Peer Review Report.

Nov. 14th, 2009

Peer Review Panel:

Jazz Mattu, Julieta Criollo

Evaluation for Professional Membership Applicants:

1) Dacrison Worrell

2) Cheryl Kilback.

1) Dacrison Worrel (Gibbons, AB):

· Out of province applicant.

· Application Documents:All application documents submitted.

· Herbal Education: 2009 Graduate from Dominion Herbal College (DHC).

· Other training and experience: nursing, social worker, homeopathy, massage, psychology.

· Continuing education: from his application, he is active in continuing education in the health field.

· Peer review discussions: included his philosophy about healing, the CHAofBC scope of practice, local health law of Alberta, boundaries of practice as a herbalist (things that he is able to do as a nurse but not possible to perform in his practice as a herbalist such as drawing blood, internal examination, etc.).

· Review Panel recommendation: Dacrision is enthusiastic about starting his private herbal practice. He has many years of experience in the health field includes nursing (including nurse team leader), social worker, and counseling.

We, the review panel, feel that Dacrision Worrel has the herbal education and many years of experience in the health field to allow him to open a private practice offering quality health services as a clinical herbalist; and we recommend that his application as a professional member of the CHA of BC be granted.

2) Cheryl Kilback (Surrey, BC)

· Application Documents: all application documents have been submitted.

Cheryl has submitted a transcript of her herbal studies at Douglas College, along with t a short description of the courses, and other herbal training that she has taken. We mentioned to her that if the board determines we need anything else official from Douglas College, we will inform her at such time.

· Herbal Education: 2004 herbal graduate from Douglas college, and have taking some other private training in herbal medicine (including Chanchal Cabrera).

· Other training and experience: bachelor and master in nursing, healing touch, palliative care, counseling, energy healing, Bach flower essences.

She has over 25 years experience in nursing and educator, and she has had a private practice as a holistic practitioner since 2004 (which include the practice of herbal medicine). Her practice also includes pets.

· Continuing education: from his application, she is active continuing taking training in the health field.

· Peer review discussions: we focused a lot of the discussion on her herbal studies and training, her education and practice of herbal therapeutics and Materia Medica, herbal remedy making, formulating and compounding herbs (she makes some of her own tinctures, and salves; and recommends existing herbal and natural products available through health stores)

As with Dacrision, we also discuss the boundaries of a herbal practitioner and her nurse skills/experience; and she seems very clear with the boundaries and keep the two separate.

· Review Panel recommendation: Cheryl seems like a gentle and very caring person. She has many years of experience in the health field as a nurse, educator, counseling, and 5 year experience as a holistic health practitioner where she includes the use/practice of herbal medicine (i.e. recommendations, herbal remedy making).

We, the review panel, feel that Chery Kilback, even if her herbal education is not as extensive as those that graduate from a specialize herbal school such as DHC, she seems confident with the use herbs and the practice of herbalism in her practice. In addition, she has over 25 years of experience in the health field (such as nursing, educator, counseling, and others). We recommend that her application as a professional member of the CHA of BC be granted.