Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium

Conference Deliverables checklist

Determine the partner contact, and obtain phone, fax, cell and email information. If there is more than one contact, complete contact information is required for each, as well as the roles each will play.

Information regarding exceptions, special circumstances or individual requests should be given to the Office & Program Coordinators as soon it becomes available.


□ Book facility. Booked by AB ED

□ Determine contact person at facility (cell phone, fax, email if blackberry). Monique Bulmer

□ Determine where/when to set up registration tables, and how many are required.

□ Determine what time the rooms are available for set up (both keynote and breakouts). Assign proper number of people to set up rooms.

□ Determine clear room maximums for each room with each set up type.

□ Determine how many rooms will be required. Large, small, keynote, breakout, etc.

□ Communicate parking information to participants – where the parking is available, how to access, how many spaces and the cost for the day.

□ Determine locations where signage is required. Determine what type (direction only, instruction, or information) and size of signs are required.

□ Issue cheque for facility deposit (made out to payee and amount) according to facility staff’s instruction. Cheque to be issued within the timelines set by the facility.

□ Prepare and bring to Conference “Reserved” table tents for placing on presenter table at the front of the room.

A/V (when possible use Alberta Education resources)

□ Secure contract with appropriate A/V company.

□ Determine who pays for A/V.

□ Communicate A/V needs to A/V company.

□ Are they onsite on the day of the conference?

□ Obtain contact name and how to reach them (cell phone, email for blackberry).

□ Determine a secure and locked location for storage of any ERLC or external A/V equipment.

□ Determine passwords for laptop if provided from outside source (AE, presenter).

□ Have an on-site check prior to the conference to ensure equipment meets presenters needs.

Hotel Accommodations

□ Arrange for blocked rooms.


□ Create presenter agreement(s) and send to presenter(s).

□ Ensure agreement is signed and returned to ERLC within two weeks of receipt. Check with presenter two weeks prior to conference at the latest.

□ Communicate with speaker(s) regarding logistics, a/v needs, travel and handouts.

□ Confirm handout details. How many different handout pieces? What type – paper, disc, water bottles, backpacks, resource coupons, folder, leaflet? Who will be preparing and bringing to the conference? What time should they arrive at the facility? Who will be assigned to distributing and when should they be distributed, and to who? All? Paid participants only?

□ Book accommodation for presenter(s) to obtain reduced rate – determine which hotel, how many nights.

□ Determine from presenter if there are resources being delivered for the session. What type of resource, number of items, type and weight or resources, and where and when they are being shipped. Courier information required with payer information.

□ Verbally contact presenter one week prior to ensure all scheduling needs are met and that a cell phone number is provided in case of emergencies.


□ Register participants and process their payment through the ERLC (EventsPro system).

□ Send participants a confirmation letter with particulars about conference included. Be very clear about timelines (registration/cont breakfast/welcome/keynote/start).

□ Send a “reminder” broadcast email one week prior to Conference with parking and any other facility information; also include start times for registration, refreshments, keynote, etc.

□ Create name tags for participants and presenters.

□ Prepare registration packages and name tags, to be given out at the Conference.


□ Determine deadline for placing catering order.

□ Order meals, drinks and snacks. Clearly communicate any food allergies or concerns to caterer.

□ If buffet-style, determine how many lines would be suitable to accommodate all participants in a timely manner.


□ Create Learning Opportunity flyer including partner’s logo and any special rates.

□ Determine to whom Learning Opportunity is advertised, and any special organizations or groups that are to receive it, as well as those that should not receive it.

□ Provide advertising for the conference (ERLC website, emails to schools in the region, month-a-glance communications, ERLC advisory committees, possibly the AISI website calendar, external organization’s newsletters, and appropriate ERLC past participants). Advertising throughout the province will occur within other consortia regions.

□ Buy registration package materials.

□ Assemble participant packages (folders, pens, backpacks, water bottles, etc.).

□ Send copy of appropriate documentation to appropriate contacts (facility, A/V company, ERLC staff, presenters, moderators, etc.).


□ Have budget (including gratuity and GST) agreed upon by partners responsible for costs.

□ Review and sign facility and AV agreements making note of cancellation policies and penalties.

□ Pay for the meals, drinks and snacks.

□ Provide a detailed statement of expenses.


□ Determine who will ask participants to act as hosts for each session.

□ Communicate host names to ERLC for preparation of host packages.

□ Send all hosts their tasks via email one week prior to Conference.

□ Determine if gifts will be given to key note presenters, break-out session presenters, hosts, partners and any other person. Obtain all information possible regarding the purchase of gifts and any other details that would be helpful.

□ Determine what the gifts will be and who will be responsible for purchasing, preparing (get specific) and bringing them to the Conference. Determine where the gift items should be held until they are given out.

□ Prepare host packages as soon as names have been given. Allow one envelope for each session or breakout. Don’t combine sessions into one envelope.


□ Distribute, collate and summarize evaluation forms (keynote, breakout, day1/3, 2/3? and overall conference). Are we using the ERLC standard evaluation? When should it be sent out?

□ Provide a summary report of the conference that includes:

o An overview of the final conference program

o The results of the satisfaction survey distributed to attendees

o Suggestions for improvement

o A detailed final budget

To Bring to Conference

□ Participant folders

□ Basket for folders

□ List of participants (by last name, by school district, by session)

□ Unpaid registration forms

□ Large ERLC standing boards

□ Appropriate signage (e.g. welcome, Early Education Conference, →)

□ Wall signs (alphabet, names of groups or schools, etc.)

□ Table tents (reserved, evaluation)

□ Program overview (times, room #s, etc.)

□ Evaluation forms for keynote(s), break-out sessions, and overall conference.

□ Small baskets for evaluation hand-in

□ Keynote handout(s)

□ Map of facility

□ Back-up working papers

□ Blank paper

□ Promotional material (bags, water bottles, etc.)

□ ERLC Month-at-a-Glance

□ Draw stubs, box for draw

□ Gift certificates

□ Pens