Dunn-Rankin Reward Preference Inventory

Name: Date:

Interview the student to determine which item in each pair he would prefer for a reward.

Record responses on summary page to determine type of reward preferred by this student.

1. Would you rather 2. Would you rather

Get 100% on paper OR Have a piece of bubble gum, OR

Be the first to be finished with your work Be picked to be on a team with your friends

3. Would you rather 4. Would you rather

Have free time OR Be picked to be on a team with your friends, OR

Get 100% on your paper Be the first to be finished with your work

5. Would you rather 6. Would you rather

Have free time OR Get 100% on your paper, OR

Have a piece of bubble gum Be picked to be on a team with your friends

7. Would you rather 8. Would you rather

Be the first to finish your work OR Have a piece of bubble gum, OR

Have free time Get 100% on your paper

8. Would you rather 10. Would you rather

Be picked to be on a team with friends OR Have a piece of bubble gum, OR

Have free time Be the first to finish your work

11. Would you rather 12. Would you rather

The teacher put “A++” on your paper OR Have a candy bar, OR

Be the only one to know answer Have friends ask you to sit with them

13. Would you rather 14. Would you rather

Be free to go outside OR Friends ask you to sit with them, OR

The teacher puts “A++” on your paper Be the only one to know answer

15. Would you rather 16. Would you rather

Be free to go outside OR The teacher put “A++” on your paper, OR

Have a candy bar Friends ask you to sit with them

17. Would you rather 18. Would you rather

Be the only one to know answer, OR Have a candy bar, OR

Be free to go outside The teacher put “A++” on your paper

19. Would you rather 20. Would you rather

Friends ask you to sit with them, OR Be the only one to know answer, OR

Be free to go outside Have a candy bar

21. Would you rather 22. Would you rather

Teacher writes “Perfect” on your paper, OR Have an ice cream cone, OR

Have your work picked to show class Classmates ask you to be team leader

23. Would you rather 24. Would you rather

Be free to go outside Classmates ask you to be team leader, OR

Teacher writes “Perfect” on your paper Have your work picked to show class

25. Would you rather 26. Would you rather

Be free to play outside, OR Teacher writes “Perfect” on your paper

Have an ice cream cone Classmates ask you to be team leader

27. Would you rather 28. Would you rather

Have your work picked to show class, OR Have an ice cream cone, OR

Be free to play outside Teacher writes “Perfect” on your paper

29. Would you rather 30. Would you rather

Classmates ask you to be team leader, OR Have your work picked to show class, OR

Be free to play outside Ice cream cone

31. Would you rather 32. Would you rather

Teacher writes “Excellent” on your paper, OR Have a soft drink, OR

Have your work put on bulletin board Friends ask you to work with them

33. Would you rather 34. Would you rather

Be free to work on something you like, OR Friends ask you to work with them, OR

Teacher writes “Excellent” on your paper Have your work put on bulletin board

35. Would you rather 36. Would you rather

Be free to work on something you like, OR Teacher writes “Excellent” on your paper, OR

Have a soft drink Friends ask you to work with them

37. Would you rather 38. Would you rather

Have your work put on bulletin board, OR Have a soft drink, OR

Be free to work on something you like Teacher write “Excellent” on your paper

39. Would you rather 40. Would you rather

Friends ask you to work with them, OR Have your work put on bulletin board, OR

Be free to work on something you like Have a soft drink

Dunn-Rankin Reward Preference Inventory Summary

Check preferred reward for each of the 40 items, total items selected in each column.

Group with highest number indicates the type of reward this child prefers.

Adult Approval Peer Approval Tangibles Competition Independence

1.a 1.b

2.b 2.a

3.b 3.a

4.a 4.b

5.b 5.a

6.a 6.b

7.a 7.b

8.b 8.a

9.a 9.b

10.a 10.b

11.a 11.b

12.b 12.a

13.b 13.a

14.a 14.b

15.b 15.a

16.a 16.b

17.a 17.b

18.b 18.a

19.a 19.b

20.b 20.a

21.a 21.b

22.b 22.a

23.b 23.a

24.a 24.b

25.b 25.a

26.a 26.b

27.a 27.b

28.b 28.a

29.a 29.b

30.b 30.a

31.a 31.b

32.b 32.a

33.b 33.a

34.a 34.b

35.b 35.a

36.a 36.b

37.a 37.b

38.b 38.a

39.a 39.b

40.b 40.a

Rank Totals in Rank Order: Adult Approval Peer Approval

Tangibles Competition
