Regulated poisons in baiting products Endorsement application guidance note / Health Act 1937
Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 /


This guidance note has been prepared to outline requirements for landholders to obtain, possess and use regulated poisons approved for use as baiting products (hereafter referred to as baiting products, containing fluoroacetic acid (1080), strychnine or 4-aminopropiophene (PAPP)) for the control of invasive pest animals under the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 (HDPR).


The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) have recently approved PAPP as well as 1080 capsules in Canid Pest Ejectors (CPE) for use in Queensland. This has increased the choice of baiting products available to landholders. Queensland Health, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, has developed an application process under the HDPR to enable these products to be made available to landholders and suitable persons.

Obtaining this Endorsement is a separate process to the coordinated invasive animal management programs operated by local governments. If you are participating in such programs you do not need to apply for an Endorsement under the HDPR. As a landholder you are able to obtain, possess and use fresh or manufactured baits containing up to 0.03% of 1080 provided by a local government officer who is an authorised person under the Biosecurity Act 2014. You are still, however, required to comply with written instructions you receive with the baits from the local government officer.

Applying for an Endorsement

You may apply to Queensland Health to obtain, possess, use and dispose of baiting products for a period of up to two years. The application form can be found on the Queensland Health website using the following link: There is no fee associated with this application.

You will need to familiarise yourself with the instructions including the ‘Directions for Use’ on the APVMA approved label for the baiting product you are applying for or in the case of strychnine the APVMA Permit. You will also need to submit a number of documents with your application. The required documents can be found at the back of the application form. Your application will not be processed if you do not provide the required documentation.

You may submit your application form and supporting documents by email to , or by post to the address shown at the end of this document. You must ensure that the scanned documents are legible to enable processing of your application.

Considerations in granting an Endorsement

You will be required to provide proof of identity and proof of ownership of the property where you seek to conduct baiting activities. A scaled map (or survey plan which accurately measures and records the boundaries of your property) indicating sites or areas where no baiting will occur, locations of dwellings, water courses, public access, stock routes, etc. must also be provided. This information will be used to conduct a public health risk assessment relating to the use of dangerous poisons on your land. A scaled map can be obtained from your nearest Department of Natural Resources and Mines Business Centre or online (e.g. Hand drawn maps will not be accepted, but it is acceptable to print a map and hand draw features (such as dwellings or roads) on it. Regardless of where you get your map you must ensure it shows five kilometres of land outside the borders of the property, and must have appropriate scale to identify water courses, roads, dwellings, etc.

An Endorsement will not be granted for use on properties less than 20 hectares in size. Where this criterion cannot be met on an individual property, neighbouring landholders may submit applications to undertake baiting jointly so that the 20 hectares criterion is able to be met. Each property owner will be required to submit a separate, complete application. It will be a condition of Endorsement that such applicants conduct their baiting activities simultaneously to ensure that the distance requirements between baits, dwellings etc. can be met.

The quantity of 1080 capsules for use in CPE devices and the quantity of strychnine will be restricted depending on how many baiting events will be undertaken during the period of Endorsement (up to 2 years), how many devices you lay for each event, and the size and location of your property. The maximum amount of strychnine allowed (per the regulations of the Endorsement) is 25g which is sufficient to prepare over 400 baits. There will, however, be no restrictions placed on the number of manufactured baits (1080 and PAPP) you can obtain, possess and use.

To carry out your application’s risk assessment element, Queensland Health will consult with the local government in which your property resides and Biosecurity Queensland. The information sought will include the extent of the invasive animal problem in the area, as well as any previous public health concerns surrounding the use of vertebrate poisons.

Scaled map

When preparing the scaled map (or maps) as part of your application, we highly recommend you use Queensland Topography, Department of Natural Resources and Mines ( Go to the “Click here to” drop-down menu and select “Search for a property description, suburb or conservation area”, or just search by address. Once you have the property showing on the map it is essential to maintain an extra 5km around the borders of the property. Once you have a map of the right scale and size, select “generate a printable map”, or if your property is on a standard map sheet you can use that instead.

You may have to use the zoom (in or out) function on the map so that five kilometres can be seen around your property. This may affect your ability to indicate the required information on the map. If this is the case it is acceptable to submit two maps. For examples of maps please refer to attachments one and two.

Issuing of Endorsements

Once your application has been assessed you will be notified by mail. Your Endorsement authorises you to obtain, possess, use and dispose of baiting products. If you applied for the 1080 capsules to be used in the CPE devices your Endorsement will include the amount of capsules permitted to be obtained during the life of the Endorsement. Your Endorsement will also contain a number of conditions that you are required to comply with.

Manufactured baiting products will be available to purchase from retailers licensed to sell poisons such as your local agri-business store. The availability of strychnine is dependent on your local supplier (i.e. your local pharmacy). You must present your Endorsement to the retailer at the time of sale. If you are authorised to use 1080 capsules and strychnine there will be a table attached to your Endorsement that the retailer will complete at the time of purchase indicating how many capsules have been purchased. If you run out of capsules you will need to make a new application for an Endorsement.

You will be required to follow the ‘Directions for Use’ and label instructions on the baiting products (1080 and PAPP). The 1080 capsules and strychnine must be stored in a secure locked storage area and transported in a locked container to prevent access by an unauthorised person. Please note that the distance requirement for laying baits near a formed road in Queensland is 50m. This differs from the distance of 5m in the ‘Directions for Use’ documents.

A Queensland Health Inspector may undertake site inspections to ensure that the conditions of the Endorsement are being complied with.

Expiry of Endorsement

An Endorsement will be granted for a period of up to two years. If you have any baits including capsules and strychnine powder left unused at the end of this period it is your responsibility to ensure that you apply for a new Endorsement or alternatively you can dispose of any unused baits in accordance with the disposal of regulated poisons guideline which can be found at You will be required to declare quantities of any remaining strychnine and 1080 capsules on your renewal application.

If the information that you provided in your last application has not changed you can apply for a renewal of your Endorsement and you will be required to make a declaration to this effect on the application form. If the information has changed e.g. you have sold a parcel of land you will be required to submit a full application.

Further information

For further information you can contact the Department of Health by phone on (07) 3328 9310, or by email at . Alternatively you can contact your nearest Queensland Health Public Health Unit, a list of which can be found on our website:

Attachment 1 /
Here is an example of a large property for which it’s possible to see roads, water courses, etc., as well as the five kilometre radius. For the purposes of an example only we have used Undara Volcanic National Park. For reference, the total area of this park is over 70,000 hectares. /
Regulated poisons in baiting products – Endorsement application guidance note. February 2017 / - 2 - /