APUS Terms

Directions: List Who, When, Where, What, Why, Era/Period/Significance for each term

Unit 1 ch1-5

Iroquois confederacy

Function s of colonial cities

Colonial Massachusetts


New Netherlands

Bacon’s rebellion

Colonial Virginia

The half way covenant

First Great awakening

Indentured labor

Molasses Act

Royal Charter

House of Burgesses

Anne Hutchinson

William Penn


Dutch West India Company

New England Confederation

Massachusetts Bay Company

Mayflower Compact

Headright System

Benjamin Franklin

Unit 2 ch6-8

French Indian war

Proclamation of 1763

Continental Congress

England’s mercantilist policy

Virtual representation

Boston tea party

Stamp act

American revolution

1783 treaty of Paris

Indian Involvement in the American Revolution

Sugar Act

Quartering Act

Boston Massacre

Intolerable Acts

Committees of Correspondence


Sons of Liberty

Navigation Acts

Common Sense

The Federalists

“Great Compromise”

“Three Fifths Compromise”

Unit 3 ch9-10

Articles of Confederation

Shay’s rebellion

Founding fathers


Federalist papers

Ordinances of 1785-1787

Constitutional convention

Whiskey rebellion

Kentucky and Virginia resolution

Washington’s farewell address

Pinckney treaty

Bill of Rights

Neutrality proclamation of 1793

Alexander Hamilton

Jeffersionian Republicans

Judiciary Act of 1789

Bank of the US

Jay Treaty

Alien and Sedition Laws

John Marshall

Judicial review

Marbury v. Madison

Unit 4 ch11-12

Thomas Jefferson

War of 1812

Louisiana purchase

Election of 1800

Alexander Hamilton


American system

Henry clay

Monroe doctrine

Hartford Convention

Missouri Compromise

Fletcher v. Peck

Cohens v. Virginia

Dartmouth college v. woodward

McCulloch v. Maryland

Gibbons v. Ogden

Era of Good Feelings

Unit 5 ch13-15


Andrew Jackson

Tariff of abominations

Navigation acts

Jacksonian democracy

The Erie Canal

Eli Whitney

Know nothing party

Industrial revolution

Cult of domesticity

Lowell system

Mexican attitude towards Texas

Democratic party

“Trail of Tears”

Whig Party

Samuel Slater

Robert Fulton

Samuel F. B. Morse


Tammany Hall

Cotton gin

Cult of Domesticity

Unit 6 ch16-20

Second Great awakening

Peter Cartwright

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

American Temperance Society

Edgar Allen Poe

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Robert Owen

Joseph Smith

Harriet Beecher Stowe

William Lloyd Garrison

Henry David Thoreau

Brigham Young

Noah Webster

The Liberator

Frederik Douglass


Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

Matthew C. Perry

Harriet Tubman

Underground Railroad

Fugitive slave law

John Brown

“Bleeding Kansas”

Jefferson Davis

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Harpers Ferry raid

Alexis de Tocqueville


Horace Mann

Slavery in the Americas

Nullification controversy of 1832-33

American Colination society

Manifest destiny

Popular sovereignty

Kansas-Nebraska act

Antebellum in the US

Wilmot Proviso


Dred Scott decision

Farmers of the late 19th century

Unit 7 ch21-23

Difference between south and north (precivilwar)


