Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook
Timothy Francis PalaciosScout’s name
Telephone No. Date of birth
E-mail (optional)
Troop 1331
Unit No.
Mingo Trails
Greater Pittsburgh
Local council
Walter Jarosh
Unit leader’s name
AddressTelephone No.
Stanley Grebeck
Unit advancement committee person’s name
Telephone No.
Project Description
Project name: Washington Symphony Orchestra Improvements
Describe the project you plan to do.
The Washington Symphony Orchestra (WSO) often draws large crowds with their performances. They often have to fit over 1000 people into the Trinity High School. As a result, the lobby is congested before the concert and during intermissions. Many people are confused as to where to go to see the performance and about location of restrooms. The WSO wants large signs (~7 feet tall) so that they can place them in the lobby to reduce confusion and congestion. Since the WSO meets and performs in the Trinity High School, they have no buildings of their own, and consequently no storage space. These signs are to be easily dismantled so that they can easily be transported in the trunk of a car. The signs will have a telescoping post so that the height is adjustable. They will also come apart at this junction so that they will fit in an average car trunk. On the end of the post will be a sign holder made of plexiglass so that it is lightweight and see-through so attendees will be able to see the paper placed inside.The way a french horn is played, the bell faces backwards. As a result, it is often hard to hear the four french horn players in the orchestra. They have requested sound reflectors so that the audience will be better able to hear them. These sound reflectors also must fit into the trunk of a car for transportation. They will be hinged and made of plexiglass so that they are less noticeable by the audience. The reflectors will also have angle irons on the end for added stability so that they will not fall over during a performance. When folded, two holes on either end of the plexiglass will meet the act as a handle for easy handling.
What group will benefit from the project?
Washington Symphony Orchestra
Name of religious institution, school, or community Telephone No.
Street address City State Zip code
My project will be of benefit to the group because:
· The sound reflectors will project sound so people will be able to hear the horns better and enjoy the show
· They will be provided with easy to transport signs and reflectors that will greatly improve the function at concerts that will not create a storage problem
· Sign stands will allow the WSO to fit any sign 11”x17” or smaller
· These features will help to provide a positive experience and allow staff to concentrate on the show instead of logistics
· These items are purchasable within the WSO budget
This concept was discussed with my unit leader on: / Date
The project concept was discussed with the following representative of the group that will benefit from the project.
Representative’s name / Date of meetingPresident – Washington Symphony Orchestra
Representative’s title / Phone No.
Project Details
Plan your work by describing the present condition, the method, materials to be used, project helpers,
a time schedule for carrying out the project, the estimated cost of the project, and how the needed funds will
be obtained. Describe any safety hazards you might face, and explain how you will ensure the safety of those carrying out the project.
If appropriate, include photographs of the area before you begin your project. Providing before-and-after photographs of your project area can give a clear example of your effort.
