Placement Milestones

PGCE Primary Placement 2 Ref/Def 2012


Dates / Trainee activities / Mentor activities / University activities /
Pre-block/1st week of placement
17-21 September
(excluding 4 visit days for cross phases and special school visits if not already done) / ·  Re-familiarise yourself with placement documentation including Standards Evidence Grid & Moderation and Assessment Grid
·  Use the Classroom Skills Observation Forms 1-6 to look formatively at detailed approaches to teaching. Mentors or trainees to use these informally.
·  Use the Trainees’ Observation Form for observing others informally.
·  Set up Portfolio Files in preparation for tutor’s visit
·  Share action plan for mathematics and English with mentor
·  Share last report and targets for this placement with mentor / Pre-block placement preparation
Professional Mentors to:
·  Ensure mentors have attended mentor development event
·  Meet with trainee
·  Provide an induction programme for trainees at the beginning of the pre-block placement preparation days;
·  Ensure trainee is aware of school’s safeguarding policy
Teacher Mentors to:
Introduce to staff
Introduce to pupils. Introduce the trainee as a teacher by surname.
Guidance on school policies & procedures
·  Medium term plans
·  Class timetable
·  Opportunities to teach parts of sessions or groups, read a story etc.
·  Help to design the trainees’ teaching timetable. Timetable to show a gradual build up to approximately 70% teaching time by week 2 of the block leading to 80% for the last 2 weeks of placement.
Teaching can be one to one, small groups or whole class or team teaching to make up the 70-80%. 30-20% non-contact time (normally out of class) used for e.g. planning, marking, observing, recording, target setting, reflection, peer discussion and receiving feedback.
·  Suggestions on how the trainee can be involved in the wider life of the school ie attending meetings, assisting with duties, clubs etc which can contribute to the 60% contact time.
·  Class lists and class information including ability levels, IEPs etc.
·  Review actions plans for mathematics & English with trainee
·  Discuss targets arising from first placement / Tutor Visit (1)
Tutor will contact the mentor in school to arrange a date and time.
During visit:
·  Meet with professional mentor to ensure he/she is conversant with their role and has placement documentation
·  Meeting with mentor to ensure they have placement documentation and aware of their role. Discuss early stages and to arrange the two future visit dates. Read last placement report. Discuss targets for this placement
·  Ensure observations are set up for Maths, phonics and early reading
·  Tutorial with trainee, ensuring targets are identified from last placement and Maths/Eng action plan.
·  Exchange email contact details (mentor, prof mentor Tutor, trainees).
·  Complete Record of Visit form (see placement handbook for more details)
Block Placement
24th September – 7 December / Trainees to:
·  Comply with school’s policies
·  Lesson plans are submitted to mentor (timings to be agreed with mentor)
·  Ensure PTR notes and targets are written up each week
·  Update QTS Standards Portfolio Evidence Grid weekly
·  Keep Portfolio Files up to date.
·  Complete at least 1 lesson observation each week
·  Observe a sequence of phonic lessons and plan to teach phonics / Professional mentors to:
·  Monitor the overall quality of teacher education in the school (oversee the regularity of mentor meetings and occasionally carry out joint observations and de-briefings to the trainees);
·  Review each trainee’s progress half way through the placement (Trainee to write up the meeting notes on the Professional Training Record PTR);
·  Liaise with UH Tutor
Mentors to:
·  Finalise timetable for each week of the placement
·  Write a weekly Lesson Observation Form (LOF) (30 min obs) and give feedback on the lesson.
·  Observe the teaching of reading
·  Observe the teaching of phonics
·  Hold a weekly mentor meeting with trainee to:
o sign attendance register for the week;
o check lesson evaluations have been written;
o check planning for the following week;
o check pupil assessment records are being kept appropriately;
o facilitate trainees being able to do course-related tasks and ask about reading;
o sign the weekly Professional Training Record (PTR) and plan the following week; / Tutor Visit (2) Discussion with mentor
·  Joint observation (about 30 mins obs) by tutor and mentor: first parts of the LOF to be completed separately and Strengths and Areas for Development completed together.
·  Tutorial with trainee, to include giving feedback (jointly with the mentor if possible) and a check through files and complete the checklist after the LOF.
·  Meet with mentor to agree progress, ensure opportunities are provided for observation, and phonic requirements met. Ensure targets are appropriate.
·  Complete Record of Visit form. If significant problems are identified then Tutor to contact UH immediately.
Midway through placement / Review mid placement progress with mentor / Professional and teacher mentors meet to review trainee progress / Ensure teacher mentor and professional mentor understand Ofsted criteria
Notification of Cause for Concern, and Moderation and Assessment Grid, to be emailed to if there is serious cause for concern at any point in the placement, but no later than two weeks before the end. This must have been preceded by targets being set and not being met and then Moderation and Assessment Grid judgements being discussed with the tutor and trainee. Hard copy of Cause of Concern signed by trainee and copies kept by trainee and mentor
End of placement
By 10 December / ·  Finalise portfolio
·  Complete self evaluation.
·  Complete placement evaluation when back at UH
·  Complete CEDP with tutor / ·  Meet with tutor to discuss trainee’s progress and agree overall grade for placement.
·  Sign the Standards Evidence Grid as trainee meets each Standard for the placement
·  Complete the Report and Reference and emailed to and to the visiting UH tutor, who will check that the documentation is complete and follow up any amendments or additions with the mentor and UH.
·  Complete School Evaluation Form and sent to / Tutor Visit (3)
·  Tutor solo observation of trainee for about 30 minutes. Write LOF.
·  Tutorial with trainee – to include lesson observation feedback, a check Standards Evidence Grid and of the trainee’s files for completed. Discuss CEDP
·  Tutor and mentor to discuss the trainee’s progress and whether or not ALL the Standards have been met at an appropriate level for this placement and signed off by the mentor. Discuss grades using Moderation and Assessment Grid to go on the Report and Reference and discuss the additional comments to go in the Reference box at the beginning of the form.
·  Tutor to send Record of Visit form to UH

Please note that all blank forms, for Mentors, Tutors and Trainees are available on the CD, in paper copy in the School Placement Documentation folder and on the Partnership Website for schools: and on Studynet for trainees.

Contact Details

Anne Mansey Head of Initial Teacher Training and Partnership Development, T: 01707 285708, E-mail

Ben Bergonzi Senior Partnership Administrator, T: (01707) 285614, Email

Joanne Bordoni Assistant Administrator, T: (01707) 285446, Email

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