Civil war

Indian Involvement in the Civil War

Congressional reconstruction




Ulysses S. Grant

Wilkes Booth

Emancipation Proclamation

Andrew Johnson

William T. Sherman


Robert E. Lee

Alexander Stephens

Wade Davis Bill

Thaddeus Stevens

Freedmen’s Bureau

10 percent plan

14th amendment

Andrew Johnson

Civil Rights Act


15th amendment

Unit 8 ch24-26

Plessey vs. Fergusson

Gilded age

Rail Road expansion

American federation of labor

Sherman anti-trust act

Joseph Pulitzer

W.E.B Du bois

William James

Booker T Washington

Ida B. Wells

Greenback Labor Party

Tweed Ring

Whiskey Ring

Credit Mobile

Leland Stanford

Collis P. Huntington

Cornelius Vanderblit

Vertical Integration

Union Pacific Railroad

Central Pacific Railroad

Bessemer Process

American Federation of Labor

Alexander Graham Bell

Thomas Edison

John D. Rockefeller

Horizontal integration


United States Steel

Haymarket riot

J. Pierpont Morgan

Andrew Carnegie

Samuel Gompers


Yellow dog Contract


Mark Twain

Yellow journalism

Horatio Alger


Social Gospel

Temperance Union

Eighteenth Amendment

Unit 9 ch27,31

People’s party

2nd Sioux war

Helen Hunt Jackson

Dawes Act



Upton Sinclair

Jacob Riis

Sitting Bull

Battle of Wounded Knee

Homestead Act

17th Amendment

18th Amendment

Pure Food and Drug Act


Dollar Diplomacy

Forest Reserve Act

Unit 10 ch28-30,32-33

William Jennings Bryan

Pullman strike

Spanish American War

American jingoism

Russo Jap war

US open door policy

Theodore Roosevelt

Roosevelt Corollary


Woodrow Wilson

Progressive era

Federal reserve system in 1915

Wilsons 14-point plan

Jim Crow Laws

Gold Standard Act


Rough Riders

Gentleman’s Agreement

Big- stick diplomacy

Panama Canal

Spheres of Influence


Federal Reserve Act


Treaty of Versailles

War Industries Board

Zimmermann Note

Big Four

Espionage and Sedition Act

Food Administration

League of Nations

Unit 11 ch34-36

American Farming during roaring 20’s

Charles Lindbergh

Palmer raids

American writers of 1920’s

US isolationism


Harlem renaissance



E. E. Cummings

Andrew Mellon

D W Griffith

Hoover Ville

Herbert Hoover

Kellogg Briand act

Manchurian crisis

Bonus expeditionary force

Great Depression

New deal

Franklin D. Roosevelt

National industrial recovery act

Francis Townsend

Tennessee Valley authority

Assembly line production

John T. Scopes

Red Scare

Volstead Act


Ernest Hemingway

Sinclair Lewis

Clarence Darrow

Buying on margin

Sacco And Vanzetti case

Teapot Dome Scandal

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Huey Long

Glass-Steagall Act

National Recovery Act



Father Coughlin

Brain Trust

Hundred Days

The “three Rs”

Court-Packing Scheme

Social Security Act

Civilian Conservation Corps

Public Works Administration

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Dust Bowl

Federal Housing Authority

Unit 12 ch37-38

Pearl harbor

Japanese American life in US (WWII)


Zoot Suit Riots

Adolf Hitler



Teheran Conference

Neutrality Act


Joseph Stalin

Winston Churchill

Benito Mussolini


V-E Day

Potsdam Conference

Good Neighbor Policy

Atlantic Charter

America First Committee

George S. Patton

D Day

A. Phillip Randolph

Douglas MacArthur

War Production Board

Casablanca Conference

V-J Day

Unit 13 ch39-40

Joseph R. McCarthy

Soviet-American Relations in Cuba

Marshal Plan

War in Korea


Harry Truman

Employment act of 1946

George Kennan

Martin Luther King Jr.

Rock and roll music (beginnings)

Brown vs. board of education


Dwight D. Eisenhower

David Riesman

Cold War


Truman Doctrine


Jules and Ethel Rosenberg

United Nations

Iron Curtain

Yalta Conference

Nurenburg Trials

Berlin Airlift

38th Parallel

Rosa Parks

Ngo Diem Diem

Nikita Khrushchev

John F. Kennedy

Earl Warren

Ho Chi Minh


Unit 14 ch41-44

Minority groups in the 1960’s

Black Panthers

Huey Newton

Malcolm X

1960’s Protest

Barry Goldwater

Strategic arms limitation talks

Richard Nixon

Carter Admin

Griswold v. Connecticut

Gideon- Case

Escobedo- Case

Miranda- Case

Schempp- Case

Roe v. Wade

Persian Gulf Crisis

Gulf of Tonkin resolution

Robert F. Kennedy

Stokely Carmichael

War on Poverty

Great Society

Lyndon B. Johnson

Barry Goldwater

George Wallace

Voting Rights Act

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Cuban Missile Crisis


New Frontier

Peace Corps

Tet Offensive

Bay of Pigs

Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter

Ayatollah Khomeini

Watergate Scandal

Pentagon Papers

My Lai Massacre

Helsinki Accords

Henry Kissinger


Kent State Killings

Geraldine Ferraro

Sandra Day O’ Conner

Reverse Discrimination

Strategic Defense Initiatives


Ronald Reagan

“Supply-side” economics

Affirmative Action

Cesar Chavez

