Engineering Graduate of the Year Nomination Form.doc 2016

UK Nuclear Skills Awards

The Awards are to recognise and celebrate exceptional graduates employed in the nuclear sector. The aim is to have Award Winners that are role models to inspire others to undertake a career in the nuclear industry.

Nominees who progress through the selection process will be invited to attend the high profile UK Nuclear Skills Awards Ceremony which will be held on the evening of the 16th March 2017 in Manchester. The Skills Awards Ceremony is a collaborative event organised by the National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NSAN) and Cogent Skills.

Nominations Process

This is the Nomination form for the Engineering Graduate of the Year Award.

NSAN Employer Members are invited to nominate their ‘best’ graduate.

Completed Nominations are to be received by Friday 28th October 2016.

Nuclear employers are asked to select just one of their graduates for nomination. Nominees do not need to be on a company graduate scheme. This award is open to all graduates who are in their first two years of employment with the nuclear sector.

The nominations criteria will focus on:

·  Commitment by the graduate for their own personal development and progression through skills and learning

·  Outstanding contributions where the graduate has exceeded expectations

·  Examples of achievement

·  Developing a career in the nuclear sector

·  Inspirational qualities

Each Employer nomination should include the following minimum information:

·  Nominee appraisal – to be completed by nominee

·  Nomination endorsement – Employer’s statement

Who should apply for this category?

Engineering Graduates – Applications are welcome form a range of Engineering disciplines used within the nuclear fuel life cycle, these disciplines include but are not restricted to:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Materials Science Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mining and Geological Engineering
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Robotics and Software Engineering.

The above information acts as a guide and is not an exhaustive list of qualifications for the Engineering Graduate of the Year category. If you are unsure as to whether your particular qualification falls under this category and would like further guidance, please contact who will be able to assist with your queries.

Completed Graduate Nominations

Please email completed nominations by 5pm Friday 28th October 2016 for shortlisting by the judging panel.

NB: Applications received after this date will not be accepted or included in the selection process.

Engineering Graduate Award to: Alex Bowness, Business Support Administrator, National Skills Academy for Nuclear


Tel: 01900 898123

Engineering Graduate of the Year winner selection by Friday 16th December 2016

The Award Lead will notify shortlisted finalists by 11th November 2016 to attend a panel interview which may be held face to face or via a web video. The interviews will aim to be completed by 16th December 2016.

A short video of each finalist will be taken (for use at the Awards ceremony). Further information and dates of these will be sent in a letter to all finalists.

The result of the panel interviews will remain confidential and the shortlisted finalists (+ 1 guest) will be invited to attend the Awards Evening on 16th March 2017, where the winners will be announced.

Engineering Graduate of the Year Award

Nominee information

This form needs to be completed to its entirety otherwise it will not be accepted.

Contact details
Please provide contact details for home and work and please tick which you would prefer to be contacted on.
Home Address
Work Address / Addresses: / Contact Phone Number
Email Address
Date of birth
By providing this personal information you are agreeing to its use by the Skills Academy and its third parties. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of the Awards process, contacting you about the Awards and promotion of the Awards thereafter by the Skills Academy. For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 the Skills Academy are data controllers. We are registered in England and Wales under, company number 06423637.
Education & qualifications / Date / Qualifications
Work experience / Date / Organisation & position
Current job / Describe your current responsibilities:
Note: / You will be limited to the number of characters, so please keep your application focussed.
Describe your reasons for choosing a career in nuclear. (1000 characters max.)
Describe your current job & activities carried out
(1000 characters max.)
Provide examples of work you are or have been responsible for completing.
o  Explain what you had to do.
o  What have you enjoyed about this work?
o  What business benefit did this work bring?
o  If you had to the do job again, would you do anything differently next time?
(3000 characters max.)
Describe what you feel are your main achievements since starting with your organisation.
These can be related to work or outside work.
(2000 characters max.)
What challenges have you faced in your role and how have you overcome these? (2000 characters max.)
What are you passionate about? (1000 characters max.)
What are your career aspirations over the next 5 years?
·  What job will you be doing?
·  What new skills or education will you be undertaking?
(2000 characters max.)
What other aspects about yourself would you like the panel to take into consideration
·  Helping others at work
·  Helping others outside work / in the community, in schools etc
·  Involvement in local activities
(2000 characters max.)

Engineering Graduate OF THE YEAR Award

Employer Endorsement

Graduate name:
Employer Statement
Please include a comment on what sets this nominee out from the crowd?
Company & Job Position:


Engineering Graduate of the Year Nomination Form.doc 2016