Beachbody Challenges


1) What is a BB Challenge Pack?

2) What is a BB Challenge?

3) Exclusive Coach Facebook Group re: BB CHALLENGES!!

4) Complete BB Challenge FAQ Sheet

5) Testimonials of Coaches Making it WORK

6) Coach Web Site Banner

7) Carl Daikeler’s Introductory Video

8) Promotional Email Template – this one is from Beachbody

9) Ecards to send from your Backoffice

10) Talking Points

11) Coach Training Academy

12) Challenge Pack Pricing/Commissions Guide

13) Take the BB Challenge – Webinar

14) Beachbody Challenge PROMO PARTY FULL AGENDA (via Tommy Mygrant)

15) WHERE/HOW to send your Customers to BUY the Pack

16) MY Alternate Sample Email/Msg Template


18) PICS of each Pack’s Options

19) PICS of the Savings, YOUR Commissions & Points

20) Your customer can become a Coach for FREE –read more!!

What IS a Beachbody Challenge Pack?

1) One fitness program of their choice (excludes P90x2, CLX & Asylum)

2) Shakeology on HD (they can cancel later if they choose to)

3) 30-day membership to the Club (incl customized meal plan tool)

What is a Beachbody Challenge?

1) Builds IMMEDIATE business growth/income & Faster/Better results for customers;

2) It’s still YOUR business, you can run this challenge how you want, but the challenge is proven successful if you follow the guidelines given here;

3) Host a 5-6 person focus group; each MUST buy a challenge pack from you; You are NOT personal training, your giving encouragement & support;

4) Create “value” by giving them one-on-one communication via facebook group, phone call, text, email, or face-to-face after class/fit club, etc

Exclusive Coach Facebook® group

We've created a private Facebook® group for Coaches to share their winning formulas, support one another, and ask questions regarding the Beachbody Challenge philosophy—so we can all get better and closer to ending the trend once and for all. If you're even thinking about starting a Challenge, then the tips, tricks, and best practices you'll find in these groups are an absolute must!

Ask to join the group

Complete BB Challenge FAQ SHEET

What exactly is the Beachbody Challenge philosophy? How does it differ from The Beachbody Challenge™ contest? Get the answer to these and other important points with our simplified list of frequently asked questions. Remember, knowledge is power!

View the FAQ


Hear from our top Coaches and see how the best of the best are implementing Take the Beachbody Challenge out on the front lines. After checkin' out this awesome resource, you'll be ready to rock your next Challenge! And be sure to check back often—we'll be updating this as the stories roll in.

See the testimonials

Coach Web site banner

Make sure to select this as the featured banner on your Coach Web site—and have your contacts follow it into the Beachbody® Challenge sign-up flow for customers. This banner carries your Coach RepID, so you'll get credit for any resulting sale/sign-up.

To Add the Banner to your website, go to : Coach Online Office > My Websites > Edit Beachbody Coach > English, and click "Choose" under the top banner on the right side of your site.

Carl Daikeler's introductory video

From the MGM Grand® in Las Vegas, Chairman and CEO, Carl Daikeler, introduces the Beachbody Challenge philosophy with style, intrigue, and simplicity. Share this video with everyone you know to get 'em reared up for YOUR next challenge. NOTE: When you share this video, anyone who clicks on the link will be taken to your Coach Web site—where they can then follow the banner and join your Beachbody Challenge! You get credit for any resulting sale.

View the video

Promotional email template

Let the Challenge begin with this valuable sample email template. Want to add a personal touch? No problem. Just edit it to your liking and send to all your customers, prospects, and Coaches to officially get this party started!

View the email template


These eCards are another highly effective way to spread the word. You can include your own personalized message to each recipient and a "Take the Beachbody Challenge" button will carry your Coach RepID. What's more, you'll even have the option to include all your personal contact info.

View the eCards

Talking points

There's never been a more natural conversation starter to introduce the Business Opportunity. And, as the countless opportunities pop up with the Beachbody Challenge, make sure you're armed and ready to "talk the talk" with this vital list of key talking points.

View the talking points

Promotional Facebook® and Twitter® posts

Get the buzz goin' online and start tweetin' away with these ever-important social media posts. Edit them any way you like. All that matters is that you reach out to the masses and promote your Beachbody Challenge to as many people as possible.


Coach Training Academy

Become a master of the Beachbody Challenge business approach with a brand new lesson in the Coach Training Academy. After you master this course, you'll be able to leverage all the angles of this amazing opportunity and become a living legend!

Enter the Coach Training Academy

Challenge Pack insert

Digest this super helpful one-sheet that'll be inside every single Beachbody Challenge Pack. These inserts are a great four-step guide on how to maximize the Challenge and even include a "Contact your Coach" call to action!


Challenge Pack pricing/commissions guide

Now it's time for a little Challenge Pack number crunching. In this one-page visual guide, you'll get an easily digestible breakdown of what Coaches can earn when they sell a Challenge Pack. You'll also get a simplified look at what a customer will spend per pack. Either way, you'll have both sides of the coin covered!