Present Condition· Lots of confusion before performance starts
· Hard to hear French horns due to the way the instrument is played
Sign Designs (3)
· Approximately 7 feet tall with adjustable height
· Plexiglass sign holder is 12” x 18” so that an 11” x 17” piece of paper can go inside
· PVC pipe post chosen for light weight
· Sign holder to keep it stable up to 7 feet
· Dismantles easily for transportation
Sound Reflector Designs (4)
· One panel 3’ x 2’ attached to 3’ x 1’ panel by hinges
· Angle irons on edges for extra stability
· Rectangular holes that match when closed to act as handle
· Plexiglass so that it is less noticeable by audience and light weight
Item / Description / Quantity / Unit Price / Total Cost / Predicted Source
12”x18”x.25” plexiglass / Sign / 6 / $13.33 / $80 / Professional Plastics
2”x4”x8’ wood / Sign holder / 2 / $4 / $8 / Home Depot
3’ PVC pipe (2”) / Sign post / 3 / $2.33 / $7 / Lowe’s
4’ PVC pipe (1.5”) / Sign post / 3 / $3.33 / $10 / Lowe’s
Hinges / Sign holder and sound reflector / 24 / $2.67 / $64 / Home Depot
3’x2’x.25” plexiglass / Sound reflector / 4 / $48.75 / $195 / Professional Plastics
3’x1’x.25” pleiglass / Sound reflector / 4 / $25.50 / $102 / Professional Plastics
Angle irons / Sound reflector / 8 / $10 / $80 / Home Depot
Screws / Reflector and sign / 1 / $5 / $5 / Home Depot
Paint / Sign / 1 can / $8 / $8 / Home Depot
Item / Description / Quantity / Source
Camera / Documentation / 1 / Mother
Measuring tape / Sign and reflector / 2 / Myself
Safety goggles / Sign and reflector / 6 / Myself
Drill / Sign and reflector / 1 / Mr. Malencia
Bottled water / Break time / 2 packs / Myself
Pen and paper / Documentation / 1 / Myself
Sandpaper / Sign / 1 / Myself
Screwdriver / Sign and reflector / 1 / Myself
Hammer / Sound reflector / 1 / Myself
Paint brushes / Sign / 4 / Myself
Razors with blades / Plexiglass / 2 / Myself
Circular Saw / Wood / 1 / Mr. Malencia
First aid kit / Safety / 1 / Myself
Cell phone / Emergencies / 1 / Myself
· June 8- gain district approval
· June 8-10- contact supply stores for donations
· July 5-8- collect supplies from stores and buy what is not donated
· August 6-7- begin construction on signs and reflectors
· Weekends in August- finish signs and sound reflectors
Finance and funding
· Total cost about $550
· Receive donations from supply stores
· ******receive rest of funding from WSO******* talk to Mary
· other scouts and peers will construct the signs and reflectors
· Mr. Malencia will be on hand to give guidance, supervision, and lessons on power tools
· Small power tools in use require safety goggles
· Gloves to prevent splinters and sharp edges from cutting
· Cell phone and first aid kit on site in case of emergency
Adult Supervision
· At least two adult leaders will be on site at all times during construction
Work Site
· Signs and reflectors will be built at a local residence
· Picking up materials
o 2 parents, myself
o 3 hours x 3 people = 9 hours
· construct signs and reflectors
o 2 adults, 6 scouts/peers, myself
o 9 people x 12 hours = 108 hours
· Total estimated hours = 117 hours
Approval Signatures for Project Plan
Project plans were reviewed and approved by:
Religious institution, school, or community representative Date / Scoutmaster/Coach/Advisor DateUnit committee member Date / Council or district advancement committee member Date
Important Note: You may proceed with your leadership service project only when you have:
Completed all the above mentioned planning details
Shared the project plans with the appropriate persons
Obtained approval from the appropriate persons
Carrying Out the Project
Record the progress of your project. Keep a record of how much time you spend planning and carrying out the project. List who besides yourself worked on the project, the days they worked, the number of hours they worked each day, and the total length of time others assisted on the project.
If appropriate, list the type and cost of any materials required to complete the project. If your original project plan changes at any time, be sure to document what the change was and the reason for the change.
Hours I Spent Working on the Project
The length of time spent should be as adequate as is necessary for you to demonstrate your leadership of two or more individuals in planning and carrying out your project.
