Southside High School June 15, 2004

777 South Main Street 6 p.m.

Elmira, New York 14904

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER / President Badeau called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education to order at 6 p.m.
ATTENDANCE / Present: Walter M. Badeau, Samuel D. Castellino, Michael J. Crimmins, Daniel Hurley, Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Paul A. Sartori, Susan J. Skidmore, Mary Beth Turner
Others: Laura E. Sherwood, Robert S. Gosden
CLERK PRO TEM / Commissioner Skidmore served as Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE / Commissioner Skidmore moved, seconded by Commissioner Sartori, that the Pledge of Allegiance be postponed until after executive session.
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None
EXECUTIVE SESSION / Commissioner Castellino moved, seconded by Commissioner Long, that the Board move into executive session for the purpose of discussing a particular person or persons (6:02 p.m.).
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None
RETURN TO OPEN SESSION / Commissioner Sartori moved, seconded by Commissioner Long, that the Board return to open session (6:58 p.m.).
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None
Susan J. Skidmore
Clerk Pro Tem
RECONVENE AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE / President Badeau called the meeting back to order at 7:05 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ATTENDANCE / Present: Walter M. Badeau, Samuel D. Castellino, Michael J. Crimmins, Daniel Hurley, Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Paul A. Sartori, Susan J. Skidmore, Mary Beth Turner
Others: Laura E. Sherwood, Robert S. Gosden, Donald M. Keddell, Pat Stayments, Christine Mecke, Kevin O’Shea, Lisa Kelly (Elmira Schools Supervisory and Administrative Council representative), Mark Greven (Elmira Teachers Association President), Mike Thomas (Custodial, Maintenance, Cafeteria Workers President), Commissioner-elect Barton Graham, Commissioner-elect Ethel Stroman, Commissioner-elect Robert Woods, Kelly McWhorter (Southside High School student representative), Alex Shephard (Elmira Free Academy student representative)
ADDITIONS TO AGENDA / Commissioner Skidmore moved, seconded by Commissioner Sartori, that the Board approve the addition of an appeal of a student suspension and an addendum to the personnel packet to the agenda.
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None
APPEAL OF STUDENT SUSPENSION / Commissioner Skidmore moved, seconded by Commissioner Long, that the Board affirms the decision of the Superintendent which is the subject of this appeal. The appeal is denied.
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None

Riverside Elementary School

/ Riverside Elementary School Principal Lisa Kelly introduced the school’s DRUM ensemble, a performance and community service group. The group, under the direction of music teacher Samara Gromer, performed two pieces. Group members are: Karen Allen, Alec Cicora, Danielle Cook, Tyler Corter, Alanna Craley, Marcus Dier, Seth Gentry, Tori Kelly, Hannah Kniffen, Hannah Mackay, Tarica Mayo, Jessica Patykula, Marcus Perez, Tenneillie Rogers-Brink, Justin Roupp, Sam Smith, Lily Walton, Marissa Woodruff and Sydney Youmans. Interpreter is Lisa Elston.
Mrs. Kelly also recognized author Tedd Arnold and his wife, Carol, for their efforts to promote literacy.
Washington Elementary School / Washington Elementary School Principal Karen Lesky recognized the second grade for its patriotic concert, excellent behavior on a field trip and learning number facts to 18.
Mrs. Lesky recognized the third grade for its hard work on the Terra Nova assessments, a visit from a Harlem Globetrotter and excellent participation in a presentation by Jorge Cuevas.
Mrs. Lesky recognized the fourth grade for its partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension on the Master Gardener program, participation as Conflict Managers and performance on the fourth-grade assessments.
Mrs. Lesky recognized the fifth grade for preparing and serving a Thanksgiving dinner for the school, organizing a canned food drive and planting an heirloom garden at the John Jones Museum.

Habitat for Humanity

/ Elmira Free Academy Principal Bob Bailey recognized the following SCT BOCES carpentry students for helping build a house with Habitat for Humanity: Charles Hetherington, Brandon Teeter, Michael Williams and Jordan Young.

Southside Mock Trial Team

/ Southside High School Interim Principal Jim Snyder introduced Ed Cleary, who recognized the Mock Trial team for its accomplishments. Team members are: Laura Bates, Trishe Belloma, Shelly Castillo, Molly Cleary, Nicholas Delany, Maelynn Kruckow, Ryan Marker, Elizabeth McCann, Mike McCann, Jackie Murphy, Kacey O’Herron, Katie Reinhart, Maggie Schornstheimer, Caleb Stoner and Leah Stoner.

