Ecology Guided Notes Name:_______________________

To be used with Ecology PowerPoint

Ecology: the study of how living things ___________ of with their physical environment

Ecological Organization

An organism is living thing

Anything that possesses all of the ________________ of _________

Species: a group of __________ that can mate & produce a _________ offspring

Population: all the members of a __________ that live

in one place at one time.

How many zebras are apart of the population?______

Community: a collection of ________________ populations in an area

Ecosystem: includes all of the organisms &

the non-living environment.

True or Falseà Community members must interact to maintain balance.

Biosphere: the portion of the earth where all life exists. A 13 mile band that surrounds earth. 6-7 miles into the ________________ & 6-7 miles deep into the __________

Put the Order of Ecological Organization

from smallest to largest:

1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________

5. __________________

What does an ecosystem need to be self-sustaining?

1. A constant source of ___________ is supplied.

2. Living things use this energy and

convert into _________ molecules

3. A cycling of materials between

organisms and their environment


Organisms with similar needs may compete with

each other for resources like:

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. _______________________ 4. ________________________

Limiting Factor:

anything that makes it more difficult for a

species to live, grow, or reproduce in its environment

Acclimation: when organisms _____________ to change

Range of Tolerance: the ability of an organism to

withstand __________ in their environment.

Abiotic and Biotic Factors
Abiotic Factors: _____________ factors which affect the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce

What are three examples of abiotic factors?

1. ________________________ 3. ________________________

2. ________________________ 4. ________________________

What abiotic factors limit vegetation at higher altitudes?

1. ______________________ 3. ____________________

2. ________________________ 4. _______________________

Biotic Factors: ______ factors which affect the ability of organisms to survive & reproduce

Examples: other organisms - ____________, food source

Can an abiotic factor such as RAIN affect many biotic factors?

Rain - ________ - ________ - _________

Nutritional Relationships

Define Autotroph: organisms that synthesize their own __________

from inorganic molecules

Define Heterotroph: ____ ______ synthesize their own food and are dependent on other organisms for their food

Types of Heterotrophs

Saprophyte: include those heterotrophic plants, fungi,

and bacteria which live on __________ matter (a.k.a. decomposers or detritivores)

Herbivores: _____________- eating animals

Omnivores: consumes both ____________ & _______________

Carnivores: _____________- eating animals

Types of Carnivores

______________: animals which kill and

consume their other animals (prey)

__________: animals which are killed by predators

A _________________________ is an animal that feeds on other animals that they have not killed. A good example of this would be a ___________, ____________ & _____________.

Symbiotic Relationships

Symbiosis: living together with another organism in ___________ association

Types of Symbiosis

Commensalism: one organism is ____________ and the other is _____________

What is an example of commensalism? Barnacles on _______________

Define Mutualism: _______ organisms benefit from the association (+,+)

What is an example of mutualism? Nile crocodile & Egyptian plover

Parasitism: the organism benefits at the __________ of the host (+,-)

What is an example of parasitism? ___________________________________________

Summary of Symbiotic Relationships

Fill in the proper term with its corresponding picture

Energy Flow in an Ecosystem

Food Chain: a _________ pathway of feeding relationships among organisms that involves the transfer of energy.

Food Web: _______________ food chains in a community

Below fill in organisms from the food web:

______________________à Make their own food

______________________ à Herbivores

______________________ à Carnivores

______________________ à Break down organic waste and dead organisms (Ex. Bacteria)

Trophic levels

An organism’s position in a sequence of energy transfers

· There is a ________ in the overall energy as you

move up in __________ levels.

· There is much more ______ in the __________

level in a food web than at the __________ levels

· Approximately ____% of ingested nutrients is

passed on to the next trophic level to build new tissue

Why is the % of energy passed on to the next trophic level

so low?

1. Energy is lost in the form of __________

2. Some animals _________ from being eaten & just die.

Their energy in their bodies do not pass to a higher energy level.

3. Some animal parts can not be eaten.

Cougar eats deer, can not extract energy from _______, __________ or ________


Biomass: _________________________________________________________

Less or More biomass can be supported at each trophic level.

***The total mass of carnivores in an ecosystem is less than the total mass of the producers.***

Label the following Biomass Pyramid with the following terms: producers, tertiary consumers, secondary consumers and primary consumers

Terrestrial Energy Pyramid

Complete the Energy Pyramid using the following organisms:

Eagles, Green Plants, Heat, Mice, and Snakes


Succession: a gradual process of change and ___________ of populations in a community.

What causes an environment to be changed? When the environment is ______________________

These changes cause rapid or gradual changes in an ecosystem.

Ecosystems change until ______________ _________________ is formed.

Primary Succession: The development of plant

communities in an area that has not never supported life.

