EAGE 2nd Arabian Plate Geology Workshop

24-27 January 2010, United Arab Emirates

Sunday 24 January 2010

18:00 – 20:00 Icebreaker Reception

Monday 25 January 2010

07:00 Registration/Welcome Coffee Break

08:00 AP01 Opening Address

F.Van Buchem, Co-chair (Maersk Oil Qatar), V. Vahrenkamp, Co-chair (Shell E&P)

Theme 1: Regional Tectonic & Stratigraphic Framework

08:20 AP02 Keynote Speech – Regional Tectonic Framework

A.Koopman (Shell)

08:50 AP03 Keynote Speech/Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Systems

R.B. Davies (Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd)

09:20 AP04 Albian to Turonian Chemostratigraphy of the Eastern Arabian Plate

V.Vahrenkamp (Shell E&P)

09:40 AP05 Mid-Cretaceous Sequences of the Arabian Plate and their Global Expression

M.D. Simmons* (Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd), R.B. Davies (Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd), A.Godet (Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd) & P.R. Sharland (Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd)

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 AP06 Sequence Stratigraphic, Facies & Reservoir Framework for the Bangestan Group, Lurestan, Zagros Mountains, Iran

I.R. Sharp* (StatoilHydro), J.C. Embry (StatoilHydro), D.W. Hunt (StatoilHydro), D. Morsalnezhad (National Iranian Oil Company), S. Packer (Millenia Stratigraphic Consultants Ltd) & E. Caus (University Autonoma)

10:50 AP07 Tectonic Record of Phiolite Obduction in the Sedimentary Sequence of the Pust-e-Kuh Arc, Simply Folded Belt, Zagros Mountains (Lurestan, Iran)

E.Saura* (Institute of Earth Sciences), J.Verges (Institute of Earth Sciences), J.C. Embry (StatoilHydro Research Centre), S.Homke (StatoileHydro Research Centre), D.Hunt (StatoilHydro Research Centre) & I.R. Sharp (StatoilHydro Research Centre)

11:10 AP08 Sequence Stratigraphy of the Albian – Turonian interval of SW Iran based on Outcrop and Subsurface Data

F.S.P. van Buchem* (Maersk Oil Qatar), D.Baghbani (NIOC), L.Bulot (Provence University), M.Caron (Fribourg University), A. Hosseini (NIOC) & B. Vincent (IFP)

11:30 AP09 Retreat of Shelf Margins in the Albian to Turonian of NE Arabia

A.D. Horbury* (Cambridge Carbonates Ltd)

11:50 Introduction to Core Display

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Core Display

16:30 AP10 Keynote Address

B.Levell (Shell E&P)

17:00 Poster Session

18:00 Close

Tuesday 26 January 2010

07:30 Breakfast/Coffee Break

Theme 1: Regional Tectonic & Stratigraphic Framework

08:00 AP11 New Exploration Play in Basal Burgan “Unnamed Clastics”. Kuwait

A.M. Manower Ahmed* (Kuwait Oil Company), S.S. Thakur (Kuwait Oil Company), A.Al-Darmi (Kuwait Oil Company) & M. Kumpass (Kuwait Oil Company)

08:20 AP12 Mid Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Facies and Carbon-Isotope Curves of NW Qatar

S.Lubeseder* (Wintershall Holding AG), J.Kuss (University of Bremen) & M.Zahran (Qatar Petroelum)

08:40 AP13 Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Wasi Formation, Rub ‘Al Khali, Saudi Arabia

D.L. Ternes* (Saudi Aramco)

09:00 AP14 Stratigraphic Framework of the Natih Formation in Oman

H. J. Droste* (Shell International E&P BV)

09:20 Coffee Break, Posters & Virtual Dsiplays

Theme 2: Depositional Systems and GeoBodies

11:00 AP15 An Outcrop Reference Model for the Late Albian-Turonian Carbonate Platforms of the Arabian Plate, Sarvak FM, Iran

P.Razin* ( EGID, University of Bordeaux), F.Taati (Institut Francais du Petrole (now with NIOC)) & F.S.P. van Buchem (Institut Francais du Petrole (now with Maersk Oil Qatar))

11:20 AP16 Application of a Fourth-Order Stratigraphic Framework for the Mishrif Member

D.P.Taylor* (Saudi Aramco), G.W.Hughes (Saudi Aramco) & D.L. Ternes (Saudi Aramco)

11:40 AP17 Sedimentary and Stratigraphic Heterogeneities within 3rd Order Sequences in the Natih Formation (L.Albian-E.Turonian)

