work Management Module

FacilityMAX User Guide

Work Management Module

MAXIMUS, Inc. Asset Solutions Division

1777 N. E. Loop 410, Suite 1250

San Antonio, Texas 78217

(800) 268-0325


Setup Menu: Work Management Module 3

Work Classification Setup Screen 3

Work Code Group Setup Screen 6

Work Code Setup Screen 7

Action Taken Setup Screen 8

Work Order Status Setup Screen 9

Phase Status Setup Screen 11

Priority Setup Screen 13

Problem Code Setup Screen 14

Request Method Setup Screen 15

Material Order Status Setup Screen 16

Work Order Screen 18

Work Order Fields 18

Phase Screen 19

Work Order View Menu 21

Reference Data Screen 21

Cost Analysis Screen 22

Account Setup Screen 24

Custom Account Distribution Setup 26

Daily Assignments 29

Material Order Screen 30

Add New Line Item Menu 31

Shop Stock Functionality 39

Stock Location Screen 39

Stock Number Screen 40

Shop Stock Window – View Menu 42

Shop Stock Approval Screen 43

Shop Stock Adjustment Screen 44

Rapid Status Update for Work Order 45

Rapid Status Update for Phase 46

Planned Work Order 47

Planned Phase Screen 49


Work Management involves defining work orders so that the system can help you assign resources, monitor the work process, and record the costs. By dividing the work into phases, multiple shops, multiple equipment items and/or contractors may be assigned to the work order. Work management builds the accounting associations into the work orders, facilitating cost tracking and recovery.

A work order is made up of phases - at least one must exist and there is no limit placed on the number of phases that can be added to the order. Costs from the phases roll up to the work order. The order itself may be associated to a Project, which is the next highest level of reporting hierarchy in FacilityMAX. A Project may have any number of work orders associated to it. Projects may be grouped together and reported together. Planned work orders and estimating are also supported in the Work Management module.

Setup Menu: Work Management Module

FacilityMAX includes a number of setup screens in this module to assist in populating validated and pre-defined information as data entry into the main screens occurs. All setup should be completed before any work orders are entered and processed in the system.

Work Classification Setup Screen

Use the Work Classification screen to enter the types of work and to build the association between a type and one or more underlying categories within it. These are user-specified based on the way the institution does business. The type and category codes defined on this screen appear in the drop-down lists for the Type and Category fields on the Work Order screen and other screens throughout the system.

Path: Work Management / Setup / Work Classification

1. Click the Edit (or New) icon to begin data entry.

2. Complete the field entry as described in the following table.

3. To add categories to the work classification, click the green plus sign in the category menu bar to open the data entry screen.

4. Click the green flag when data entry is complete to return to the main screen.

5. Save the data entry.

Field / Description
Type / Enter the type of work. This is the broadest classification in the system. A type of work will have one or more categories within it. Sample types are: Maintenance, PM, Repair, Construction, and Event. Or, Billable and Non-Billable.
Description / Enter a description of the work.
Editor / Displays the user's ID.
Edit Date / Displays today's date.
Active / To make the work classification active in the system, select Y. To remove it from the list of work classifications, select N.
Category Block
Category / Define one or more categories of work within the type.
Description / Enter a description of the work.
Editor / Displays the user's ID.
Edit Date / Displays today's date.
Active / To make the category active in the system, select Y. To remove it from the list of categories, select N.
Settings Block
Enforce Budget / By selecting Yes, this type can be configured to adhere to budgeted limits. The underlying phases for the work order type are also affected. The default is No.
Funding Source / Select a funding source from one of the six types: Shop, Property, Equipment, Project, Organization, Custom. Please see the Finance Module User Guide for detailed instructions for setting up default accounts for each of these funding sources.
FCA Type / By selecting Yes, this type is flagged as an FCA work order type for use as part of a Facility Condition Assessment process.
Survey Block
Survey / Click the database icon and select a survey from the available list. NOTE: The survey questions are typically defined for each type and category of work order to support polling of customers and staff for analysis. Changing the status on a work order phase to a flagged status will trigger the generation of the survey form to a URL. The URL will then be emailed to the respective customer/shop person soliciting a response.
Count / This column if populated will be used to determine if a survey is generated or is not. If the survey count is null or zero, the system will generate a survey. If the survey count is evenly divisible by the frequency then generate a survey. If none of the previous conditions apply exit the generation process.
Frequency / If the frequency field is null or is equal to one then a survey will be generated for every phase that is set to the flagged status defined to trigger survey generation.

