EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 102 Experiencing God Portfolio

EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 102 Experiencing God Portfolio

Experiencing God
How to Develop Your Leadership and Character through Knowing and Doing the will of God
Name / Date / Course Grade
Session 1: God’s Will and Your Life 2
Session 2: Looking to God 5
Session 3: God Pursues a Love Relationship 8
Session 4: Love and God’s Initiation 11
Session 5: God Speaks through the Bible and Prayer 14
Session 6: God Speaks through Circumstances and the Church 17
Session 7: The Crisis of Belief 20
Session 8: Adjusting Your Life to God 23
Session 9: Experiencing God through Obedience 26
Session 10: God’s Will and the Church 29
Session 11: Kingdom People 32
Session 12: Continuing Fellowship with God 35
Session 13: Student Presentations and Term Papers 38
Session 14: Study Guide for the Final Exam 39
Course Description
This course focuses on how to teach the realities of experiencing God and the spiritual disciplines needed by disciple-makers. Topics include spiritual disciplines, personality, spiritual warfare, and discipleship. Students will participate in Bible study, prayer, worship, evangelism, serving, stewardship, fasting, solitude, and journaling. Students will create visual projects and applications for making disciples.
Required Textbooks
1.  Jeremiah Study Bible. Annotated by Dr. David Jeremiah. Worthy Publishing, 2013. CBD 9781936034895
2.  Dr. Henry T. Blackaby. Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God Member Book. Nashville, TN: LifeWay, 2008. CBD 9781415858387
3.  Dr. Donald S. Whitney. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2014. CBD 9781615216178
4.  Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Edited by Charles Draper. Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2003. CBD 9780805428360
Additional Books for Pastors, Leaders, and Advanced Students
5.  Dr. Richard Blackaby. Experiencing God Day-by-Day Devotional and Journal. Nashville, TN: B&H Books, 2006. CBD 9780805462982
6.  Experiencing God DVD. B00BYIKNQS
Internet Resources
·  www.4truth.net - www.gotquestions.org
·  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJD0mitBhME www.jeremiahstudybible.com
Professors – Click here to receive the Notes for students by email. The intent of this course is to equip you with the Word of God, to strengthen your character and integrity, and to develop your relational and servant-leadership skills for the glory of God.

Session 1: God’s Will and Your Life

Name / Date / Points /50
Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes
Complete the exercises in unit 1 in Experiencing God. Study chapter 1 in Spiritual Disciplines. Review the Appendix of Experiencing God about the names, titles, and descriptions of God. View https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NscHCa395-M. Explore the Topical Index in the Jeremiah Study Bible and the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Searching for key ideas involves the higher learning cognitive skills of analysis and evaluation foundational to creating solutions.
1 / £ Complete the exercises in unit 1 in Experiencing God.
2 / What are the key ideas in “Day 1”?
3 / What are the key ideas in “Day 2”?
4 / What are the key ideas in “Day 3”?
5 / What are the key ideas in “Day 4”?
6 / What are the key ideas in “Day 5”?
Spiritual Disciplines
1 / What are we challenged to do in the foreword of Spiritual Disciplines? (9)
2 / What are the Spiritual Disciplines? (17)
3 / What is the purpose of the Spiritual Disciplines? (17)
4 / What are the three primary catalysts God uses for conforming us to Christlikeness? (17-18)
5 / How are the Spiritual Disciplines like spiritual exercises? (18)
6 / How are the Spiritual Disciplines like channels of God’s transforming grace? (19)
7 / Why does the Lord expect us to practice the Spiritual Disciplines? (20-21)
8 / What is the danger in neglecting the Spiritual Disciplines? (22)
9 / What is the freedom in embracing the Spiritual Disciplines? (23-24)
Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes
Writing journal reflections is an opportunity to experience life change and develop Christian character. Thinking about what you are learning and discussing how to apply it makes learning practical and meaningful. Reflecting on Christian virtues—integrity, honesty, self-control, charity, generosity, diligence, persistence, patience, kindness, compassion, courage, and humility—is a key component of character development.
1 / What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Requests you need to pray? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be grateful for? Lessons you need to share with others concerning times of persecution, struggle, suffering, temptation, or trial?
2 / How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others?
3 / How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders?
Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes
In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, drawings, graphs, mind maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their long-term memory and relational skills. The group activity is an opportunity for students to display their thinking visually. Displaying thinking brings ideas to life and engages the whole learning team in the creative thinking process. Over 80% of adults are visual and relational learners. This is a key component to creativity, collaboration, cooperation, and team leadership. Students learn better together.

Session 2: Looking to God

Name / Date / Points /50
Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes
Complete the exercises in unit 2 in Experiencing God. Study chapter 2 in Spiritual Disciplines. This assignment is worth 50 points.
1 / £ Complete the exercises in unit 2 in Experiencing God.
2 / What are the key ideas in “Day 1”?
3 / What are the key ideas in “Day 2”?
4 / What are the key ideas in “Day 3”?
5 / What are the key ideas in “Day 4”?
6 / What are the key ideas in “Day 5”?
Spiritual Disciplines
1 / Why is the intake of God’s Word the most important Spiritual Discipline? (28-29)
2 / How can we enhance our hearing God’s Word? (29-31)
3 / How can we improve our reading God’s Word? (32-35)
4 / How can we improve our studying God’s Word? (35-37)
5 / How is the Bible like a fruit-bearing tree (Psalm 1)? (41)
6 / What are the benefits of memorization? (42-44)
7 / What are the methods of memorization? (45-46)
8 / What are the benefits of meditating on God’s Word? (47-51)
9 / What are the methods of meditating on God’s Word? (52-55)
10 / What are the benefits of applying God’s Word? (56-57)
11 / What are the methods of applying God’s Word? (57-61)
Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes
As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. Be prepared to discuss these applications in class.
1 / What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Lessons you need to share with others?
2 / How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others?
3 / How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders?
Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes
In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, drawings, graphs, mind maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their long-term memory and relational skills.

