Department of Civil Engineering Summer 2008
The University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, Texas
Course Syllabus
Principles of soil stabilization and earth reinforcement; mechanical compaction of difficult soils; preloading and vertical drains; dynamic deep compaction; vibro compaction and replacement; grouting; deep soil mixing; earth reinforcement; tiebacks; soil nailing.
· To learn the basic principles of ground modification technologies.
· To learn how theory and judgment are used to solve real-world problems.
· To gain analytical skills in solving ground modification problems.
Soil Mechanics (CE 3343) or equivalent
Class Schedule:
Lecture: Tue, Thu 10:30-12:20 A.M. (Room: Nedderman Hall # 111)
No formal textbook is currently available to cover the basic concepts and practical applications of traditional and newly developed ground modification technologies. However, some references are listed below. A series of handouts will be available.
Engineering Principles of Ground Modification: Manfred R. Housmann, 1990, McGraw Hill Company.
Sireesh saride
Office: NH B05
Office Hours:
Before and after the lectures or by appointment.
Tentative Lecture Topics:
Definitions, significance and classification systems of ground modification
Principles of soil modification
Mechanical, hydraulic, chemical & thermal modifications; and reinforcement
Part I: Established technologies
Mechanical modification
Compaction purpose and strategy, methods of compaction (Shallow and Deep), compaction control
Stone Columns – Deep Compaction
Dynamic compaction
Vibro techniques (compaction/replacement)
Hydraulic Modification
Sand Drains
Wick Drains - Vertical Geo-drains (with/without surcharge)
Stone Columns – Secondary Improvement
Chemical Modification
Shallow Soil Stabilization
Mixing technologies (dry mixing, wet mixing, jet mixing, mass mixing)
Grouting technologies (compaction, permeation, chemical, jet grouting)
Thermal Modification
Ground Freezing
Soil Reinforcement Technologies
Soil nailing technology
Mechanically stabilized earth (inextensible and extensible reinforcement)
Other technologies
Blasting; vacuum consolidation; micropiles; ground anchors; horizontal drains; electro-chemicals and biological stabilization.
Part II: Applications
Modification of problematic soils
Expansive soil, organic soil/peat, volcanic soil, diatomeous soils, collapsible soil
Technologies for liquefaction mitigation/remediation & lateral spreading
Densification, Dewatering/earthquake drain, Diagonal solidification, Premixing
Technologies for embankment support
GEC, CSV, VCC, Geopier
Technologies for enviromental/geoenviromental applications
Containment/barrier systems, in situ remediation techniques
Part III: Verification
Evaluation of ground modifications
Probing techniques, geophysical techniques, pushing/pulling techniques
Course Requirements/Policies:
· Homework: Homework is assigned on a weekly basis. Please turn in your homework at the beginning of the session. The due date is one week after the assigned date. No late assignments will be accepted for grading. The homework must be prepared in a professional style, as described here:
o Use straight edge, compass and/or French Curves to plot.
o Use engineering paper and write only on one side of the paper.
o Record your results to no more than 2 digits after decimal points.
o Plot sketches (reasonably on scale) to illustrate the concept.
o Underline the final results.
o Do not forget the units, if applicable.
o Number each problem and each page.
o Write your name and section on the first page.
o Staple each problem set.
· Exams: One exam will be held in late July. This exam will cover all topics discussed in the course (Tuesday July 29th 10:00 A.M or a week before).
· Class participation: You are requested to arrive on time to minimize class disturbance. Please note that class attendance is essential for successful completion of the course.
· Electronic Device: Any electronic device (e.g., cell phone) that beeps, rings, plays music, or makes any kind of sound must be kept off during the class period to avoid disturbance to your classmates.
Grading Policy:
Homework assignments (3-4)
Project summaries & technical writing
Mid term project & presentations /30%
Exam (Tuesday July 29th 10:30 A. M or before)
90 - 100% A
80 - 90% B
70 - 80% C
60 - 70% D and
< 60% F.
Attendance Policy: Class attendance and punctuality are expected. Anyone missing class for whatever reason is responsible for any class notes and announcements given in that class.
Drop Policy: Please see university drop policy and deadlines.
CE 5374 1/4