Hours I spent:
Planning the project: / 17Carrying out the project: / 30
Total hours I spent working on the project: / 47
Hours Spent by Scouts, Venturers, or Other Individuals Working on the Project
Name / YouthMember / Other
Youth / Registered
Adult / Other
Adult / Date
(mm/dd/yy) / No. of Hours
Richard Palacios / X / 07/9/11 / 2
Richard Palacios / X / 07/16/11 / 2
Richard Palacios / X / 07/23/11 / 2
Richard Palacios / X / 07/29/11 / 2
Fanny Palacios / X / 07/9/11 / 2
Fanny Palacios / X / 07/16/11 / 2
Fanny Palacios / X / 07/23/11 / 2
Fanny Palacios / X / 07/29/11 / 2
Fanny Palacios / X / 08/05/11 / 2
Walter Jarosh / X / 08/05/11 / 1
Mr. Malencia / 07/17/11 / 4
Mr. Malencia / 07/31/11 / 4
Richard Palacios / X / 08/6/11 / 9
Chris Malencia / X / 08/6/11 / 9
Zenas Zhuang / X / 08/6/11 / 7
Garrett Lewis / 08/6/11 / 2.5
Mr. Malencia / 08/6/11 / 9
Matt Mamros / X / 08/6/11 / 5.75
Dawson Marshall / X / 08/6/11 / 3.5
Tim Grebeck / X / 08/6/11 / 2
Stan Grebeck / X / 08/6/11 / 2
Walter Jarosh / X / 08/6/11 / 2
Fanny Palacios / X / 08/6/11 / 9
Walter Jarosh / X / 08/6-7/11 / 11
Tim Grebeck / X / 08/6-7/11 / 11
Dawson Marshall / X / 08/6-7/11 / 11
Chris Malencia / X / 08/6-7/11 / 11
Mrs. Malencia / X / 08/6-7/11 / 11
Fanny Palacios / X / 08/12/11 / 2
Fanny Palacios / X / 08/11/11 / 4
Chris Malencia / X / 08/24/11 / 2
Richard Palacios / X / 08/27/11 / 4
Fanny Palacios / X / 08/27/11 / 4
Total number of hours others worked on the project: 158.75
For a grand total, add the total number of hours you spent on the project to the total number of hours others worked on the project: 205.75
Materials Required to Complete the Project
3’ x 6’ x .220” plexiglass (2) / $179.76
48” dowel rod (1.5” thick) / $1.45
Rubber Washers (4 boxes) / $6.28
Gorilla glue / $5.34
Donations Received
Name / Amount10’ of 2” PVC / 3
10’ of 1.5” PVC / 2
hinges / 12
2” PVC tees / 9
2” PVC caps / 12
3’ aluminum angles / 8
10-32 ¾” flat machine screw packages / 6
10-32 ¾” round machine screw packages / 6
PVC paint / 2
Velcro Straps / 2
18” x 24” x .093” plexiglass / 3
Boxes of washers / 2
$25 personal donation from Mr. Silvestri / 1
List any changes made to the original project plan and explain why those changes were made.
Firstly, When I went to the board, they saw my design for a stand for the sign and did not think it would work. While reviewing my project design, they designed a new base for me that would support the signs. During the construction of the bases, I decided to leave some of the PVC unglued so that it could be taken apart more easily and stored in a trunk of a car.For the plexiglass for the sign, I realized that .25” was rather thick for just holding a piece of paper. This was adjusted to .093” and with it, all the screw sizes.
When it came time to attach the plexiglass sign to the PVC via a dowel rod, Mr. Malencia thought it would be better to come up with a new design so that we could avoid drilling through plexiglass more than necessary. The new design is to take a piece of 2” PVC only about 4 inches long and cut a slot in it. Then glue the plexiglass to the PVC so there would be no drilling. The 2” PVC would fit around the 1.5” PVC and the plexiglass prevents the rig from falling down.
When I showed a mockup sound reflector made of cardboard to a symphony member, they suggested adding straps to the sound reflectors that could be attached to the chair so that they would be more stable.
The president of the Washington Symphony Orchestra informed me that they were having a fundraising concert at Mingo park that spanned two days. They needed someone to stay overnight to watch their equipment so that it would not be stolen. Mr. Jarosh, Mrs. Malencia, three scouts, and myself stayed overnight at the park to watch the equipment.
“After” Photographs
Including photographs of your completed project (along with the “before” photographs) helps present a clearer overall understanding of your effort.
Approvals for Completed Project
Start date of project: Completion date of project, including paperwork and final signature:
The project was started and has been completed since I received the Life Scout rank, and is respectfully submitted for consideration.
Applicant's signature / DateThis project was planned, developed, and carried out by the candidate.
Signature of Scoutmaster/Coach/Advisor / DateSignature of the representative of religious institution, school, or community / Date
(Adapted for use by PPBSA.)