Century international institute of dental science & research center
Department Of Oral Medicine & Radiology



Shabhana . B

IV th BDS, Part 1.


1.  Introduction

2.  Indications

3.  Localization Technique

4.  Tube Shift Technique

5.  Right Angle Technique

6.  Stereoscopy

7.  Radiographic Technique for Localization of Impacted Teeth & Foreign Bodies

8.  Conclusion

9.  Bibliography


·  These are methods to locate the position of a tooth or an object in the jaws.

·  The dental radiograph is a two dimensional picture of a three dimensional object, it depicts the object in the superior – inferior and antero posterior relationship.

·  It fails to depict buccolingual relation or depth of the object.

·  Localization is used to overcome this lacune.


·  Foreign bodies

·  Impacted Teeth

·  Unerupted Teeth

·  Retained Roots

·  Salivary Stones

·  Jaw Fractures

·  Broken needles and instruments

·  Root positions

·  Filling Materials

Localization Techniques

1.  Tube shift technique [Buccal object rule or clarks rule]

2.  Right angle technique

3.  Stereoscopy

Tube shift technique

·  Buccal object rule or clarks rule

·  The basic principle is that relative position of the radiographic images of two separate objects changes when the projection angle at which the project was made is changed.

·  Different horizontal angle used when trying to locate vertically aligned images. Example: Root Canals.

·  Different vertical angle is used trying to locate a horizontally aligned images. Example: Mandibular Canal.


·  Two radiographs of the object taken.

·  First radiograph with proper technique and angulation as prescribed.

·  Second radiograph is with changing the direction of the central ray either with a different horizontal or vertical angulation and keeping all other parameter equivalent to the first radiograph.


·  If the dental structure seen in the second radiograph appears to have moved in same direction as the shift of PID, the object in question is said to be positioned lingually.

·  If the object appears to have moved in a direction opposite to the shift of PID, then object in question is said to be positioned buccally.


Right Angle Technique

·  Here two projections are taken at right angles to each other which helps to localize an object in the maxilla or mandible.


·  A periapical radiograph is taken to show the position of the object superior-inferiorly and anterio posteriorly.

·  Next occlusal radiograph is taken, which will show the object’s buccolingual and anterio posterior relationship.

·  Two radiographs when studied together, helps to localize the objects in all three dimension.


·  It is used to determine the location of small intracranial calcification and multiple foreign bodies in dense or thick section.

·  Also used in cases in which the interpretation of images produced at right angle might be difficult.

·  Evaluate the relationship of margins of bony fractures.

·  Stereoscopic imaging requires the exposure of two films, one for each eye and thus deliver twice amount of radiation to patient.

·  Between exposure, patient is maintained in position, film is changed, the tube is shifted from right eye to left eye position.

·  After processing, the film are viewed with a stereoscope that uses either mirrors or prisms to coordinate the accommodation and convergence of the viewers eye, so that brain can fuse the two images.

·  This technique is popular for the evaluation of bony pockets in patient with periodontal diseases.

·  For morphology of temperomandibular joint area.

·  Determination of root configuration of the teeth that require endodontic therapy.

·  Assessment of the relationship of the mandibular canal to the root of the unerupted mandibular third molars.

·  Assessment of bone shape when the placement of dental implant is considered.

Radiographic Techniques For Localization Of Impacted Teeth & Foreign Bodies

Maxillary Area

1.  Incisor Zone

·  Stereoscopic

·  Lateral profile

·  Occlusal

2.  Cuspid Zone

·  Stereoscopic

·  Lateral profile

·  Occlusal

3.  Bicuspid & Molar Zone

·  Periapical

·  Occlusal

Mandibular Area

1.  Incisor Zone

·  Periapical

·  Lateral profile

·  Occlusal

2.  Posterior Zone

·  Occlusal

·  Periapical

3.  Third Molar Zone

·  Periapical

·  Lateral Oblique

·  Oblique Occlusal


·  In clinical practice, the dentist must often derive from a radiograph three dimensional information concerning patients.

·  This two methods, right angle technique and tooth shift technique are frequently used to obtain such three dimensional information.

·  The dentist may wish to use radiograph to determine the location of a foreign object or an impacted tooth within jaw.


·  Dental & Maxillo Facial Radiology (2nd Edition)

Chapter Number, Page Number.

By Freny R Karjodkar

·  Oral Radiology Principles & Intrepretation (6th Edition)

Chapter Number, Page Number

By Stuart C White, Michael J Pharoah

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