Examples: __________ _________, _________

________ or ___________.

The Start of Primary Succession

• Pioneer Organism: the first organisms to inhabit a given location

(example: _________ on bare rock)

Breaks down rock into __________

The following is an example of Primary Succession:

1. water plants at pond edge

2. sedges and sediments begin to fill pond

3. sphagnum moss and bog shrubs fill pond (cranberries)

4. black spruce and larch

5. birches, maple, or fir


Secondary Succession: is the change of species that follows disruption of an existing community

created by natural __________ or ___________ activity.

Occurs in areas that previously contained life and ___________!!!

Example: forest fire at Yellowstone National Park

The following is an example of Secondary Succession:

1. ______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________

What is the difference between primary and secondary succession? Primary succession takes place on _______, whereas Secondary succession takes place on ___________.

Is this primary or secondary succession? ____________________________________

Define Climax Community: _______________________________________________

§ Populations remain ___________________and exist in __________________ with each other and their environmen

§ ecosystems may reach a point of stability that can last for ___________________

A climax community persists until a catastrophic change alters or destroys a major biotic or abiotic resource

(examples: forest fires, abandoned farmlands, floods, areas where the topsoil has been removed)

After the original climax community has been destroyed, the damaged ecosystem is likely to recover in stages that eventually result in a stable system similar to the original one.


Define Biome: a large region characterized by a specific type of climate & certain ______ and __ communities. A certain biome may exist in more than one location on earth.

Biomes are ___________________________ or ______________________________.

Biomes are dependent on the following three things:

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

Terrestrial Biomes

In general. _________ __________ biomes.

Characterized by climax _________________________. Have characteristic _________(plants) and _________ (animals).


Climax Flora:

Climax Fauna:

Characteristics: long & extremely cold winters

permanently frozen subsoil



Climax Flora:

Climax Fauna:


Location: south of the tundra & north of temperate forest

Temperate-Deciduous Forest

Climax Flora:

Climax Fauna:

Characteristics: moderate precipitation, cold winters, warm summers

Location: South of taiga

Tropical Forest

Climax Flora:

Climax Fauna:

Characteristics: heavy rainfall(300 inches/year), constant warmth

Biodiversity: The size of 2 football fields may have 300 species of trees

Location: near the equator


Climax Flora:

Climax Fauna:

Characteristics: rainfall and temperature vary greatly,

strong winds

Grasslands: also known as prairies, steppes, savannas & pampas.

Location: interior of continents


Climax Flora:

Climax Fauna:


Extreme temperature. Hot days cool nights.

Temperatures may have a 50 degree drop.

Aquatic Biomes

What is the largest ecosystem on Earth? _______________________________________

How much of the Earth's surface is covered with water? __________________________

What are two reasons why aquatic biomes are more stable then terrestrial biomes?

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

What are the two types of aquatic biomes?

1. ________________________________ 2. ______________________________

Give 4 examples of freshwater biomes: ____________, _____________, ______________, & ___________

2 Types of Lakes:

1. Eutrophic - rich in ___________ matter & vegetation

___________ water

Bacteria feed on decomposing matter &

uses up all the oxygen, killing all life.

2. Oligotrophic - __________ organic matter & vegetation

Clear water.

• Wetlands: aka ___________ & marshes

an area of land that is covered by water for a

certain amount of time during the year.

Why are wetlands so important?

filters out ____________

controls ___________

stopover for migratory birds


Where does plant production occur in this aquatic environment?


Where does plant production not occur? _______________________________________



Competition: occurs when two different species or organisms living in the same environment (habitat) utilize the same limited resources

What are some things organisms compete over?

________________________, ______________________, ______________________, ________________________, ________________________, and ________________________.

When does competition become more intense? __________________________________


A place where an organism lives out its life. It is an organism’s home, their address.


The organism's role in the community.

How an organism meets its need for food, shelter,

how it survives & reproduces. Interactions with biotic & abiotic factors.

Material Cycles

What happens to materials in a self-sustaining ecosystem? ________________________


Can the same materials be reused? _____________________

Water Cycle

In the provided space, fill in the proper terms that make up the Water Cycle.

Carbon-Oxygen Cycle

In the provided space, fill in the proper terms that make up the Carbon-Oxygen Cycle.

Nitrogen Cycle

Why do organisms need nitrogen? ____________________________________________


***Living things cannot use nitrogen gas in the air***

How do living things obtain nitrogen? ______________________________________

What is Nitrogen-Fixation? ________________________________________________


What type of organism can “fix” nitrogen so it can be used by other living things? _____________________________

In what type of plant can these organisms be found? __________________________________

In the provided space, fill in the proper terms that make up the Nitrogen Cycle.


Evolutionary processes have resulted in a diversity of organisms and a diversity of roles in ecosystems.

Define Biodiversity: ______________________________________________________


Increased biodiversity does four things. What are they?

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________________

Define Monoculture: _____________________________________________________

Monoculture leaves an area more vulnerable to predation or disease. Why?
