Desiray Wilson

Settings essay

Ms. Graves


One summer cool night I wake up to a rumble in the in the room next door. It was so loud of screaming and yelling I felt like I was in a horror movie something I never experienced before. I tried to go under my warm sheets to hide from what was happening like a kid does when there scared. As I began to take the sheet from over me I tried to walk to the next room as quiet as I can. As I step to twist the doorknob I heard three big bangs. I was so shocked like a surprised birthday party so I started to run in the room and as I ran in it looked like an animal Slaughterhouse it had blood all over the place there was blood on the walls, and bed. As I turned to the left I saw my mother laying in a big puddle of blood, it almost looked like a little stream it was so much of it. She tried speaking but she couldn’t, I just stood there in shock like I had stage fright I didn’t know what to do but cry. As I ran over to my mother I see that she’s been shot in her stomach, neck and her leg. I tried moving her but she just layed there like she was already dead, so I called the police and they came as quickly as possible. We got to the hospital and the doctor looked at me with a sad face like a child looks when there pet has died and says, “ I’m sorry sweetie but she didn’t make it “ and all I could do is cry and wonder who would do such a thing and till this day I still wonder.