C. Grelaud* (EGID, University of Bordeaux), P.Razin (EGID, University of Bordeaux), P.W. Homewood (JVRCCS, Sultan Qaboos University), V.C. Vahrenkamp (ADCO), & A.M. Schwab (Marathon Oil)

12:00 AP18 3D Seismic Characterization of a Heterogeneous Cenomanian Carbonate Reservoir Containing “Channels”

I. Takahashi* (INPEX) & R.Matsui (JOGMEC)

12:20 Lunch

13:30 Core Display

16:30 Summary/Discussion – Theme 1 & 2

17:30 Close

20:00 Workshop Dinner

Wednesday 27 January 2010

07:30 Breakfast/Welcome Coffee Break

Theme 3: Diagenesis and Fracturing

08:00 AP19 Keynote – Diagenesis of the Albian-Turonian Formations of the Middle East

C.Hollis (University of Manchester)

08:30 AP20 Regional Unconformities in the Cenomanian and Turonian Limestone of Southwest Iran (Sravak Formation), Sub-aerial Exposures,

B.Vincent* (Cambridge Carbonates), R.Swennen (KUL Leuven), M.Jalali (NICO Exploration), D.Baghbani (NIOC Exploration) & F. van Buchem (Maersk Oil Qatar)

08:50 AP21 Diagenetic Patterns and Rock Properties of the Natih Formation in Field F, North Oman

C.Taberner* (Shell E&P), V.Vahrenkamp (ADCO), C.Hollis (University of Manchester), M.Esteban (Consultant) & F. Study Team (PDO/Shell)

09:10 AP22 Fracture Controlled Dolomite Reservoirs in Late Cretaceous Carbonates of the Sarvak Formation, Anaran Anticline, Islamic Republic of Iran

F.Lapponi* (StatoilHydro Research Center), R.Swennen (StatoilHydro Research Center), G.Casini (StatoilHydro Research Center), A.Amilibia Cabeza (StatoilHydro Research Center), T.Needham (Needham Geoscience Ltd), J.Garland (Cambridge Carbonates Ltd), W.Blendigen (TU Clausthal), P.Gillespie (StatoilHydro Research Center), I. Sharp (StatoilHydro Research Center) & D.Hunt (StatoilHydro Research Center)

09:30 AP23 Fault & Fracture Development in Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt: Insight from the Lurestan Province, Zagros Mountains, Iran

G.Casini (StatoilHydro Research Center), J. Verges (Institute of Earth Sciences), I.Romaire (Institute of Earth Sciences), N. Fernandez (Institute of Earth Science), E.Casciello (Institute of Earth Sciences), S.Homke (StatoilHydro Research Center), E.Saura (StatoilHydro Research Center), J.C. Embry (StatoilHydro Research Center) & D.W. Hunt (StatoilHydro Research Center)

09:50 Coffee Break, Posters & Virtual Displays

Theme 4: Exploration & Reservoir Development Case Histories

11:00 AP24 North Oman Structural Characterisation from Regional to Bore Hole Scale – Natih Formation

P.Richard* (PDO), K.Shuail (PDO), A.Farmer (PDO) & G.Engen (PDO)

11:20 AP25 Detection and Distribution of Thief Perm in the Late Albian Mauddud Formation, Sabiriyah and Raudhatain Fields, Kuwait

H. El Din Ibrahim* (Kuwait Oil Company), M.May (International Reservoir Technologies), A.Quinn (International Reservoir Technologies), L. Brinton (International Reservoir Technologies), J.Keay (International Reservoir Technologies), J.Kalbus (International Reservoir Technologies) & J. Dozzo (International Reservoir Technologies)

11:40 AP26 Stratigraphic Trapping The Natih Formation in North Oman

T.Al Busaidy (PDO)

12:00 TBC

12:20 TBC

12:40 Lunch Break

13:40 Discussion Groups

Group 1 – Exploration

Group 2 – Water Flooding

Group 3 – EOR

14:30 Conclusion of Discussion Groups

15:30 Close

Poster Presentations

AP27 A Transition from a Passive to a Tectonically Active Margin in the Late Cretaceous of the NE Zagros (Fars and Offshore)

A.R. Piraei * (NIOC – Exploration Directorate), J. Reijmer (Vu University of Amsterdam), J.Borgomano (Provence University of France) & F. van Buchem (Maersk Oil Qatar)

AP28 Sequence Stratigraphy of the Albian to Turonian Interval in the NW Fars Area (SW Iran)

