Eco-Schools Action Plan – Updated April 2013 OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED
Topic / Action / Target / Measure / Timescale / Deadline / Responsibility / Actual Result Achieved / Date
Waste Minimisation/ Recycling / Compost waste / Collect compostable waste and use composter on site / From Spring Term 2012 / Anne Craske
Richard Parsley / Ongoing
Waste Minimisation/ Recycling / Reduce Packaging / Encourage children and parents to minimise packaging used in lunch packs / Autumn Term 2011 / All Staff / Completed February/March 2012 (Spring Term) Packaging monitored and weighed alongside healthy eating campaign. Weekly lunchbox waste was monitored and reduced by 500g. (week 1 – 1550grams / week 2 – 950grams) that’s a third of the waste in one week!
Water / Turn off taps every time / Encourage and supervise children to turn off taps after every use / Ongoing from Autumn Term 2011 / All Staff / Completed October 2011 and continuing (Autumn Term) Children made signs and staff continue to monitor and encourage.
Transport / Carry out a transport survey / Carry out a survey to ascertain how children travel to school. Review for improvements. / Autumn Term 2011 (survey) Spring/Summer Term 2012 (review) / Anne Craske Richard Parsley / Online survey completed May 2012 (Summer Term)
Review of results and contact with other stakeholders June/July 2012 (Summer Term)
The Committee has discussed the results and concluded that any action would need to be in conjunction with the other local stakeholders.
It is an aspiration that in partnership with the Infant and Middle Schools, Parish Council and local Police Safer Neighbourhood team we may be able to:-
1. Publish “Safe Walking Routes” to School, including looking at the recruitment or relocation of School Crossing Patrol personnel or utilisation of the local PCSO’s.
2. Look to encourage “WOW” days (Walk once a Week), if suitable parking spaces could be found away from the Schools.
3. Introduce a 20mph speed limit on Appleton Drive
After consultation with the Parish Council who contacted Norfolk County Highways, the 20mph zone was not supported.
Healthy Living / Green plants in classrooms / Provide and sustain green plants in classrooms. Encourage children to look after these. / Autumn Term 2011 / Anne Craske
Children & Staff / Completed
Healthy Living / Encourage healthy eating / Monitor and encourage lunch packs and maintain healthy snack options / Autumn Term 2011 onwards / All Staff / Completed February/March 2012 (Spring Term)
Healthly lunchbox campaign run alongside waste minimisation exercise. See topic 2.
Biodiversity / Provide Bird Boxes, Bat Boxes and Bird Bath / Children to decorate bird boxes and monitor. Children to ensure bird bath is kept full. Bird/Bat Boxes to be placed on site. / Late Autumn 2011/ Spring Term 2012 / Anne Craske Richard Parsley Children & Staff / Completed November 2011 (Autumn Term)
Children assisted in placement of equipment and continue to monitor
Biodiversity / Create a dead wood pile / To encourage habitat for bugs, fungi and animals. / Spring Term 2012 / Richard Parsley Children & Staff / Completed November 2011 (Autumn Term)
Date Action Plan was developed: August 2011
Action Plan developed by: Anne Craske (Manager), Richard Parsley (Committee Member for Eco-Schools)