposed By:
Name: / FMJS Task Force
City: / Sate: / Zip:

Forward to: Sgt. David Harvey; Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, 500 East Adams Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202

Phone: (904) 630-5724 Fax: (904) 630-3622 Email:

Standards/Medical Review Subcommittee Recommendation:

Approve: Disapprove: Approve with Changes:


FMJS Committee Action:

Approved: Disapproved: No Motion:

Approved with Changes: Tabled:

Changes Include:

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Assigned to Subcommittee:

Compliance: Medical Revision: Standards Revision: Training:

Subcommittee Instructions:

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