The Edmond Amateur Radio Society is located at 28 E. Main Street, Edmond, OK in the Downtown community center, Room 219. Mailing address is EARS, P.O. Box 48, Edmond, OK 73083. Repeaters: 147.135+ and 443.425+. Station telephone 359-4386. Website www.k5eok.org. Webmaster e-mail .

October 2007

Donations Accepted – Earlier this year, the Edmond Amateur Radio Society received notice from the Internal Revenue Service that it qualified as a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization. EARS is now accepting donations of newer functioning ham radio equipment. Your donation helps support amateur radio in the community. Contributions received will be acknowledged with a letter to be used for tax purposes. For more information, contact Lonnie Hewell N5MFN at .

ARRL Director and Vice Director Elections – As a Special Service Club affiliated with the American Radio Relay League, EARS supports ARRL and appreciates its role as the national organization for amateur radio operators. Policy for the ARRL is determined by a Board of Directors, each elected separately for three-year terms from 15 geographic areas known as Divisions, and these Directors are backed up by elected Vice Directors in each Division. Our Oklahoma Section is affiliated with the West Gulf Division, which also includes North Texas, South Texas and West Texas Sections. Every year, five Divisions hold elections, and this year the West Gulf Division is one of the Divisions scheduled to hold elections. The incumbent Director and Vice Director for the West Gulf Division are Coy Day N5OK of Union City, Oklahoma and Dr. David Woolweaver K5RAV of Harlingen, Texas, both of whom have attended EARS events in the past in company with EARS’ own John Thomason WB5SYT, our Oklahoma Section Manager. Challenging for Director and Vice Director this year are Ed McGinley W5ETM of Ft. Worth, Texas and Dr. John Teer AK5Z, from Harlingen, Texas, respectively. Ballots will soon be sent to all full members of the League in our Division who are of good standing as of September 10, 2007, and the completed ballots must be received at ARRL HQ by noon Eastern Time on Friday, November 16, 2007 in order to be counted. Biographies of all candidates will accompany the ballot. EARS urges all ARRL full members to exercise your voting rights by completing and returning your ballot well in advance of the deadline (snail mail, remember). Exercise Your Franchise! And Support the League.

Short Shorts –

v Look for an article about EARS that recently appeared in Edmond Outlook magazine. Thanks to Andrew John W8OU, club President, for his contribution.

v Don’t forget EARS’ special event operation commemorating Oklahoma Statehood Day and Oklahoma Centennial coming up on consecutive Saturdays, November 10th and 17th, when a station known as W5G will operate from the Oklahoma Publishing Museum in a turn-of-the-century brick building in the heart of downtown Guthrie. Our friends from other area clubs will be helping us operate on Nov. 10th, with Nov. 17th being the special day for EARS members. Watch for further details in the next newsletter, and please plan to attend and participate in this special, special event on Oklahoma’s 100th birthday.

v Kudos to Andrew John W8OU who has recruited some excellent speakers for recent business meetings on subjects as diverse as HF contesting, American Red Cross disaster services and the Civil Air Patrol. All members and visitors are urged to attend these meetings and are also welcome at the Board meetings. But this month it is time for some serious Mexican food at Los Arcos – please plan to attend and help us celebrate… something.

v One more parade in the record books: Parade Coordinator Steve Kuper KC5RYT thanks all who made this year’s version of the UCO Homecoming Parade a success.

Recap of Upcoming October Events:

October 2nd – Tuesday – EARS Technician Licensing Course. Final class and review session 6:30-8:30 p.m. K5EOK club station, Room 219, Downtown Community Center.

October 6th - Saturday - Monthly Siren Test for the City of Edmond. 12 Noon. Please volunteer to help with this important and visible service to the community. 147.135 MHZ K5EOK repeater. Contact Robyn Price KD5ISC ( ) for information.

October 6th – Saturday - EARS Volunteer Examiner test session. Get a new license or upgrade your existing one. The test session is held in Room 219 of the Edmond Downtown Community Center located at 28 E. Main Street. For more information, contact Larry Holden W5PA at .

October 9th - Tuesday - EARS Board of Directors Meeting. 7:00 p.m. K5EOK club station, Room 219, Downtown Community Center. All members welcome.

October 18th – Thursday – EARS Bi-monthly Dinner Meeting. 6:15 p.m. Los Arcos Restaurant, 1718 E. 2nd St. in Edmond (north side of Bryant Square shopping center). Vamanos, amigos.

October 20th – Saturday – National Weather Center Open House – 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the new NWS facilities at 120 David L. Boren Blvd off Highway 9 on the south side of Norman. This is a good chance to view the high-tech capabilities of the NWS only a short distance from our city.

Monday evenings, 8:00 p.m. EARS Monday Night Information Net, 147.135+ and 443.425+ K5EOK repeaters. Check-in and get the latest information on Club happenings and other news of interest to Central Oklahoma amateurs. For more information or to volunteer to help as a net control, contact the net manager, Bob Coxsey KM5GZ at .