Team Galaxy’s

Homework Policy

Dear Students and Parents,

The Methacton School District has established guidelines for homework. In fifth grade, students should be spending 50-60 minutes doing homework each night, which includes twenty (20) minutes of reading. Please review this policy and return a signed copy to school by Friday, September 9, 2016.
Here are the terms of the policy:

Teacher Responsibilities:

· Homework will be written on the board every day and time will be given each morning for students to copy their homework. Homework is also posted on Team Galaxy’s website.

· Time will be given at the end of each day to organize materials and pack book bags.

· Sufficient advance notice of all tests and project due dates will be given via the monthly electronic calendar so students have time to plan to get work done.

· Teachers are available for extra help, but students need to schedule time with teachers.

Student Responsibilities:

· Students will come prepared for classes with an assignment book (provided by school).

· Students will copy all homework assignments legibly in their assignment books.

· Students will complete all daily homework assignments and return assignments to school the next day. After completing homework, students are responsible to obtain their parent’s signature in the homework assignment book.

· Students will plan project work and test preparation in advance, as necessary. If a project is returned late, deductions will occur.

Student Responsibilities (continued):

· Students should let their teacher know if they need clarification about an assignment.

· Students are responsible for making up missed work if they are absent, or out of class, and it must be completed within a reasonable period of time designated by the teacher.

Parent Responsibilities:

· Please sign your child’s assignment book after you have checked his/her homework for completeness. Homework is assessed for completeness, not accuracy (except in spelling).

· If your child regularly takes more than an hour to complete daily homework, please contact the teacher to discuss.

Homework Assignments may include the following:


There will be math homework most nights.


Typically, spelling pretests are given on Monday and the tests on Friday. During the week, spelling homework will vary.

English Language Arts (ELA)

This subject will include reading, writing, and grammar assignments.

Science and Social Studies

Homework will be assigned as necessary, and may involve project work at various times during the year.


If you are absent for one or two days, please check the team website for daily homework. For absences of three days or more, please call the Skyview office by 9:30 AM to make arrangements for obtaining homework materials.


If a homework assignment is incomplete or missing, students must stay in at recess to complete it. After missing 4 homework assignments, the students will write a note to parents indicating the reason the homework was incomplete or missing and create an “action plan” to improve performance in the future.

I have reviewed this homework policy and will complete my homework accordingly:

Student Name (Print): __________________________

Student Signature: __________________________ Date: ____________

I have reviewed this homework policy and understand my child’s responsibilities:

Parent Name (Print): _____________________________

Parent Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________

Parent(s) Email: ______________________________


Teacher Signature: ______________________________