Earth & Environmental Science

Pamela Weghorst, Room B202

Class Description

Earth and Environmental Science is an introductory course designed to give students a solid grounding in scientific thought and investigation. We will develop these skills while studying topics in astronomy, geology, geography, hydrology, meteorology, climatology, and ecology. From climate change to energy to natural disasters, earth and environmental issues are in the news on an almost daily basis. This class will develop the background knowledge and scientific thinking skills necessary to critically assess scientific claims.

Materials Wish List

Dry-erase marker Tissues

3-ring binder Colored copy paper


Loose-leaf paper


Colored pencils

Glue stick


Graphing Composition Notebook

Classroom Rules

1.  Start class in your seat with materials ready, working quietly on warm-up.

2.  Listen quietly to announcements.

3.  Be courteous and respectful to every member of the classroom.

4.  Be actively engaged in learning; participate and listen when it is appropriate to do so.

5.  Keep the classroom neat and orderly.

School Rules

1.  No food or drink in class (water is okay).

2.  No personal electronics (cell phones, MP3 players, video games, etc.). Any that are audible or visible during class will be confiscated and turned in to the office for parent pick-up.

3.  Be on time. Tardy students will be locked out and will report to SMC.

4.  Do your own work. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated; they result in an immediate referral.

Tutoring Schedule

Monday 2:30-3:00 / Ms. Weghorst, Mr. McCutcheon / Room B202, B101
Tuesday 2:30-3:00 / Ms. Clark, Mr. Kuhn / Room B102, B110
Thursday 2:30-3:00
Friday 2:30-3:00 / Ms. Weghorst, Ms. Clark
Mr. Campbell / Room B202, B102
Room B104

Ø  Please come with questions when you need extra help, or when you would like to review tests.

Ø  Additional times are available by appointment.



Ø  It is your responsibility to get notes from a classmate and/or reschedule any missed tests or quizzes.

Ø  Assignments will be listed on the class website.

Ø  You have 5 days from the date of your return to school to turn in make up work.

Ø  Recovery time will be required for absences in excess of ten, in accordance with Ardrey Kell school policy. The recovery schedule will be posted on the school website; you should complete recovery as soon as possible after your tenth absence. It is your responsibility to ensure all recovery is complete by the end of the semester. Failure to complete required recovery will result in failure of the course.


Ø  Anyone who eats, drinks, or “dirties” the room in any way (writing on desks, leaving garbage in sinks, etc), will serve a 30 minute after school detention cleaning the classroom within 3 days of the offense.

Ø  All major infractions (e.g. cheating, plagiarism, violence, illicit substances, sexual harassment) will be referred directly to administration.

Ø  Other/minor infractions may result in the following consequences:

·  Verbal warning

·  Student conference with the teacher

·  Parent contact

·  After school detention

·  Referral to administration


93 – 100% / A
85 – 92% / B
84 – 77% / C
70 – 76% / D
Below 70% / F

Formal 70%

Tests, quizzes, major projects

Informal 30%

Assignments, homework, classwork

Ø  All tests will be announced in advance.

Ø  Homework is due at the beginning of class.

Ø  Late assignments will be graded according to department policy.

Ø  If the instructor requests you to re-submit an assignment, the re-submitted assignment may earn 80%; if you fail to re-submit by the assigned date, the grade will be 50%.

Notebook Tabs






The easiest way to contact me is through email (we do not have individual voice mail accounts):