Work Code Group Setup Screen

The Work Code Group screen allows the creation of work code groups to join work codes together. From this screen, the FacilityMAX Administrator can name work code groups, provide a detailed description of them, and control their availability on Link Lists throughout the FacilityMAX system. Work code groups appear chiefly on the work code screen.

1. Click the Edit (or New) icon to begin data entry.

2. Enter data into the fields as described in the following table.

3. Save the data entry.

Field / Description
Work Code Group / Name of collection of work codes that may contain up to fifteen alphanumeric characters. Some common work code groups are:
Description / Describe the work code group in detail. The field length is unlimited.
Active / To make the work code group active in the system, select Y. To remove it from the list of available groups, select N.

Work Code Setup Screen

This screen provides the functionality to create work codes, which define types of work or labor groupings on each work order (WO) phase and identify the specific task to be completed. Work Order type/category codes can be associated with work codes, thus filtering the selection that appears in the work code Link List. You must create WO Types/Categories before you can create work codes.

1. Click the Edit (or New) icon to begin data entry.

2. To add Action Taken codes to the work code, click the green plus sign in the Action Taken bar.

3. Save the data entry.

Field / Description
Work Code / A work code may contain up to fifteen alphanumeric characters.
Editor / Displays the ID of the last user who edited the record.
Edit Date / Displays the date that the record was last edited.
Description / Enter a detailed description of the work code. This description will print on the work order for the shop person to review as part of performing the work.
Active / To make the work code active in the system, select Y. To remove it from the list of available work codes, select N.
Work Code Group / Enter the work code group, if any, to which the work code belongs.
Category / These fields specify the work order type and category that use this work code.
Action Taken
Action Taken / Action Taken Codes are defined in the Action Taken screen. Some examples are: Inspected, Repaired, Replace. Check one or more of the checkboxes if you wish to have an action taken associated to the use of the work code.

Action Taken Setup Screen

An action code may be associated to a work code to indicate the outcome of the work on a phase.

1. Click the Edit (or New) icon to begin data entry.

2. Enter data into the fields as described in the following table.

3. Save the data entry.

Field / Description
Action Taken / Action codes may contain up to twenty alphanumeric characters.
Description / Enter a detailed description of the action code.
Active / To make the action taken active in the system, select Y. To remove it from the list of available actions, select N.

Work Order Status Setup Screen

Create work order statuses to describe each stage of work order progress from creation to completion. Statuses are specific to the type and category of work. System statuses (Status Flag field) are NOT COMPLETE, COMPLETE and PMCOMPLETE. The statuses you define can indicate any unfulfilled requirements of the work order (i.e. awaiting approval, awaiting inspection, etc.).

Path: Work Management Module / Setup / Phase Status

1. Click the Edit (or New) icon to begin data entry.

2. To add users with exclusive access to this status in the drop-down field on the work order phase screen, click the green plus sign in the Role menu at the bottom of the screen and associate roles to the status.