District Clerk

/ The Board recognized District Clerk Kristin Butler for her service.

Board members

/ President Badeau recognized outgoing Board members Paul Sartori and Samuel D. Castellino for their service to the Board.
Commissioner Skidmore recognized President Badeau for his service to the Board.


Board members

/ Commissioner Skidmore discussed a reception for Riverside Elementary School teachers aide Kathy Madigan, a librarian breakfast, a Southside High School concert, Riverside leadership training, a Riverside concert, a Marketing Committee meeting, the Mark Twain Scholars dinner and Elsmere graduation.
Commissioner Crimmins discussed the Hendy at Booth Elementary School blacktop carnival and the mock trial competition.
Commissioner Hurley discussed the Southside High School pops concert, Southside Pride Day and a Southside orchestra dinner.
President Badeau discussed a recognition ceremony for district retirees.

Associations representatives

/ Elmira Teachers Association President Mark Greven thanked the outgoing Board members for their service, congratulated Associate Superintendent of Instruction Donald Keddell on a recent award, welcomed the new Board members and discussed charitable activities of the ETA.
Custodial, Maintenance, Cafeteria Workers President Mike Thomas welcomed new Board members, thanked outgoing Board members and thanked Pat Stayments, Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations, for her help with personnel matters.
Elmira Schools Supervisory and Administrative Council representative Lisa Kelly thanked the outgoing Board members and discussed end-of-the-year activities for administrators.

Student representatives

/ Southside High School student representative Kelly McWhorter discussed Regents exams and the school atmosphere.
Elmira Free Academy student representative Alex Shephard discussed Model U.N. and Regents exams, and thanked the outgoing Board members.


/ Deanna Reidy discussed the need for renovations at Coburn Elementary School.
Jim Piper thanked the outgoing Board members and discussed the schedule at Southside High School.
Mimi Petrillose discussed parent involvement in improving the atmosphere at Elmira Free Academy.
Chalene Fleming discussed violence and discipline at Broadway Middle School.
Craig Gormon discussed the process for selecting coaches at Southside High School.


Capital Project

/ Assistant Superintendent for Management Services Robert Gosden discussed the capital initiatives approved in March 2004.
Robert Felldewalt from Foor and Associates discussed the schematic design for Washington Elementary School.
By straw vote, the Board agreed to move ahead with the process at Washington.
Jeff Robbins from Hunt Engineering discussed rebidding options for Coburn Elementary School.
By straw vote, the Board supported the option to complete the entire building when it is unoccupied.
Max Venutti from Welliver-McGuire discussed progress at Broadway, Diven, EFA, Fassett, Hendy, Pine City and technology.
By straw vote, the Board agreed to pursue an air conditioner to cool the EFA community room.


/ The Board took a five-minute break at 9:55 p.m.


Text presentation

/ Associate Superintendent of Instruction Donald Keddell presented a new reading series for middle school students, The Elements of Literature.
The Board will vote on the new series on July 6.

Code of Conduct

/ The Board discussed adding and altering language in the dress code portion of the Code of Conduct to address oversize clothing, the length of shorts and skirts and gang-related clothing.

Title I funding

/ Mr. Keddell informed the Board thatthe district has received notice form the state that its 2004-05 Title I allocation will be $320,000 less than expected, and as such there are a number of position/contract servicesthe district will not be able to fund that are needed: Forthe alternative high school, one science teacher, one 30-hour classroom aide and the availability of the BOCES TEC Center program for students.; Other positions include two elementary reading teacher positions and the services of a part-time social worker contracted through Pathways.
Commissioner Skidmore moved, seconded by Commissioner Crimmins, that the Board of Education increases the 2004/2005 General Fund Budget by $320,000 to be funded by the appropriation of General Fund Fund Balance, and furthermore that the increase in expenditures shall be allocated as follows (code, amount):
2110.120 $100,000, 2110.130 $50,000,
2110.160 $20,000, 2110.490 $120,000,
2825.400 $30,000.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: Badeau, Castellino


/ Commissioner Skidmore moved, seconded by Commissioner Sartori, that the Board approve consent items as follows:


/ Minutes of the May 18, 2004 Regular Meeting and June 1, 2004 Special Meeting of the Board of Education.

