F.I Science 9 Unit Plan



I have create this unit plan from the French Immersion Science curriculum for grade 9. The school serves over 1 500 students from various backgrounds and socioeconomic classes. The French Immersion Science 9 course offers the same objectives and content as the English program which consists of four units; Atoms and Elements, Reproduction, Electricity, and Space Exploration.

The high school is one of the two high schools in the city. It accomodates a large number of students from various backgrounds. My class contains a LCD projector, a few white boards, and a sink. The lab is just across the hall, and is large and well equiped with materials.

Most students in this class are high achievers. However, a few students have mix emotions regarding science. Althought, they do not stuggle academicly, they are not overly interested in the subject. There is one student who has ADHD and a comorbidity with high anxiety. He is intelligent, but cannot sit still.

Last year, students were introduced to the cells as a living organism. They also should have learned the structional and functional association between cells, organs, and systems in the human body.

In this unit, the students will further learn the cellular processes in which they will learn the roles of the nucleus and other organites as well as various changes happening during cellular division (miosis and meiosis). Students will also determine the processes of sexual and asexual reproduction within various organisms. Finally, students will be introduced to genetic changes regarding cancer, cloning, gene therapy, and genetic manipulation.


This unit plan is designed to give an overview of the unit and offer a guide to follow along through 5 weeks. With this unit plan, it is easy to get a sense of the entire unit and see where it will lead. This makes it able to incorporate other units and create cross curricular objectives. The curriculum states that this unit should take 17 lessons to teach, and I have worked it out to 20 lessons including a review day and a test day. I have added 3 flex days at the end of the unit plan in case that I want to spend more time on a subject that needs more attention. Depending on the students, I could take more or less time to cover a concept. The flex days can also be used in case of snowdays, PD days, or other unplanned events.

I have choosen to do this unit in second, after the unit on atoms and elements, because students will be able to relate some the the theory learned in the previous unit. Having said that, one could find similarities between atoms and cells, both being the smallest unit of a composite. Molecules and cells are comparable because of their multiple components that creates an entity. In the reproduction unit, the photosynthesis cycle of the plants are studied using organic compound learned in the previous unit.

The first 2 units of Science 9 are, in my opinion, the most critical. Chemistry and Biology are two subjects that students will continue to have throughout their high school years. It is very important for the students to graps the basic theory behind these subjects.

Giving that biology covers a lot of matter, I have planned my lessons using a power point format. This will accommodate visual and auditory/litteracy students since they will be able to copy notes, and discuss problems that arise with certain issues. I use many worksheets to reinforce the content and students are able to use them as a study tool. The DART worksheet is my main focus, for that helps students understand better and its centered around scientific litteracy.

Unit Plan and Activities For Science 9: Reproduction

Calender 2010

Week 1

Date/Lesson / Objectives/Outcomes / Lesson/Activity
March 29th
Lesson 1 / - Review from last year
- introduction to the cell and its content
- 111-1
- 305-1
- 109-14 / - The Cell; review of last year, cell are living things
- Overview of unit (assignements)
- Parts of a microscope
- 2 types of cell; prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- PPT. of components of the cell and their roles.
March 30th
Lesson 2 / - 305-1 recognize that the nucleus of a cell contains genetic info. And determines cellular processes.
- 109-14 explaining the importance of using proper science language. / - The cell and the genetic information of the nucleus.
- See differences between animal cells and plant cells.
- Activity sheet + textbook
March 31st
Lesson 3 / - 304-11 illustrate and describe the basic process of cell division / - The importance of cellular division
- Cellular division
- Activity sheet + textbook p.148
April 1st
Lesson 4 / - (continue from lesson 3) 304-11 including what happens to the cell membrane and contents of the nucleus / - Cellular division (mitosis)
- Mitosis activity
- Animal cells vs. Plant cells
April 2nd
Lesson 5 / Relax / GOOD FRIDAY

Week 2

Date/Lesson / Objectives/Outcomes / Lesson/Activity
April 5th
Lesson 6 / Relax / EASTER MONDAY
April 6th
Lesson 7 / - 304-11,
- 305-1 Recognize that the nucleus contains genetic info. and determines cellular processes. / - Cellular division (touch a little on meiosis and the difference with mitosis)
- Activity sheet
- Review lab safety (lab tomorrow)
April 7th
Lesson 8 / - 210-2
- 210-4
- 210-9
- 209-6, / - Lab on cell mitosis using microscopes and pre-prepared cells samples.
- Student fill in worksheet
April 8th
Lesson 9 / - (continue from lesson 8) / - (continue from lesson 8) Lab on cell mitosis (lab report due next Tuesday)
April 9th
Lesson 10 / - 109-14,
- 210-2 / - 1 part: Quiz on cell componants and cellular division.
- 2 part: mini-lesson How to do lab report.

