Elementary “You Decide” CBA Correlation Guide

We the People

Brief Description of the Assignment:

•  How Should Representative Smith Vote? (Unit 3, lesson 13, p. 104-7)

•  Students will research outside sources to explain their positions on how they think Rep. Smith should vote based on which stakeholder group they represent

•  Based on their positions, students lobby their representative to support their point of view

·  What is the final product?

•  Individual students must create a position paper OR presentation WITH SCRIPT (used for scoring) based on their own informed decision regarding the issue of smoking in public places. Remind students to use democratic terminology of common good, general welfare, life, liberty, property, etc.

Rubric Language / We the People
Connection / Social Studies GLE / Reading GLE / Writing GLE
States a position on a public issue and concludes with a call to action. / How Should Representative Smith Vote?
-Students will explain their position on how they think Rep. Smith should vote, based on which group they represent
-Students lobby their representative to vote based on their position
(Unit 3, lesson 13, p. 104-7) / 5.4.1. Researches multiple perspectives to take a position on a public or historical issue in a paper or presentation. (5th Grade)
(EALR 5.4. Creates a product…)
5.3.1. Engages others in discussions that attempt to clarify and address multiple viewpoints on public issues based on democratic ideals.
(EALR 5.3 Deliberates public issues.) / 2.3.2 Analyze sources for information appropriate to a specific topic or for a specific purpose. / 1.1.1. Applies more than one strategy for generating ideas and planning writing.
1.1.2. Produces multiple drafts.
1.3.1. Revises text, including changing words, sentences, paragraphs, and ideas.
1.4.1. Applies understanding of editing appropriate for grade level.
1.6.1 Applies understanding of the recursive nature of the writing process.
2.1.1. Applies understanding of multiple and varied audiences to write effectively.
2.2.1. Demonstrate understanding of different purposes for writing.
2.3.1. Write in a variety of forms and genres.
2.4.1. Produces documents used in a career setting.
3.1.1. Analyzes ideas, selects a narrow
topic, and elaborates using specific
details and/or examples.
3.1.2. Uses an effective organizational
3.2.1. Applies understanding that different
audiences and purposes affect
writer’s voice.
3.2.3. Uses a variety of sentences.
Provides background on the issue by explaining:
·  Three or more stakeholders’ positions on this issue. / Stakeholder Groups
•  Representative Smith and her staff
•  Tobacco growers and processors
•  Citizens for freedom
•  Citizens for a smoke-free environment
•  Citizens for better health
Students will choose from these five groups to present three or more positions on the issue of smoking in public places.
Students will use research gathered from outside sources to support each stakeholder’s position.
Students will save information in a notebook or on index cards. (The teacher should maintain a master list of best sources for the students to use in their individual papers.)
Provides reason(s) for the position supported by evidence.
The evidence includes:
·  An explanation of how a right relates to the position on the issue.
An explanation of how the common good relates to the position on the issue. / Example:
How does a citizen’s right to freedom relate to a person’s right to smoke, or to live in a healthy environment, free from harm?
How does the position that smoking is a right, relate to the common good? Likewise, how is the position to stand against smoking in public places related to the common good? / 1.1.2. Evaluates how a public issue is related to constitutional rights and the common good. (5th Grade)
(EALR 1.1. Understands key ideals and principles…)
1.4.1. Understands that civic participation involves being informed about how public issues are related to rights and responsibilities. (5th Grade)
(EALR 1.4. Understands civic involvement) / 2.4.3 Analyze text for fact and opinion.
2.4.5 Understand how to extend information beyond the text to another text or to a broader idea or concept by generalizing.
3.1.1 Analyze appropriateness of a variety of resources and use them to perform a specific task or investigate a topic.
Lists three sources including the title, author, type of source, and date of each source. / Utilize research conducted to prepare for the We the People activity (which the student used in the CBA position paper) to complete a list of sources. / 5.4.2. Prepares a list of resources including the title, author, type of source, date published, and publisher for each source and arranges the sources alphabetically. (5th Grade)
(EALR 5.4. Creates a product…)
5.2.2. Understands the main ideas from multiple primary and secondary sources in order to research issues and historical events. (5th Grade)
(EALR 5.2 Uses inquiry-based research.) / 2.2.2 Apply understanding of printed and electronic text features to locate information and comprehend text.
2.4.3 Analyze text for fact and opinion.
2.2.4 Apply understanding of text organizational structures. / 3.3.8. Applies conventional forms for citations.
Possible Supplemental Reading Connections
Specific Circumstance / Reading GLE / Explanation of application
1.2.2 Apply a variety of strategies to comprehend words and ideas in complex text.
1.3.1 Understand and apply new vocabulary.
1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text.
2.1.3 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: determine importance using theme, main idea and supporting details in grade-level informational/expository text and/or literary/narrative text.
2.1.4 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: use prior knowledge.
2.1.5 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: predict and infer from grade-level text.
2.1.7 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies during and after reading: summarize grade-level informational/expository text and literary/narrative text. / Supplemental GLEs connected to researching a wide variety of texts to support position, beyond the resources provided in the We the People task.
Possible Supplemental Writing Connections
Specific Circumstance / Writing GLE / Explanation of application
Each student completes We the People position paper related to “How Should Representative Smith Vote?”
OR We the People presentation WITH SCRIPT used for scoring.
(Unit 3, lesson 13, p. 104-7) / 1.6.3. Uses knowledge of time constraints to adjust writing process.
3.3.1. Uses legible handwriting.
3.3.2. Spells words appropriate for the grade level accurately.
3.3.3. Applies capitalization rules.
3.3.4. Applies punctuation rules.
3.3.5. Applies usage rules.
3.3.6. Uses complete sentences in writing.
3.3.7. Applies paragraph conventions.
4.1.2. Uses specific criteria for analyzing
own writing. / Extension activities supplementing CBA requirements; i.e. teaching the writing process, grammar, etc.