SR-163 Draft Environmental Impact Report Corridor Management Plan Implementation


Table of Contents


Purpose and Need 7

Proposed Project Elements 7

Timing of Project Elements 8

Median Barrier Alternatives 8

Project Element Alternatives 8

Summary of Impacts 8

Areas of Controversy 9

Additional Department Projects 10

Actions by Others 10

Permits, Reviews and Approvals Required 10


1.1 Purpose and Need 13

1.2 Historical Background 13

1.3 Traffic Data 14

1.4 Accidents 14

1.5 Proposed Project Actions 15

1.6 Timing 15

1.7 Related Projects 15

Actions by Others 15

Additional Department Projects 16

1.8 Funding and Programming 16

1.9 Why an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 17


2.1 Proposed Project Features 23

2.2 Median Barrier Alternatives 23

2.3 Median Barrier Horizontal Placement 24

2.4 Additional Project Elements 25

2.5 Alternatives Considered but Withdrawn 27

Barrier Alternatives 27

Barrier Placement Alternatives 27


3.1 Land Use 39

Balboa Park Master Plan 39

3.2 Visual Aesthetics 39

3.2.1 Visual Assessment Method 39

Defining Project Setting and Viewshed 40

Visual Resources and Viewer Responses 41

3.2.2 Evaluating Visual Impacts 43

3.2.3 Visual Impacts 44

3.2.4 Visual Mitigation 49

3.2.5 Cumulative Visual Impacts 53

3.3 Cultural Resources 54

Safety Features 56

Other Corridor Features 58

3.3.1 Cumulative Cultural Resource Impacts 58

3.4 Growth 61

Induced Growth 62

3.5 Farmland Agriculture 62

3.6 Community Impacts 62

Environmental Justice 62

3.7 Utilities/Emergency Services 63

3.8 Traffic and Transportation/Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities 63

3.9 Water Quality/Storm Water Runoff 63

3.10 Geology/Soils/Seismic/Paleontology/Topography 66

3.11 Hazardous Waste/Material 66

3.12 Air Quality 67

3.13 Noise 67

3.14 Biology 68

3.15 Wetlands/Waters of the United States 68

3.16 Vegetation 68

3.17 Wildlife 68

3.18 Threatened and Endangered Species 69

3.19 Construction Impacts 69

3.20 Cumulative Impacts 70

Summary of Impacts 71

Median Barrier Mitigation 71

3.21 Areas of Controversy 72

3.22 The Relationship Between Local Short-Term Uses of Man’s

Environment And the Maintenance and Enhancement of

Long-Term Productivity 72

3.23 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources 73

3.24 Summary of Public/Agency Involvement 73

List of Preparers 79

Glossary of Acronyms 80

Bibliography 81

List of Tables

Table ES-1: Table of Impacts 13

Table 1: Project Features Visual Impact Summary 75

Table 2: Proposed SR-163 CMP Projects and Mitigation Recommendations 76

Table 3: Typical Construction Equipment Noise Levels 69

List of Figures

Figure 1: Project Location Map

Figure 2: Project Vicinity Map

Figure 3: Corridor Management Plan Map

Figure 4: Accident Map

Figure 5: Median Barrier Map

Figure 6: Barrier Alternatives

Figure 7: Existing Median Shoulder Cross Section

Figure 8: 0.6 meter (2 feet) Median Barrier Placement and Cross Section

Figure 9: 1.2 meter (4 feet) Median Barrier Placement with 0.6 meter (2ft)

soil treatment/ 0.6 meter (2ft) paving and Cross Section

Figure 10: 1.2 meter (4 feet) Median Barrier Placement with paving

Only and Cross Section

Figure 11: Corridor Landscape Plan Map

Figure 12: Retaining Walls

Figure 13: Before and After Slope Paving

Figure 14: Before and After Maintenance Vehicle Pullouts

Figure 15: Before and After Planting at Abandoned Ramps

Figure 16: 30-Foot Setback Requirement

Figure 17: Mitigation Map

List of Appendices

Appendix A: Environmental Significance Checklist

Appendix B: Public Outreach

Appendix C: Environmental Justice

Appendix D: Carbon Monoxide Protocol