Week 3

Date/Lesson / Objectives/Outcomes / Lesson/Activity
April 14th
Lesson 11 / - 305-2 distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction in representative organisms. / - Sexual and asexual reproduction
April 15th
Lesson 12 / - 305-2,
- 305-3 compare sexual and asexual reproduction in terms of advantages and disadvantages. / - Lab report due
- Sexual and asexual reproduction (avantages and disadvantages)
April 16th
Lesson 13 / - 305-5 discuss factors that may lead to changes in cells’ genetic info. / - DNA; caracteristics and componants.
- DNA replication
April 17th
Lesson 14 / - 305-5,
- 211-2, / DNA; activity create double helix DNA with materials provided by the teacher. Formative assess.
April 18th
Lesson 15 / - 211-2 communicating questions…
- Formative assessment, reinforce material studied in class / Jeopardy game

Week 4

Date/Lesson / Objectives/Outcomes / Lesson/Activity
April 21st
Lesson 16 / - 113-110,
- 208-2,
- 305-5 / - DNA; mutation and Cancer
Examples using Hiroshima bombing
- Cancer causing agents
April 22nd
Lesson 17 / - 113-110,
- 208-2,
- 305-5 / - Movie (Cancer) 20 minutes + questions
- DNA; genetic testing
April 23rd
Lesson 18 / - 110-3 Identify major shifts in scientific world views
- 113-110 provide examples of problems
- 208-2 identify questions
- 305-5 / - DNA; cloning
April 24th
Lesson 19 / - Review for Test
April 25th
Lesson 20 / - Test

Week 5

Date/Lesson / Objectives/Outcomes / Lesson/Activity
April 28th
Lesson 21 / Flex day
April 29th
Lesson 22 / Flex day
April 30th
Lesson 23 / Flex day
May 1st
Lesson 24 / Unit 3: Electricity


- Formative:

Students are just beginning to learn how to study at this point in their schooling. They may not have been challenged to the point where studying is essential to their understanding. In the Reproduction Unit, there are a lot of new concepts to grasp therefore, formative assessment are necessary to evaluate student’s comprehension. I have created an activity with the DNA, where students will have to built their own double helix (in groups of 2-3). This activity will be a form of formative assessment as well as summative. I will informally evaluate their understanding and give them a participation mark. The jeopardy game is also a formative assessment. This is to further reinforce the contents studied at that point.

- Summative:

In grade 9, it is the students first experience with labs and creating lab reports. For students to take it more seriously, I have decided to have them do a full lab report for a total of 20% of their unit mark (I am not currently aware of the marks given for the other 3 units at this point. Therefore the unit will amount to 100%. I assume that with 4 units in Science 9, if they are equally distributed, they would amount 25% of the final grade mark). The quiz on cell division is 20% of their unit mark. Homework will amount to 10%. I believe that participation is important and part of learning. Students may see this as easy/given points, and that is okay. I would rather award them for participating and taking part of class activities than risk that students would waste time chatting and have the others do the work. Participation will amount to 10% of their unit mark. I want to see participation in the lab, with the DNA activity, and in class discussion. Final unit test 40%.

Lab report /20%

Quiz /20%

Homework /10 %

Participation /10%

Final unit test /40%

Total mark for unit /100%

Total mark for grade /25%


·  NB curriculum – Science 9

·  Nelson Science 9 Textbook, chapter 5- 8

·  Overhead projector

·  White boards

·  Computer

Philosophy of Science Teaching


As many studies shows, students lose interest in science as they get in high school. It is my goal to keep them interested and show my passion for science by creating activities and experiments. I also believe that relating the subjects to everyday life and our current issues give a purpose of learning and wanting to learn. This biology focuses unit is intense and condensed with theories and matter. At this point in student’s lives, they may not have felt the need to study and many do not know how. Incorporating litteracy in science is essential to help students comprenhend the subject. Biology requires a lot of studing (for most students) and I hope to falicitate this by including DART worksheets.

I believe that incoporating technology in science is an important factor and is becoming further recognized as a tool to help teach. At the beginning of the school semester, I would introduce the project where students would create their own science focuses webpage. I would include a number of considerations to be made, such as weblinks so helpful sources. I trust that students are most likely more technologically skilled than I am, and I would be interested to see what they would create. With this, students would incoporate contents studied in class as well as their own research on the subject.

I will also use many powerpoint presentation as a teaching tool, and students will be able to copy notes from.

Course/Class: Science 9 / Name: Lisanne Comeau / Date: Lesson 1
Topic: Cell components / Unit: Reproduction / Grade: 9
A.  Intents/Objectives/Purpose
- 109-14 Explain the importance of using precise language in science and technology.
- 305-1 Recongnize that the nucleus of a cell contains genetic information and determines cellular processes
- 111-1 provide examples of scientific knowledge that have resulted in the development of technologies.
- This is the first class of the Reproduction Unit. Students will be giving an overview of the unit and its objectives as well as the assignement due on April 23rd (end of unit). Students should be able to recognize that the cell is a living organism and has a purpose. Students should also realize that there are different types of cells and they contain organelles that each has a function for the cell to live. Student will study at the microscope functions and identify the major components.
B. Activities / C. Resources / D. Students are…
Administration/Homework (2 min)
·  Take attendance / Pencil and attendance list / Listening, getting out their books and supplies for class.
Introduction/Set/Advanced Organizers (15-20min)
·  Today we are beginning a new unit: Reproduction
·  PPT of overview of unit, objectives, and final assignement (due april 23rd or end of unit).
·  Last year, students learned that cells are living organisms and take part of functional and structural mechanisms such as organs in the human body.
·  Show microscope and talk about its purpose.
·  Humans contain more than 75, 000, 000, 000, 000 cells.
·  What do cells consiste of and what are cells’ purpose? / Microscope
LCD projector
Computer / Students are listening, and answering questions.
Students discuss their prior knowledge on the subject.
Clarifying/Creating-Understanding/Concept-Development (15 min)
·  PPT presentation cell basics.
·  Discussion on basic cell theory (Hooke being the first scientist to discover cells and study various cells)
·  2 types of cells; prokaryotes and eukaryotes
·  All animal cells have the same organelles but they do not all look alike under the microscope. Same with plants.
·  The nucleus is like the brain; controls the activities.
/ LCD projector
Textbook p.142-143 / Students are listenning, and drawing a plant cell and an animal cell including the organelles.
Coached/Guided-Practice/Seatwork (15 min)