View the guide

Take the Beachbody Challenge: The Webcast

Just what the doctor ordered: all your Beachbody Challenge philosophy questions answered! Watch this front-to-back Webcast with Sandi Bouhadana and learn to turn your business into a Challenge machine.

View the webcast



(90 mins to 2 hour format)

*** This follows a "Social Sandwich" Philosophy. Have a presentation between a welcoming social time and a question answering/sampling/sign up social time.**

12:00 - 12:30 -- Meet and Greet Social Time (Suggest arrival and social time for the 30 minutes prior to ...the start of the presentation. Include healthy or shakeology snacks and have a display area set up with any programs or products and Challenge information, Challenge Pack Flyers, Challenge Sign up list, Print off of the 10 Challenge Commitments, background music is a nice addition)

12:30-1:00 -- Challenge Presentation:

-- 5 Minute Welcome and quick intro as to what the guests should expect, what they will be watching, and why they have been invited (to check out this 90 day challenge and decide if they, or people they know, want to be in a local challenge group together)

-- 7 Minutes - Challenge Video with Carl Diakeler

-- 10 Minute Closing, Testimonials, Call to Action ... Give Specific instruction as to what the Challenge group commitment is .. .FITNESS + NUTRITION + SUPPORT = SUCCESS Get all 3 by picking a challenge pack and joining the Challenge Group... Give them the Date that the Challenge will begin (make it at least 10 days following the Party, so as to give them time to place orders and receive the packs)

---- Break for shake and Social time, INVITE them to ask questions or add their name to the Challenge list of those wanting a Spot for this local challenge Group (show them where they can sign on the list, point to those they can ask questions of, etc)

1:00-2:00 Shake and Social time

----- Blend shakeology and offer samples of various recipes

---- Music on makes a nicer atmosphere

----- Great time for Questions and socializing.

--- Have display with all the necessary handouts and Challenge info, point to the Sheets and handouts to better explain if necessary

---- Provide a Challenge Sign up sheet for those who are ready to commit to the Challenge. Have them sign the sheet and provide them with step by step sign up instructions... (or a coach sign up sheet to fill out on spot)


1) Challenge Intro Video

2) Challenge Pack information Flyers

3) Challenge Sign UP Sheet

4) Product Display area (whatever workouts, information, programs, sample packets you have)

5) Shakeology, ice, blender, small sampling cups

6) Other local coaches if possible

7) Guests you've invited!!


How to Send them to BUY the Challenge Packs:

Here's what YOU as a coach has to do first:

Find out your Coach ID so you can send this link you see below with YOUR coach ID inserted where indicated with XXXXX below. Go to your Coach Online Office, click My Business>My Profile to see your ID, then send this message:


1. Go to this link http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/beachbody-challenge?referringRepId=XXXXX (insert your coach ID)

2. Scroll down and click TAKE THE CHALLENGE!

3. You will fill out the Beachbody Challenge Pledge so that you're auto-enrolled for the $100,000 BIG BEACHBODY CHALLENGE where you can win $100,000 w/your results!

4. THEN you will be able to choose your Challenge Pack!!!

5. Msg me when you’re done so I can check to make sure it went thru!

Another Sample email template (other than referenced above):

Hey [name] !

How are you? [and what ever else you’d say !]

Well you know how I’m trying to get my fitness on more, right?! Well, I do better when I’m not doing it ALONE. So I'm hosting a special fitness challenge for just a SMALL group of us that want support and accountability with fitness and nutrition for SERIOUS results! It's a [30,60,90] day challenge, using Shakeology and a Beachbody at-home fitness program…

In this small group of 5-6 people, we'll track progress, motivate, inspire, and encourage each other to achieve amazing results [online via email or facebook or text].

It may be too late to get into this month’s group, but for the next one, do you know anyone [at school, in your dept, at church, at work] who’s said they want to lose weight, get leaner and/or more fit?

By the way, how’s [life, work, the family, the new job,etc]?

Cheers, [Your name]




I don’t recommend flyers where people who don’t know you will see it.. this just isn’t effective, trust me. But if you have your FACE on there and it’s where people DO know you.. GREAT! Use this pic as an idea to create something to POST ON TWITTER, FACEBOOK, or use this ROUGH DRAFT if you want;) But don’t post too often… how often is TOO often depens on how often you post updates in general. If you post 1-2x/day and suddenly you post THIS once per day..that’s too often in my opinion ;) But if you post 5-7x/day and you post this once per day, then I think that’s probably fine! J


How Is Coaching Free with this??

If you have a customer/friend/family member, etc. who has considered becoming a coach and ALSO wants this steal-of-a-deal challenge pack, have them join as a coach NOW for free! When you send them to your site to click “Be A Coach”, during the enrollment process they’ll have these challenge packs to choose from and if they DO choose a challenge pack, their Coach fee of $39.95 will be waived. SWEEEET. This person can then host their OWN challenge & make a quick $$ or just be happy with their savings J