H.Asillian* (NIOC), Y.Lasemi (Tarbiat Moallem University), D. Morsalnejad (NIOC), M.Jalali (NIOC) & A.Khosravi-Sereshki (NIOC)

AP29 The Albo-Cenomanian in the Middle East: New Element for Carbonate Platform Stratigraphy

P.J.L. Masse (TOTAL)

AP30 Constraints on Regional Scale Stratigraphic Forward Modelling in the Upper Sarvak Formation, Lurestan, Iran

J.C.Embry* (StatoilHydro), D,Hunt (StatoilHydro), I.Sharp (StatoilHydro), G.Casini (StatoilHydro), S.Homke (StatoilHydro), T.L. Scarrott (StatoilHydro) & M.R. Jamaledini (Iran Business Unit)

AP31 3D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of the Rub Al Khali Wasia Formation – A Case Study

K.Leyrer* (Saudi Aramco) & P.Van Laer (Saudi Aramco)

AP32 Eustasy and Tectonic Controls on the Sedimentary Patterns in the Albian-Cenomanian Succession in the Lurestan (Zagros)

A.M. Jamail* (NIOC Exploration) & M.A. Kavoosi (NIOC Exploration Directorate)

AP33 Carbonate Platform High-Frequency Cycles, Natih Sequence I, Oman: Contrasting Transgressive & Regressive Constrained Reservoir Scale Heterogeneities

P.W. Homewood* (Oman GeoConsultants Muscat), M.Mettraux (GeoSolutions Gan France), C.Grelaud (EGID, University of Bordeaux) & P.Razin (EGID, University of Bordeaux)

AP34 Reservoir Characterisation of Emersion Surfaces and their Associated Diagenesis: Natih FM, Cretaceous, Sultanate of Oman

J.Champagne* (TOTAL), C.Durlet (University of Burgundy), C. Grelaud (University of Bordeaux), P.Razin (University of Bordeaux) & S. Schroeder (TOTAL)

AP35 Roles of Predicting Fracture Patterns in Fold and Thrust Belts: A Case Study from the Salakh Arch, Oman

M.Al-Kindy (PDO)

AP36 The Albian Sedimentary Record of SE Arabia: Facies, Sequence Stratigraphy & Depositional Environments

A.Immenhauer (Ruhr-University Bochum)

Posters to be displayed alongside Core

AP37 Albian-Turonian Carbonate Ramp and Platform Evolution in Block 5 Offshore Qatar

F.Maurer* (Maersk Oil Qatar), F.van Buchem (Maersk Oil Qatar), R.Lang (Maersk Oil Qatar) & E.Hoch (Maersk Oil Qatar)

AP38 Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the Burgan and Mauddud Formations (Lower Cretaceous), Kuwait

G.Al-Sahlan* (Kuwait Oil Company), C.Strohmenger (ExxonMobil), P.Patterson (ExxonMobil), R.Wellner (ExxonMobil), H.Feldman (ExxonMobil), J.Mitchell (ExxonMobil), P.Lehmann (ExxonMobil) & N.Al-Ajmi (Kuwait Oil Company)

AP39 Detailed Lithfacies Analyses of Predominantly Organic Rich Carbonates from the Natih-B Intrashelf Basin, North Oman

S.A.K. Balushi* (University of Manchester/PDO), J.H.S. Macquaker (Memorial University of Newfoundland) & C. Hollis (University of Manchester)

AP40 The Effect of Bioturbation of Permeability and Water-Flood Recovery in a Natih Carbonate Sequence

T Al-Musallami (PDO)

Virtual Displays

AP41 Fracture Heterogeneity in the Natih Formation, Jebel Madar, Oman

J.F. Sarg* (Colorado School of Mines), B.L. Blake (Colorado School of Mines), T.R. Birdsall (Colorado School of Mines), J.Claringbold (Colorado School of Mines) & B.Trudgill (Colorado School of Mines)

AP42 Improving Carbonate Reservoir Models with Digital Outcrop Modeling: An Example from the Cretaceous Natih Formation of Oman

E.W.Adams* (Shell International E&P) & M.Pal (Shell International E&P)

AP43 Reservoir Modelling from Interpretation of 3D Virtual Outcrops & Field Data: A Case Study from the Upper Sarvak Formation, Chenareh Gorge, Lurestan, Iran

G.Casini* (StatoilHydro), S.Homke (StatoilHydro Research Center), J.C.Embry (StatoilHydro Research Center), T.L. Scarrott (StatoilHydro Research Center), I.Romaire (Institute of Earth Sciences), N.Fernandez (Institute of Earth Sciences) & D.W. Hunt (StatoilHydro Research Center)