My Daddy is a Pretzel by Baron Baptiste; illustrated by Sophie Fatus
Other books/resources for further reading:
Babar’s Yoga for Elephants by Laurent de Brunhoff
Yoga is not just for elephants! Babar explains some typical yoga poses.
I Love Yoga: a Guide for Kids and Teens by Ellen Schwartz
A beginner’s instructional guide that explains how kids can keep calm by using the principles of yoga.
Yoga for Children by Mary Stewart & Kathy Phillips
A great guide for beginners.
Book Extension Activities:
Language/Literacy Extensions:
· Each pose has a name. Look at the poses and discuss why they are named those things. Are you able to determine why the pose is called that?
· As the children in the book do, have your children talk about what their parents do for work. Does anyone have a parent who does yoga or any of the other things in the book?
· Highlight and discuss concept words such as confident, tension, courage, alert, etc.
· Look at the Hindu words for each pose. Talk about where these words come from and how yoga is used in the Indian culture.
Art/Language Arts:
· Have the children draw a picture of one of the yoga poses next to the object the pose is named after. For example, have then draw the tree pose next to a tree.
· Draw and demonstrate a yoga pose that you make up. What do you call it and why?
Music Extensions:
· Use a yoga music CD to sample songs or music that can be used when meditating. Or, use a children’s yoga music CD to act out the poses.
Science Extensions:
· Discuss how yoga is beneficial to the body.
Writing Extensions:
· Yoga has become very popular recently. Write an article or interview someone who does yoga to include in a school newspaper or newsletter. Include diagrams or descriptions of some of the poses.
Physical Activity Extension:
· Practice the poses explained in the book. Which ones are hard to do? Which one is your favorite pose? Explore and research other poses and try those also.
· Discuss the concepts of meditation and breathing. Practice these exercises throughout the day in the classroom or library.
Field Trip/Guest Speaker:
· Visit a local yoga studio and take a children’s yoga class.
· Have a person who practices yoga speak with your class.