QUARTERBACK CHAD KELLY (Rd. 7, No. 253, Ole Miss)

On his initial reaction to being drafted by the Broncos

“I had no clue the Denver Broncos (would draft him), but I’m so excited to be a part of a great franchise. I’m ready to get started as soon as possible.”

On communication with NFL teams and the Broncos about his off-the-field mistakes

“You’re going to have to answer them in the pre-draft process. I think right now, they’re confident in the way that I handled myself and the way I prepare for football games. I think they’re excited to get me, and I’m really excited about being a part of a great franchise.”

On the injuries he suffered at the end of college and his timetable to return

“I know the Denver Broncos have a great training staff, and I’ve already got a hold of them. We’re going to get to work as soon as I get into Denver. I assume I’ll be ready for the first game.”

On what he looks forward to most when joining QB Paxton Lynch and QB Trevor Siemian

“I think they’re great guys to learn from, first and foremost. They’re in that position because they’ve worked really hard and they’re great players. I’m going to join that room and get started in learning as much as I can from those guys.”

On playing against Broncos’ second-round pick DE DeMarcus Walker in college

“I think he’s a great player. He definitely played his tail off when we played him. He was a heck of a ball player. I’m glad he’s going to be on my team, that’s for sure.”

On being picked last in the draft

“I had a feeling that I was going to get picked. I kept my faith in God. I knew He was going to make it work and what better pick is there than being Mr. Irrelevant? I’m excited to be a part of the Denver Broncos.”

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