TSYS School of Computer Science

Turner College of Business and Computer Science

Columbus State University

Course Title: CPSC 2125 – Internet Programming.

Course Description: Prerequisites:CPSC 1301 and CPSC 1301L with grades of “C” or better. This course is an introduction to Internet programming and Web application development. Subjects covered include basic Web page development and an introduction to dynamic Web page development using client-side scripting, server-side scripting, and database connectivity.

Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to introduce students to the Internet concepts and programming. In particular, students will demonstrate the knowledge of web page development principles, which include web development process, accessibility standards, and web design best practices, among others. Students will also demonstrate the skills in creating and configuring web pages using XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Course Outcomes:

·  Students will demonstrate the knowledge of Internet concepts

·  Students will demonstrate the skills in creating web pages with XHTML

·  Students will demonstrate the skills in configuring text, color, and page layout with CSS

·  Students will demonstrate the knowledge of web design best practices

·  Students will demonstrate the knowledge of accessibility standards

·  Students will demonstrate the knowledge of web development process

·  Students will demonstrate the skills in using media and interactivity on web pages

·  Students will demonstrate the knowledge of E-commerce and the web

·  Students will demonstrate the skills in using JavaScript

Textbook: Terry Felke-Morris, Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML, 5th Edition, Addison Wesley. ISBN: 0-13-212270-7.

Tentative Course Outline:

·  Internet Concepts

·  XHTML Basics

·  Configuring Color and Text with CSS

·  Visual Elements and Graphics

·  Web Design

·  Page Layout with CSS

·  Links, Lists, Layout, Tables, and Forms

·  Web Site Development

·  Web Multimedia and Interactivity

·  E-commerce Overview

·  JavaScript

Class Format: Delivery via CougarView (a.k.a. WebCT Vista); Assigned Reading; Discussions; Written and Programming Assignments; Exams.

Instructor: Angkul Kongmunvattana, Ph.D. (Associate Professor of Computer Science)

Important Dates:

·  Midterm Exam February 29th, 2012

·  Final Exam May 2nd, 2012

The points in this class will be distributed as follows:

·  Discussions 15%

·  Written and Programming Assignments 40%

·  Midterm Exam 20%

·  Final Exam 25%

Final grades in this class will be determined as follows:

A: / 90 and above
B: / 80-89
C: / 65-79
D: / 55-64
F: / <55


·  Students are responsible to study all PowerPoint lectures, all assigned readings, and all information posted on class website in CougarView, including any corrections or changes in due dates, assignments, exams, etc.

·  Students are NOT permitted to submit extra work in an attempt to raise grade.

Policy on academic integrity: Students are encouraged to study together; however, each student must individually prepare his/her own submission. Cheating or plagiarism is not permitted and will be sanctioned according to the CSU policy on academic standards. You should carefully read the section on Academic Misconduct in the Student Handbook. Your enrollment in this course implies that you have read it, and that you subscribe to the principles stated therein.

Students with a documented disability as described by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 933-112 Section 504) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that affect their ability to participate fully in class or to meet all course requirements are encouraged to bring this to the attention of the instructor so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged. Further information is available from the Office of Disability Services.

Tentative Class Schedule

Weeks / Reading Topics
1 (January 9 – 15 ) / Internet Concepts
2 (January 16 – 22) / XHTML Basics
3 (January 23 – 29) / Configuring Color and Text with CSS
4 (January 30 – February 5) / Visual Elements and Graphics
5 (February 6 – 12) / Web Design
6 (February 13 – 19) / Page Layout with CSS
7 (February. 20 – 26) / Midterm Reviews
8 (February 27 – March 4) / Online Midterm Exam (Feb. 29)
9 (March 5 – 11) / Spring Break (no class)
10 (March 12 – 18) / More Links, Lists, and Layout & Tables
11 (March 19 – 25) / XHTML Forms
12 (March 26 – April 1) / Web Site Development
13 (April 2 – 8) / Web Multimedia and Interactivity
14 (April 9 – 15) / E-Commerce Overview
15 (April 16 – 22) / JavaScript
16 (April 23 – 29) / Final Reviews