Financial reports

/ Treasurer’s Reports for April 2004 as presented.
Central Treasurers’ Reports for April 2004 as presented.


/ That the Board accept the low, responsive, responsible bid meeting specifications and award contract to M. Gleason and Sons of Binghamton, NY, in the amount of $118,500.00 for the Bid for Emergency Generator for Hendy Elementary School.


/ That the Board approve the contract with Ms. Raylene Lewis for services as the district’s “Clerk of the Works” at $35.00 per hour for the period July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 (copy in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting).
That the Board approve the contract for the provision of non-resident student health services for the 2003-04 school year:
1.  Addison Central School District, 1 student, $191.93
2.  Newfield Central School District, 1 student, $191.93
3.  Odessa-Montour Central School District, 3 students, $575.79
4.  Watkins Glen Central School District, 4 students, $767.72
(Copies in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting).


/ That the Board accept the gift of $121.90 donated to Southside High School by Target and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $121.90 at budget code A2020-41-56-0500.


/ That the Board approve the receipt of reimbursements totaling $240.00 and that the 2003-04 General Fund expenditure code A2020-36-56-0500 (Broadway Middle) be increased by $120.00, and that the 2003-04 General Fund expenditure code A2020-41-56-0500 (Southside) be increased by $120.00.

CSE Recommendations

/ That the Board approve the placement of students classified by the District Committee on Special Education (CSE) Teams.
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None


Field Trip / Commissioner Skidmore moved, seconded by Commissioner Long, that the Board approve the field trip for the Riverside School Summer Leadership Camp to Newtown Battlefield (Sullivan’s Monument) Campgrounds on July 15, 2004.
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None

Nomination for Area 4 Director of NYSSBA

/ Commissioner Skidmore moved, seconded by Commissioner Castellino, that the Board nominate Michael Masse, a member of the Fayetteville-Manlius School Board, as a candidate for Area 4 Director of the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA).
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None

Education Finance Reform Resolution

/ Commissioner Skidmore moved, seconded by Commissioner Sartori, that the Board approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS the New York State Court of Appeals in Campaign for Fiscal Equity v. State established a statewide standard providing that all children are entitled under the state constitution to an opportunity for a “meaningful high school education”;
WHEREAS the court ordered the state to determine the actual cost of a meaningful high school education in New York City, and that such “costing-out” and other mandates of the decision be fulfilled by July 30, 2004;
WHEREAS statewide school funding reform would be the only fair and just response to the CFE decision, given that: (1) many other school districts in the state have identical problems of inadequate resources that led the Court of Appeals to find a constitutional violation in regard to new York City, and (2) it would be impractical to design a statutory remedy that applies only to New York City;
WHEREAS it would be unconscionable for the state to wait another year before addressing the issues highlighted in the CFE decision and to fail to direct resources where the most urgent needs exist;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Elmira City School District’s Board of Education strongly supports the enactment of legislation before July 30, 2004 consistent with the New York State School Boards Association’s recommendations for school funding reform, which advocate that the new school funding system meet the following criteria:
·  Adequacy – Providing sufficient resources to ensure the opportunity for a sound basic education for all students.
·  Equity∫ - Distributing a foundation level of state aid for every student that is based on the actual cost of providing a sound basic education that fairly compensates for differences in community costs, needs and resources.
·  Flexibility – Increasing the percentage of operating aid so that boards of education can direct resources to those educational programs that best address local needs.
·  Predictability – Passing a timely state budget and ensuring that stable funding is distributed through a consistent, uniformly applied formula that would not require annual manipulation by the legislature and that would facilitate long-term planning by school districts.
·  Clarity – Establishing a funding formula that is transparent so that it is easily explained and understood.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this body supports the inclusion of significant new state resources to implement the CFE decision, providing for new and additional funding for schools in the 2004-05 state fiscal year to address the most urgent priorities of schools and in order to begin a multi-year process of fulfilling the mandates of the Court of Appeals decision in Campaign for Fiscal Equity v. State.
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None

Contract Addendum for Southern Tier Area Plan

/ Commissioner Sartori moved, seconded by Commissioner Long, that the Board approve the contract addendum with Southern Tier Area Plan (S.T.A.P.) (copy in Clerks’ supplemental file for this meeting).
Motion Carried
Yes: Badeau, Castellino, Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Sartori, Skidmore, Turner
No: None

Collective Bargaining Agreement with ISEA