Eagle Foundation Project

Directions: Work with a partner and create a six-panel brochure that includes the following components. One of the brochure designs will be selected to promote the Eagle Foundation, use in approaching potential donors, and will be included on the organization website. In addition, EACH partner from the winning design will receive a $20 area restaurant gift certificate. (The final draft of this project counts as a summative assessment!)


_____/20 Includes all components and text

_____/15 Correct spelling and grammar

PROOF#1 (yourself)

PROOF#2 _______ (have another person sign his/her initials after proofing)

PROOF#3 _______ (have a third person sign his/her initials after proofing)

_____/20 Appropriate spacing and layout

_____/10 Professional Fonts

_____/15 Professional Graphics

_____/20 Overall Creativity

_____/10 Bonus (information included in addition to required components and text; accurate proofing of others’ work, general extra effort)

Required Components and Text:

1) Front of brochure:

A) Graves County High School Eagle Foundation

Expect Great Things

B) Our mission is to serve as an advocate for facility development and the educational, athletic, and student activities at Graves County High School. We seek to celebrate student and athletic achievement, to enhance alumni involvement, to promote wellness among students and our community, and to inspire philanthropic contributions from individuals, businesses, and foundations.

C) Visit us online at!

2) Four Inside Panels:

A) Panel 1

About the Graves County High School Eagle Foundation

The Graves County High School Eagle Foundation was founded in 2010 as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization to help bridge the gap between a decline in funding from the state of Kentucky and the growing educational and facility needs of our students. Seeing these needs, the founding group of parents, community, business, and educational leaders sought greater ease in providing a private means for contributions, while also exploring better ways to serve our community and growing alumni network.

The Graves County Board of Education endorsed the establishment of the Eagle Foundation and continues to support its efforts which are aligned with the Graves County High School strategic or master plan. As an entity independent from the school and the district, the Foundation is able to bring new financial and in-kind resources and facilitate community and business partnerships that benefit the school and the community as a whole. Sharpening student opportunities and creating a more competitive and physically healthy future workforce will undoubtedly make our community more attractive to business and industry, thus growing jobs and a thriving local economy.

Visit us online at!

B) Panel 2 (Just list these—I’ll give you more content later)

Shared Vision Needs

1) RUBBERIZED TRACK Desired Funding: $110,000

2) HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER Desired Funding: $5,000,000

3) SOFTBALL BUILDING Desired Funding: $60,000

4) INDOOR TENNIS FACILITY Desired Funding: $200,000

Visit us online at!

C) Panel 3 and 4

Filling the Funding Gap…

Gifts made to the Graves County High School Eagle Foundation in support of an identified facility project will enable the Foundation make a Shared Vision a reality! Gifts can also be designated to the General Athletic Endowment Fund which will be used to enrich student opportunities through ongoing improvements to existing athletic facilities and programs. Donors also have the option of choosing to support particular programs at the high school, everything from the arts to literacy, technology to science. Whatever your choice or amount of gift, your tax deductible donation of any amount is deeply appreciated and vital to the success of our students and community.


I’M IN FOR 10!

For a contribution of just $10, be a part of giving back! You’ll be listed on the website and receive a 10 percent savings with any purchase from Eagles Unlimited, our school bookstore.


The Eagle Society – This highly distinguished group consists of donors who give at least $5,000 yearly to Graves County High School.

The Royal Blue Club –composed of alumni and other friends of Graves County High School whose annual gifts are between $1,000 and $4,999.

The Silver Club – composed of alumni and friends of GCHS whose annual gifts are between $250 and $999.

The Honor Roll –composed of alumni and friends of Graves County High School whose annual gifts are between $26 ($1 for each year the school has been in existence) and $249.


As Graves County High School continues to grow and prosper, there are many gift naming opportunities. Whether it is a building, a classroom, or a sports facility, you can justly honor someone who significantly influenced Graves County High School or someone who was influenced. Either way, your choice to embark on a gift naming opportunity will provide a legacy of history for future generations of students and faculty, and equally important, you’ll provide ongoing funding for Graves County High School to continue improving student opportunities!


Planned giving programs provide many options for support, including named gift opportunities, and donors are discovering that many planned giving programs create income streams that surpass those of conventional investment programs. Many also create tax-redemption opportunities at the same time. Please talk with us about planned giving options that would benefit you and Graves County High School at the same time. By including Graves County High School in your estate plan, you would become a part of Graves County High School’s Heritage Society.


We appreciate your generosity and can assist you when you make your gifts to Graves County High School through the Eagle Foundation. Simply give us a call at 270-328-6242, ext. 2308 or e-mail us at to determine a time to talk with us about your wishes. As you determine how you will contribute to the Eagle Foundation, we encourage you to consider the following donor options.

Cash - Cash gifts are fully deductible for federal income tax purposes, provided you itemize deductions.

Online Donations – Please visit our website at for a secure and convenient method of giving.

Monthly Bank or Credit Card Draft - If you make a pledge or larger gift commitment you can choose to deduct smaller monthly payments to meet your commitment from a checking account or credit card.

Pledges - Because terms for payment on pledges are flexible, you can plan a way to give to the Eagle Foundation that is both convenient and tax smart. And a pledge allows you the opportunity to offer a more significant gift than you might be able to make otherwise.

Matching Gift - Be sure to check with your employer and with your spouse’s employer to see if the companies match contributions made by employees or their spouses. Many times matching programs can double or even triple the value of your personal contribution. Check with your Human Resources Office or corporate web site to see if your employer will match your gift to Graves County High School.

Real Estate - Transferring ownership of property to the Eagle Foundation can help you avoid capital gains taxes, reduce federal estate taxes, lower your current income tax and possibly increase your income.

Securities - Securities can be made as outright gifts or as payment on pledge. Stock certificates can be reassigned directly to Graves County High School, or they may be transferred through the donor’s broker. The mean market value on the date of the transfer will determine the value of the gift for tax purposes. Please contact us at 270-328-6242, ext. 2308 before you make any transactions.

Visit us online at

3) Back Panel:

A) Board of Trustees: 2010-11

Trevor Bonnstetter Tommy Dublin

Jerald Ellington Tina Halpain

David Hargrove Lana Jackson

Ronald B. Mays Michelle McKee

James O. Simmons Rich Taylor

Darvin Towery John Wiggins

B) The Graves County High School Eagle Foundation always welcomes your interest and questions. Please feel free to contact us:

by Phone…Michelle McKee, 270-328-6242, ext. 2308

by Email…

by Fax…270-247-8540

by Mail…

Graves County High School Eagle Foundation

Graves County High School

1107 Housman Rd.

Mayfield, KY 42066