Chipola College
Task 5.4.2: Observation for Equity (Observation)
EDE 4945 – Teaching Methods in Elementary Education
Accomplished Practice Indicators:2.3 Conveys high expectations of all students.
2.4 Respects students’ cultural, linguistic and family background.
2.6 Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support.
2.7 Integrates current information and communication technologies
2.8 Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students
2.9 Utilizes current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to participate in high
quality communication interactions and achieve their educational goals
3. 8 Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of
individual differences in students
Decision for A.P. on this Task for OVERALL RATING (check one) – TO BE COMPLETED AFTER THIRD OBSERVATION:
q Demonstrated: All indicators were at the “effective” level for one observation and at least five of the indicators were at the “Effective” level for the other two observations.
q Partially Demonstrated: At least four of the indicators were at the “effective” level for all three observations.
q Not Demonstrated: 1 or more observations were at the “unacceptable” level for the specified criterion or four or less of the indicators were at the “effective” level on one or more of the observations.
“Effective” is defined as consistent performance that is clearly a regular routine for the teacher.
“Developing” is defined as performance in which the behavior is observed on occasion but is not consistently observed and does not reflect routine behavior.
“Unacceptable” is defined as performance that is weak and the behavior of the teacher was inappropriate.
Task Description
The teacher candidate teaches a planned lesson for a class containing diverse students. The teacher candidate is observed by a mentor teacher. This mentor evaluates the effectiveness of the instruction in conveying high expectations for all students, respecting students’ cultural, linguistic and family background, maintaining a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support, adapting instruction to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students, making use of technologies that enable students to participate in high quality communication, and differentiating instruction based upon informal assessment and recognition of the individual differences in students.
What to submit?
Submit the lesson plan and the completed observation instruments.
This is one part of three classroom observations. You will be observed three times for this task by a member of the education department to assess the equity in your classroom.
You should do the following for this task:
1. Identify a class containing diverse students as the target for this task. Identify the types of diversity characteristics of this class with respect to students cultural, linguistic and family backgrounds.
2. Plan a lesson taking into account the diverse nature of the group. Include in your lesson plan descriptions of how you will demonstrate your ability to do the following:
o Treat all students equitably
o Recognize diversity with respect for cultural differences
o Recognize different learning styles
o Instruct all students
o Convey high expectations to all students
o Provide an open climate
o Use alternate and diverse materials
o Accommodate or make provisions for needs of students
o Model learning to encourage diverse students
o Model the use of communication technology
o Conduct multiple informal assessment activities within the lesson to demonstrate your ability to differentiate instruction
3. Schedule the observation with your observer.
4. Provide the observer with the Scoring Rubric.
5. Ask for feedback on your performance.
6. Repeat the process until you have three satisfactory observations.
© Copyright 2002, Florida Department of Education
Top of Form
Observation Sheet
Name: ______/ Name of Observer: ______
Date of Observation: ______/ Observation #: ______
2.3 Conveys high expectations of all students.
2.4 Respects Students’ cultural, linguistic and family background.
2.6 Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support.
2.7 Integrates current information and communication technologies
2.8 Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students
2.9 Utilizes current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to participate in high
quality communication interactions and achieve their educational goals
3. 8 Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of
individual differences in students
Decision for A.P. on this Task for OVERALL RATING (check one) – TO BE COMPLETED AFTER THIRD OBSERVATION:
q Demonstrated: All indicators were at the “effective” level for one observation and at least five of the indicators were at the “Effective” level for the other two observations.
q Partially Demonstrated: At least four of the indicators were at the “effective” level for all three observations.
q Not Demonstrated: 1 or more observations were at the “unacceptable” level for the specified criterion or four or less of the indicators were at the “effective” level on one or more of the observations.
“Effective” is defined as consistent performance that is clearly a regular routine for the teacher.
“Developing” is defined as performance in which the behavior is observed on occasion but is not consistently observed and does not reflect routine behavior.
“Unacceptable” is defined as performance that is weak and the behavior of the teacher was inappropriate.
Rating Scale Key: E = Effective; D = Developing; U = Unacceptable
Element / # / Strategies Implemented / Observation 1 / Observation 2 / Observation 3 / Overall Rating (for the tracking tool)2.3 / Teacher candidate conveys high expectation of all students in class through written and oral assignments. / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U
2.4 / Teacher demonstrates respect for the students’ cultural, linguistic and family background through real world applications, accepting differencing opinions, etc. / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U
2.6 / · Teacher treats all students with respect
· Teacher maintains a climate of openness
· Teacher maintains a climate of inquiry
· Teacher maintains a climate of fairness and support / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U
2.7 / Teacher candidate integrates current information and communication technologies / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U
2.8 / Teacher candidate adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U
2.9 / Teacher candidate utilizes necessary current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to participate in high quality communication interactions and achieve their educational goals. / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U
3.8 / Teacher candidate uses alternate and diverse instructional materials that make provisions for the needs of individual students. When informal assessment shows the need for differentiated instruction, the teacher candidate is able to adjust instruction. / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U / __ E __ D __ U
*If any one of the criteria is rated as “unacceptable” an additional observation must be scheduled.
Improvements Needed: