Wednesday 14 August 2013 at The Alpha Centre, Fallin


Stuart Hislop, East Stirling Community Forum (Chair)

Terry Barlow, Bannockburn Community Trust

Helen Yuill, Throsk Community Council

Dina Copland, Polmaise Community Council

Grace Davidson, Polmaise Community Council

Danny McPhail, Bannockburn Community Council


Cllr Danny Gibson, Stirling Council

Jonathan Padmore, Stirling Council

Lynne Gibbons, Stirling Council

Wilma Comrie, Stirling Council

Anne-Michelle Ketteridge, FVL LEADER, Stirling Council

Janet MacCallum, Stirling Council (Minutes)

In attendance

Inspector Donna Bryans, Police Scotland

Sgt Liam Livingston, Police Scotland

Gordon Pryde, Central Scotland Fire Service


Cllr Margaret Brisley

Drew Yule, Stirling Council

Lynne McKinley, Stirling Council

Derek Parry, Stirling Council

Drew Higgins

Colin Blair

Graham Laird

Mairi Throp

Linda Dunnett

Michael Coyle

Fran Barr, Friends of Plean Country Park

1. Welcome

Stuart welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked that they introduce themselves.

2. Previous Minute

The minutes of the 8 May 2013 were accepted as an accurate record. Approved by Terry Barlow and seconded by Danny McPhail.

3. Matters Arising

Fracking – It was agreed that as this was a topical subject at the moment close attention should be paid to the opportunities for communities to gain additional money from this resource.

The following were noted:

· Development plans would only be allowed to stand if they met certain criteria

· Scottish Government – DPEA responsible for any decisions reached

· The area covered by the Forum is sitting on a huge resource

· Neither Stirling nor Falkirk Councils would be involved in any decisions

· Scottish Government will reach decisions

· Current licence only covers Boreholes and it would be necessary to go back to Planning for a licence for Fracking.

· Concerns were expressed re water contamination in the River Forth

· Open and transparent information is available on the SEPA website – http://www.sepa.org.uk

· Item to be live on future Agendas

· Any concerns or updates to be given to Wilma

4. Stirling City Transport Strategy for 2020

Jonathan Padmore circulated appropriate paperwork and updated the meeting on the Draft Towns, Villages and Rural Area Transport Plan highlighting the three elements to the programme

· Summarising Problems

· Set-out packages of programme

· Prioritisation process due to the need to justify how we spend money.

Jonathan noted that all Community Plans had been researched to ascertain the impact of transport on communities and stated that the process of visiting community groups was to ensure that the issues raised are representative of the key issues and what is needed to address the issues. Council Members need information before they can make decisions and so it is hoped to gather the information in by the end of September to allow the team to bring things together and then present to the Council.

The questionnaire was distributed in order that each Community Council can discuss and complete by the end of September.

A lengthy discussion followed regarding the road network and transport routes in the Forum area, noting that the issue of transport had been discussed frequently at Community Council and Forum meetings without the issues being resolved.

The following points were noted from the discussion:

· Standard of the A9

· Lack of transport to the new hospital at Larbert

· Parking availability at the new hospital

· Falkirk Council take lead responsibility for road and transport to the new hospital

· Cycle path from Throsk to Fallin not suitable for walkers/cyclists

· Steering group had been set up to look at ways of spending money raised from Beauly/Denny powerline but no money is to be made available to local projects/communities.

· Monies raised have been set aside for one single scheme, e.g. tree planting/path scheme.

· No attention has been paid to issues raised over a period of time, especially in relation to the new hospital.

· This procedure is to gather information, however there is no guarantee that work will be done within three years.

· It was agreed that practical issues need to be addressed

· Queried whether there was a demand for a bus to the hospital?

· A survey had been undertaken prior to the subsidy being withdrawn.

· Only 600 people had used the bus throughout the period of the survey.

· Subsidy per person to take people to the hospital was £69.

· First Bus are not prepared to sit and listen to community input

· Could strategy look at ways of people getting to and from the hospital?

· Could Council have any influence on bus companies to radically look at routes they use?

· Council only subsidises bus routes, we do not run bus journeys or regulate bus companies.

· No input by NHS to subsidise bus journey to hospital.

· Can anything be done about the A9 and the parts of it that are unfit for purpose

· Council wants to look and reflect on what the problems are, but need to know what the problems are so questionnaire is the start of the process.

· It is proposed to carry out 3-yearly visits to keep the document up to date.

· Jonathan and team willing to spend time with the Communities now to get the information required as accurate as possible.

· When information is received they will reflect on what is best strategy.

· Stuart noted that this could be challenging when conflicting messages are coming through, e.g. promoting cycling but roads are not safe.

· Jonathan queried whether there would be any benefit in having a workshop to discuss all these issues with community members

· Danny McPhail said that the cycle path in Bannockburn has been a waste of money as it has never been used.

· Cycle Path in Fallin is very well used.

· Cllr Gibson noted that these had been funded by the Scottish Government and had not cost Stirling Council a penny.

It was agreed that a meeting be convened to further discuss the Transport Strategy and Wilma and Jonathan to arrange this, with a possibility that other Forums attend.

5. AOB

Forth Valley and Lomond Leader

Anne-Michelle Ketteridge circulated a proforma highlighting the themes and gave a brief update on the funding programme, noting that a new programme was due to start in 2014. Anne-Michelle expressed the need to put together a strategy for projects that secure funding from LEADER and asked that communities consider projects that might be considered for funding during the next 7-year programme.

Stuart extended an invitation to Anne-Michelle to attend a future forum meeting if community groups with projects express interest.

Anne-Michelle anticipated feedback from the Scottish Office by the end of August.

Fire Service

Danny asked whether there was any word of a new fire station on the East Side of Stirling.

Gordon noted that there was no plan at the moment due to the nationalising of Fire and Rescue Services and that Stirling Fire Station will stay in its present position for the foreseeable future.

Police Scotland

· Have the communities seen any impact or changes to services following the creation of the National Police Force?

· Community members need to speak to the police force in order that action can be taken by officers

· Positive feedback has been received regarding the school input

· Consultation to take place re multi-ward policing.

· Questionnaire to be issued between August-October.

· Proposal to send to 75 people per ward area from the age of 13 years and upwards

Council meetings

Councillor Gibson asked members to note that a meeting was being held tomorrow regarding the ownership of King’s Park and a Full Council meeting was being held on Monday, 19th August at 7.00 pm for Bannockburn 2014. These are open meetings and anyone wishing to attend can do so.

Date of next meeting – Wednesday 13 November at the Balfour Centre, Plean