3. Enter data into the fields as described in the following table.

4. Save the data entry.

Field / Description
Status / Statuses may contain up to twenty alphanumeric characters.
Editor / Displays the ID of the last user who edited the record.
Edit Date / Displays the date that the record was last edited.
Description / Enter a detailed description of the status.
Active / To make the work order status active in the system, select Y. To remove it from the list of available statuses, select N.
Sequence / Set this status's placement in the list of available statuses in the Status drop-down field (i.e. 1 = initial status, 2 = next status, etc.) This designation is not mandatory and in fact has no effect to force the use of statuses in a certain order unless you also define a Minimum Status and a Maximum Status for each defined status in the sequence. To enforce a sequence, set up both the sequence and the min/max for each status.
Status Flag / Associate this status with a status flag, which is a FacilityMAX system hard-coded identifier for what occurs within the system when an associated status is set by the user. For instance, any number of OPEN statuses may be defined to represent various stages of work and each would be associated to the OPEN status flag. OPEN status flag allows the user to continue entering data and updating the record.
WO Type
WO Category / Select the type and the category of the work order that this status will describe.
Edit Budget / Optionally, if you wish to lock down the budget number so that it cannot be edited after this status has been set, select No for this type and category of work order. The default in this screen is Yes. This function is often used in conjunction with the Enforce Budget option available on the Work Classification setup screen.
Minimum Status
Maximum Status / If you wish to control the use of a series of statuses, set up a min/max status. FacilityMAX will analyze the current status against any new status the user is attempting to set. If the current status is within the Min/Max range of the new status, the user will be able to set the new status. This is a very effective means of forcing a particular set of steps within a process.
NOTE: All statuses must be defined before designating min/max values.
Days before past due / Enter the maximum number of days allotted for completion of this status, or before the status is flagged as past due.
Role / Click the green plus sign at the bottom of the screen if you wish to associate one or more specific roles to this status, thus making the status available to a specific group of users.

Phase Status Setup Screen

Create work order phase statuses to describe each stage of the phase's progress from creation to completion. Phase status codes are unique to the category of work. When a work order is created of a specific category of work, only the statuses defined for the category will appear in the Status drop-down field on the work order phase screen.

System statuses (Status Flag field) are

Not Complete


Awaiting Material

Material Complete

Equipment to Repair

Equipment From Repair

PM Complete.

Work Complete

Pending Approval

·  When a status associated with Awaiting Material is used, it is automatically changed to Material Complete when Purchasing / Inventory transactions post the receipt of the material.

·  A Complete status indicates that the record is financially complete. The system allows no more transactions against the work order phase.

Path: Work Management Module / Setup / Phase Status

1. Click the Edit (or New) icon to begin data entry.

2. To add users with exclusive access to this status in the drop-down field on the work order phase screen, click the green plus sign in the Role menu at the bottom of the screen and associate roles to the status.

3. Enter data into the fields as described in the following table.

4. Save the data entry.

Field / Description
Status / Enter a phase status name of up to twenty alphanumeric characters. Some common phase statuses are:
Editor / Displays the user's ID.
Edit Date / Displays the current date.
Description / Enter a description of the phase status.
Active / To make the phase status active in the system, select Y. To remove it from the list of available statuses, select N.
Sequence / Set this status's placement in the list of available statuses in the Status drop-down field (i.e. 1 = initial status, 2 = next status, etc.) This designation is not mandatory and in fact has no effect to force the use of statuses in a certain order unless you also define a Minimum Status and a Maximum Status for each defined status in the sequence. To enforce a sequence, set up both the sequence and the min/max for each status.
Allow Invoices / If the status is associated to a billable phase, and you will be allowing invoices at this status, select Yes from the drop-down box.
Status Flag / Associate this status with a status flag, which is a FacilityMAX system hard-coded identifier for what occurs within the system when an associated status is set by the user. For instance, any number of OPEN statuses may be defined to represent various stages of work and each would be associated to the OPEN status flag. OPEN status flag allows the user to continue entering data and updating the record.
WO Type
WO Category / Indicate the type and category of the work order phases that this status will describe.
Edit Budget / Edit Budget allows or prevents changes to the budget number after a certain status has been attained.
Lock Phase Estimates / Locked phase estimates cannot be changed.
Days before past due / Enter the maximum number of days allotted for completion of this status, or before the status is flagged as “past due”.
Minimum Status
Maximum Status / If you wish to control the use of a series of statuses, set up a min/max status. FacilityMAX will analyze the current status against any new status the user is attempting to set. If the current status is within the Min/Max range of the new status, the user will be able to set the new status. This is a very effective means of forcing a particular set of steps within a process.
NOTE: All statuses must be defined before designating min/max values.
Role / Click the green plus sign at the bottom of the screen if you wish to associate one or more specific roles to this status, thus making the status available to a specific group of users.

Priority Setup Screen

Create priority codes to indicate the urgency of the problem. The FacilityMAX Administrator may configure the system to display priority codes automatically depending on the problem code entered. This screen provides the fields to name and describe the priority code, as well as control its availability on Link Lists throughout the FacilityMAX system.