Old Prospect Card Campaign Order

RR/SA Campaign Orientation

All the RR—or, preferably, SA—needs to do is go to the Bill Good Marketing Campaign Center at www.billgood.com/university/campaigns.bgm to become familiar with the Old Prospect Card Campaigns. Once you better understand how Old Prospect Card Campaigns run and what your choices are, you will select the version(s) of the Old Prospect Card Campaign you want to run. If you are running the Non-Registered Caller version and don’t have an existing Elliott Phase 2 Campaign in motion, you will also need to complete an Elliott Phase 2 Campaign Order now. For more information, view the Old Prospect Card online seminar.

Once you have selected the version(s), fill out the “Required Information” section below and as much of the “Additional Information” as possible and hand this Order to the Computer Operator. The CO is responsible for downloading, installing and activating the Campaign based on your instructions. The Campaign Steps will then prompt all players what to do and when to do it.

Step 1: Go to www.billgood.com/university/campaigns.bgm

_____ 1) Print the Old Prospect Campaign Overview Handout. You will need it for the next

RR/SA step.

_____ 2) With the Campaign Overview in hand, view the online seminar “Old Prospect Card

RR/SA Campaign Overview”.

_____ 3) Now that you have a basic understanding of the Campaigns, follow the download

RR/SA links to select a version to run. If your CO is accompanying you, download the Campaign and the ‘Campaign Import Instructions’ now. Either way, write the name of the version(s) you selected here:

Old Prospect Card Version(s):

Step 2: Fill in Required Info

_____ 4) When do you want your 1st Letter to go out? (This date should be a Friday, if possi-

RR/SA ble.) The Campaign Steps begin 20 weekdays (four calendar weeks) before the first mailing.

1st Mailing Date: Friday, ___/_____/_____

_____ 5) Who do you want to send this mailing to? Below, describe the target group or write

RR/SA down the Selection Rule to use. (The default Selection Rule for this Campaign is “Prospects—Normal Comm Status”.)




_____ 6) If you need to make any changes to the database in order to target this group,

RR/SA indicate them below. This can cover things like making sure that each CG has the List field completed.



_____ 7) Indicate any Contact Groups who should be excluded from this Campaign. (You can

RR/SA describe a group or list individual names and your CO will exclude or remove them from the Campaign.)



_____ 8) Write any instructions regarding other versions of Old Prospect or Elliott Phase 1

RR/SA Campaign you are running.



Step 3 (Optional): Fill in Additional Info

_____ 9) Which Team Introduction letter do you want to use in follow-up? (Non-Registered

RR/SA Caller versions only)

q With Picture (Lead Processing–New Info Lead–3–Team Pic)

q No Picture (Lead Processing–New Info Lead–3–No Team Pic)

Step 4: Hand this order to the Computer Operator.Note: The Required Info section above must first be complete.

CO Instructions

_____ 10) If the “Required Info” section is not complete on this Campaign Order, return it to the

CO RR or SA to complete before you continue.

_____ 11) Download and Import Campaign: If you have not already downloaded the Cam-

CO paign, go to www.billgood.com/university/campaigns.bgm. Print the ‘Campaign Import Instructions’. Follow the directions to download and install the Campaign(s) listed in item 3 on this Campaign Order.

_____ 12) If there are changes to the database listed in step 6, make them before you create the

CO Selection Rule for this Campaign and before you activate this Campaign through the Campaign Wizard.

_____ 13) If you will need a Selection Rule different from the default rule for this Campaign,

CO verify that it exists in the database or create it. Note: If there is only a small number of Contact Groups to be excluded (listed in step 7), you can remove them from the Campaign after it is activated. Otherwise, modify the Selection Rule to exclude them and when you activate the Campaign, substitute the rule you have chosen or created for the default rule. You Must Have the Correct Rule Ready at the Time You Activate the Campaign.

_____ 14) Activate Campaign: Open the Campaign Wizard through Campaigns, Campaign

CO Wizard.

a. First screen: Select the Campaign you want to activate and click Next.

b. General Options: Replace the default Selection Rule with any new Selection Rule created in step 13, or accept the default Selection Rule.

c. Review the Staffgroup assignments in the Staffgroup column. Most likely the Team assignments will be correct. To change the entire Team, select a new Team from the drop-down list beside the Team field. To change a single Staffgroup, click on the down arrow or choose and select a new Staffgroup.

d. Review the Default Experience Level for each Team Member. IMPORTANT: If this is the first time your office is running this Campaign, change the Experience Level for all team members to ‘Beginner’ in order to receive all Campaign Steps. Click Next.

e. Event Dates: Fill in Event Date 1: First Mailing with the date listed in step 4 of this Campaign Order and click Next.

f. Documents: Click on the printer icon next to each Campaign Document to print it. If “With picture” is checked in item # 9, switch the Letter to “Lead Processing–New Info Lead–3–Team Pic”. Keep these documents with the Campaign Order to be delivered to the SV. Click Next.

g. Click on Finish.

_____ 15) Open this Campaign in Campaign Manager and remove any Contact Groups that are

CO listed in step 7 and not excluded by the Selection Rule you used.

_____ 16) Print the following document for this Campaign. (It is used by a Speedbutton™ and

CO is therefore not available for printing from the Campaign Wizard.) Hint: In Doc Browser, choose “Category View”. It’s easier to locate Messages alphabetically in this tab than to try to figure out in which folder they are located while using “Folder View”.

Elliott–Immediate–Here’s Info

_____ 17) Deliver this Campaign Order to the Service Assistant along with all the printed docu-

CO ments.

SV Instructions

_____ 18) Set up a folder to hold all reports, copies, and expense records for this Campaign.

SV The folder’s label should be set up as follows:

March 14, 2010

Old Prospect Card Campaign—(Version Name)

_____ 19) File this Campaign Order, along with the printouts delivered to you, in the file folder

SV you just assembled.

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CONFIDENTIAL H:\Doc's\DOCROUTE\2.0 Campaigns\Old Prospect Card\Old Prospect Card Campaign Order.doc, PM 1/8/01