Session 3: God Pursues a Love Relationship

Name / Date / Points /50
Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes
Complete the exercises in unit 3 in Experiencing God. Study chapter 3 in Spiritual Disciplines. This assignment is worth 50 points.
1 / £ Complete the exercises in unit 3 in Experiencing God.
2 / What are the key ideas in “Day 1”?
3 / What are the key ideas in “Day 2”?
4 / What are the key ideas in “Day 3”?
5 / What are the key ideas in “Day 4”?
6 / What are the key ideas in “Day 5”?
Spiritual Disciplines
1 / Why is prayer such an important Spiritual Discipline?
2 / Why is prayer expected? (66-70)
3 / How is prayer learned? (70-77)
Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes
As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character.
1 / What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Lessons you need to share with others?
2 / How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others?
3 / How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders?
Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes
In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, drawings, graphs, mind maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their long-term memory and relational skills.

Session 4: Love and God’s Initiation

Name / Date / Points /50
Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes
Complete the exercises in unit 4 in Experiencing God. Study chapter 4 in Spiritual Disciplines. This assignment is worth 50 points.
1 / £ Complete the exercises in unit 4 in Experiencing God.
2 / What are the key ideas in “Day 1”?
3 / What are the key ideas in “Day 2”?
4 / What are the key ideas in “Day 3”?
5 / What are the key ideas in “Day 4”?
6 / What are the key ideas in “Day 5”?
Spiritual Disciplines
1 / Why is worship such an important Spiritual Discipline? (85-86)
2 / How is worship focusing on and responding to God? (86-88)
3 / How is worship done in spirit and truth? (89-91)
4 / Why is worship expected both publicly and privately? (92-94)
5 / Why is worship a discipline to be cultivated? (94-94)
6 / Why is evangelism such an important Spiritual Discipline? Why is it expected? (99-101)
7 / How is evangelism empowered? (101-105)
8 / Why is evangelism a discipline? (106-111)
Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes
As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character.
1 / What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Lessons you need to share with others?
2 / How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others?
3 / How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders?
Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes
In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, drawings, graphs, mind maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their long-term memory and relational skills.

Session 5: God Speaks through the Bible and Prayer

Name / Date / Points /50
Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes
Complete the exercises in unit 5 in Experiencing God. Study chapter 5 in Spiritual Disciplines. This assignment is worth 50 points.
1 / £ Complete the exercises in unit 5 in Experiencing God.
2 / What are the key ideas in “Day 1”?
3 / What are the key ideas in “Day 2”?
4 / What are the key ideas in “Day 3”?
5 / What are the key ideas in “Day 4”?
6 / What are the key ideas in “Day 5”?
Spiritual Disciplines
1 / Why is serving such an important Spiritual Discipline? (115-117)
2 / How should obedience and gratitude motivate service? (118-119)
3 / How should gladness and forgiveness motivate service? (119-121)
4 / How should humility and love motivate service? (121-123)
5 / How are spiritual gifts related to service? (123-125)
6 / How is hard work related to service? (125-127)
Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes
As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character.
1 / What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Lessons you need to share with others?
2 / How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others?
3 / How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders?
Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes
In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, drawings, graphs, mind maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their long-term memory and relational skills.

Session 6: God Speaks through Circumstances and the Church

Name / Date / Points /50
Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes
Complete the exercises in unit 6 in Experiencing God. Study chapter 6 in Spiritual Disciplines. This assignment is worth 50 points.
1 / £ Complete the exercises in unit 6 in Experiencing God.
2 / What are the key ideas in “Day 1”?
3 / What are the key ideas in “Day 2”?
4 / What are the key ideas in “Day 3”?
5 / What are the key ideas in “Day 4”?
6 / What are the key ideas in “Day 5”?
Spiritual Disciplines
1 / Why must we use our time wisely?
2 / How is the wise use of time preparation for eternity?
3 / How does giving reflect faith in God’s provision?
4 / Why should giving be sacrificial and generous?
5 / How does giving reflect spiritual trustworthiness?
6 / Why is love the best motive for giving?
7 / Why should we give willingly, thankfully, and cheerfully?
8 / When is giving an appropriate response to real needs?
9 / Why should giving be planned and systematic?
Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes
Writing journal reflections is an opportunity to experience life change and develop Christian character. Thinking about what you are learning and discussing how to apply it makes learning practical and meaningful. Reflecting on Christian virtues—integrity, honesty, self-control, charity, generosity, diligence, persistence, patience, kindness, compassion, courage, and humility—is a key component of character development.
1 / What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Lessons you need to share with others?
2 / How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others?
3 / How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders?
Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes
In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, drawings, graphs, mind maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their long-term memory and relational skills.

Session 7: The Crisis of Belief