Publication list post 2000

Philip W

Do we Need (or Want) a Bosonic Glue to Pair Electrons in High Tc Superconductors


Philip W

Two New Vortex Fluids

cond-mat/0606429; sub to Nature Phys

Philip W

Dynamics of the Vortex Fluid in Cuprate Superconductors: The Nernst Effect


B Edegger, Claudius Gros, V Muthukumar, PWA

Electronic Structure of Gutzwiller Projected Superconductors

cond-mat/0512646 submitted to PNAS: accepted

Philip W A

The “Strange Metal” is a Projected Fermi Liquid with Edge Singularities

cond-mat/0512471;sub to Nature Physics--accepted

Philip W A

Present Status of the Theory of High Tc Cuprates


TBP, Journal of Low Temperature Physics

P W A, W F Brinkman, David A Huse

Thermodynamics of an Incommensurate Quantum Crystal


Science 310, 1164 2005

Philip A

Physics of a Superfluid Solid


Philip A

Physics of the Pseudogap State: Spin-Charge Locking


Phys Rev Lett 96, 017001 (2006)


A Suggested 4x4 Structure is Underdoped Cuprates


P W A, N P Ong

Theory of Asymmetric Tunneling in the Cuprate Superconductors

cond-mat/0405518; J Phys Chem Solids 67, 1-5 (2006)

N P Ong, Weida Wu, P M Chaikin, P W A

Phase Coherence and the Nernst Effect at Magic Angles in Organic Conductorscond-mat/0401159

Europhys Lett 66, 579 2004

The Physics behind High-Temperature Superconducting Cuprates: the “Plain Vanilla” Theory

P W A, P A Lee, Mohit Randeria, T M Rice, N Trivedi, F C Zhang


J Phys Cond Matt 16, R755 2004

“New Zero-resistance State” in Heterojunctions: a Dynamical Effect

P W A, W F Brinkman


In Praise of Unstable Fixed Points: The Way Things Actually Work

Philip W A



Superconductivity In High Tc Cuprates: The Cause is no Longer a Mystery

Philip W A


Physica Scripta, 2002

Physics of the Pseudogap State of High Tc Cuprates, or, RVB Meets Umklapp

Philip W A



RVB Revisited

Philip W A


given 1999, published in memorial book for Deng Feng Wang, “The Universality of Physics” (Plenum)

List (very incomplete) of Book reviews (also reverse chronological order). THES is Times Higher Ed Supp. See my full bibliography for a more complete list.


F Collins, The Hand of God, and Richard Dawkins, the God Delusion, THES

Peter Woit, Not even Wrong, THES

Joel Shurkin, Broken Genius, the life of William Shockley, THES


Barrow, Davies, Harper eds, Science and Ultimate Reality (Nature, I think)

R B Laughlin, A Different Universe (Science)

Average 2 or 3 a year for ten years at least. Some highlights: Facing Upwards, Weinberg; Fractured Physics, Cartwright, in journal of philosophy of science; Fritz London, by Gavroglu; Real Science, by Ziman; Geons & Quantum Foam, by Wheeler & Ford


Theory of Magnetism, 1954, U of Tokyo (“little red book” privately distributed)

Concepts in Solids, Benjamin, 1963 (Cambridge lectures, 1961-2)

Basic Notions of Cond Mat Phys, Addison Wesley 1983

Theory of High tc Superconductivity, Princeton U Press, 1997

Career in Theoretical Physics, World, 1st ed 1994, 2nd ed (revised) 2004. (Selected Papers)

List (incomplete) of named honorary lectures and visiting lectureships

Regents' Lecture U of Cal SD, 1967 (More is Different)

London Lecture, Duke, about 1968, Coherence in Superconductivity

Loeb Lectures, Harvard, about 1964(disorder)

Van Vleck Lecture, Wisconson,1970's (J H Van Vleck and Magnetism?)(or Just What do you Do?)

Cherwell-simon Lecture, Oxford, 1979: Dissipative Structures and Life

Bethe Lectures, Cornell, 1986 Science and Politics; Just what do you do; one other

Lecture Series, Tsing Hua University, Beijing, 1980 (disorder and localization)

Nobel Series, Wash Acad Sci: just what do you do? date?

Krishnan Lecture, New Delhi, 1987, Cond Mat Phys

Loeb Lecture, (History of Science), harvard, 1999, Mott and Slater

Mott Lecture, U Fla, 2000 Mott, Slater, and P R

Mueller lecture, Penn State, 2002, High tc

Mott Lecture Loughborough,, 2003 Mott and Slater

Green College Lecture, UBC, Nov 2004 Emergence

Mott 100th B'day, Cambridge 2005 Persistence is indispensable... Geneva 2006, Martin Peter Colloquium “RVB after All”

also gustavus adolphus, named vis prof ,series of lectures on complexity, 1996; and eastman Prof Balliol, Oxford, and college de france vis prof, 1995

Prizes and Honorary degrees

Buckley Prize, 1963

Am Acad A&S, 1963

NAS, 1967

Dannie Heinemann, Gottingen, 1975

Nobel, 1977

Royal Soc (London), (foreign member) 1978

D Sc (hon) U Illinois, 1978

Guthrie Medal, Inst of Phys 1979

DSc Rutgers, 1982

Nat’l Medal, 1983

Accademia Lincei, 1985

Russian Acad Sci, 1990

Am Philos Soc, 1993

Japan Academy, 1994

Ecole Normale Superieure, hon DSc 1993

Centennial Medal Harvard 1995

BA,hon, Gustavus Adolphus College 1996

John Bardeen Prize, 1997

DSc hon, U of Sheffield, 1999

D Sc hon, Tokyo University, 2003

(Misc Honorary fellowships: Jesus Colllege Cambridge, Institute of Physics, Washington Acad Sci, N Y Acad Sci, etc)


1997-present, Joseph Henry Prof of Physics emeritus, Princeton

1984-97 J H Prof “

1975-84 Prof of Physics, half-time

1975-84 Consulting Director, Physics, Bell Labs

1967-75 Professor of Physics, Cambridge Univ (2/3 time)

1967-75 Asst Director, Physics Research, Bell Labs(2/3 time)

1965-67 Dept Chairman theory Dept, Bell Labs

1949-65 Member of Staff, Bell Tel Labs (except:

1953-4 Fulbright Lecturer, U of Tokyo)

1945-49 GSAS, Harvard; PHD 49)

1943-45, member of Staff Naval research Lab, DC(1944-45 Ch Sp(X), USN)

1940-43, Harvard College (BS scl43)

1935-40, University High School, Urbana Ill

Member Coucil and Exec Comm, APS 1979-84

Member Council, NAS, 1976-79, 1989-92

Long-time Trustee and honorary general member, Aspen center for Physics; Chairman of the Board, 1980-85

Vice Chmn Science Board, Member Science Steering Committee, Santa Fe Inst 1986-2001; External Prof to present.

Editor “Physics”, 1965-70 (Pergamon Press)