STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1) / What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘nose’?
2) / How important is the nose?
3) / Do you think noses could have been a different shape?
4) / What are the functions of our nose?
5) / What do you think of nose piercing?
6) / Who has the best looking nose?
7) / What kind of noses do you find attractive?
8) / Do you think everyone picks their nose?
9) / Do you ever look down your nose at other people?
10) / If you were Pinocchio, how long would your nose be by now?

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

1) / Do you like your nose?
2) / Is there a correct way to blow your nose in your country?
3) / Have you ever ‘cut off your nose to spite your face’?
4) / What’s the best way to stop a nose bleed?
5) / If a cosmetic surgeon offered you a free nose job, would you take it?
6) / How often does your nose run / do you get a runny nose?
7) / Can you name all the different parts of the nose?
8) / Have you ever broken or hurt your nose?
9) / When you’re really busy, do you put your nose to the grindstone?
10) / What do you do if you have a congested (blocked) nose?
Lonely Planet travel guide in fraud scandal - 15th April, 2008
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